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Pakistani patients facing heavy odds in India

Apollo in Dhaka is also very expensive. It charges just about same as any hospital in Singapore.
Apollo in Dhaka is also very expensive. It charges just about same as any hospital in Singapore.

Apollo hospital is Indian hospital,it has branches in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Ghana, Nigeria, Republic of Mauritius, Qatar,Oman and Kuwait.It was founded by Dr. Prathap C. Reddy in 1983. Apollo is the largest private healthcare provider in Asia and the third largest in the world,whose headquarter is in Chennai.
Sad to see the tragic loss...but gentlemen I must tell this is only the beginning.... In future medical servicces are going to be more and more expensive....

But please dont blame it on doctors alone.....corporates and governmental policies are equally responsible....

I had few investigations for mother few days back at appollo delhi.....Only the investigations done were to the extent of around 10,000/- Indian rupees....I cross checked the amount from another reputable institute for similar set of investigations and the cost was 5,000/-......

Even that simple investigations like WBC, RBC, Hemoglobin which can be done even by a 1st year MBBS were too costly..... I remember hemoglobin investigation was around 150/-....Thats costly to put it mildly....

But as I said before cost are going to go only in one direction and unfortunatey that is upwards......!!!!
32 lakhs ? And i used to think India will become a top nation in medical tourism.
Our private medical facilities are meant for the rich and only for the rich. be them Pakistani or Indian.
Pakistanis need to go to India to get early treatment, no doubt about India doctors, some of the best in Asia. Visas should be made quickly to for Pak patients too. You cant play with human life.

I got World Class, affordable eye lazer surgery in India compared to the UK.
Our private medical facilities are meant for the rich and only for the rich. be them Pakistani or Indian.

Well not quite true, there are several other medical treatments offered by the govt hospitals at minimum costs. People who can afford and are somewhat well off do not trust out govt hospitals and their facilities, but that doesn't mean that major surgeries are not being conducted in govt run hospitals. We have some of the best doctors working in govt hospitals, but the issue lies in proper investment and maintenance of medical equipment.

One of my uncles is a CMO at a large govt hospital and he always complains that bureaucracy is the one to blame. There are good doctors willing to put in extra hours to serve the masses who cannot afford, but the callous attitude from the govt officials who always have a final say in equipment acquisitions often frustrates them. For ex. to upgrade an OT they asked for a list of equipments for a total cost of 10 crores, but the bureaucrats cut down on the list by knocking off the expensive equipments from the list and asking to "adjust". So final approved budget was only 3 crores, but since equipments were cut down, the OT is barely functional now until another round of haggling is done with the govt. No wonder the govt doctors are frustrated.
Thousands of people from all across europe and USA come to India for medical tourism...they are treated like kings and queens in apolo and other private hospitals...reason for this is they pay in dollars...but they get treated in time with no trouble because they use medical tourism websites to arrange everything before their arrival in india...right from picking up at airport to everything else..
Medical tourism is fine at its own place, but money from such endeavors should be adjusted when providing healthcare to those who cannot afford. There are rules and regulations for the private hospitals to reserve a certain percentage of beds and medical treatment for those who cannot afford. The patient can be referred by any govt hospital to such private hospitals and by law they are required to take care of such patients.

But the irony is that laws are at their own place and profiting from whats supposed to be god's service is at its own.
Medical tourism is fine at its own place, but money from such endeavors should be adjusted when providing healthcare to those who cannot afford. There are rules and regulations for the private hospitals to reserve a certain percentage of beds and medical treatment for those who cannot afford. The patient can be referred by any govt hospital to such private hospitals and by law they are required to take care of such patients.

But the irony is that laws are at their own place and profiting from whats supposed to be god's service is at its own.

i saw one video of some USA or UK news channel...they showed that the bed reserved for poors are used for african medical tourists...
Patients are not for doctors to make money. We are not a capitalist country. That kind of cost is totally unseasonable. Who can pay that kind of money? The rich maybe, but it is not only the rich who need liver transplants. This is a sector which is totally unregulated. The govt should step in immediately and put a stop to this non sense. Apollo, I can understand but why Ganga Ram is so expensive is beyond belief. I had a lot of faith in Ganga Ram, they have some of the best facilities and doctors in India, but they used to be very patient friendly.

What are you talking about? Govt should never step in. If there is money to make more and more hospitals would come in pushing the prices down. We had enough of government intervention until 1991. We weren't advancing as fast as we do now because most prices were set artificially down driving the competition out. All Govt needs to do is make sure they are not colluding among themselves.
Still a lot cheaper than what you would have to pay elsewhere. In the US the costs can range between $250,000 to $350,000. In India the cost ranges between $50,000 to $80,000.

Then its good. i am hoping we will be the top nation in medical tourism.
Medical tourism is fine at its own place, but money from such endeavors should be adjusted when providing healthcare to those who cannot afford. There are rules and regulations for the private hospitals to reserve a certain percentage of beds and medical treatment for those who cannot afford. The patient can be referred by any govt hospital to such private hospitals and by law they are required to take care of such patients.

But the irony is that laws are at their own place and profiting from whats supposed to be god's service is at its own.

Come on..They are not running Hospitals for charity, are they? India is not a social welfare society like US. Govt doesn't pay them anything for helping the poor. Its okay if they do it from good of their heart but making it mandatory is absurd.
Our private medical facilities are meant for the rich and only for the rich. be them Pakistani or Indian.

Right but Appollo delhi looked more like a government hospital in terms of patient inflow..... I was impressed....:)

Mind you people: Best doctors are found in government hospitals....... :)
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