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US man recovering after getting pig heart in world-first transplant

Abdus salam was a unique case and yes, A person from his religion deserves shame since their principles are hurting our religion.

Stop being so insecure, no he deserves respect for his achievements.

If Pakistan had been a 1st world country by now, people would never leave and you would have owned all of these accomplishments and the world would be showering praise on you right now.
Stop being so insecure, no he deserves respect for his achievements.

If Pakistan had been a 1st world country by now, people would never leave and you would have owned all of these accomplishments and the world would be showering praise on you right now.
The more you try to make others happy, The more lost cause you are !

Abdus salam ko praise karke aj Pakistan 1st world country ban jata ? You sick or something ?

Pakistan is ruled by mafias of all type, World is ruled by elites, There is no justice on PLANET EARTH. Everything is run as per agendas. Nothing goes straight. There’s no free world here, Everything is dictated.

Even if world praised Pakistan, It would only help us much. Don’t you see the dynamics of the world ? Those who support specific agendas get to be patted on back but just once you do your own thing, You are sent back to the rotting hole You came out of in the first place.

If Pakistan today speaks boldly about the games of Chinese that we aren’t speaking due to pressure and lack of world support, And the fact that China is acting as a pillar for our economic growth, China would send us to stone age. This is the truth of world.

What did US do to us after Nuclear Tests ? Didn’t we get to see the worst time all thanks to our so called “best ally of 80s” ?

Everyone works “FOR” others or they don’t get to survive.
Let me coin a new term for the English language, "he is such a pig hearted man"
As if we are gonna treat him as a hero
We are morally fucked up as a nation
We'd probably gonna brand him a kafir for transplanting a haram pigs heart into a human

Look what we did to abdus salam

Speak for your ignorant self not others.
Ignorants like you bash a whole nation while having 0 knowledge.
Pig meat and Pig products such as leather is haram however pig heart valves, pig heart or any part of it used to save your life isn’t. In Islam even pig meat becomes halal if it’s life or death situation.
As for Abdus Salam he contributed a lot to the country but that doesn’t change the fact that he was a qadiyani. Qadiyanis are not Muslim and Pakistans constitution recognizes this. We can respect him for his contributions to the country but he’s a kaffir according to Islam.
Next time before your ignorant @ss tries calling a whole nation “morally fucked up” go search up online about westerners who come to Pakistan and what they say about our morals. Go search up western countries and you’ll see what “morally fucked up” truly means. Don’t talk for a whole nation when you’re a ignorant f@#k!
The more you try to make others happy, The more lost cause you are !

Abdus salam ko praise karke aj Pakistan 1st world country ban jata ? You sick or something ?

Pakistan is ruled by mafias of all type, World is ruled by elites, There is no justice on PLANET EARTH. Everything is run as per agendas. Nothing goes straight. There’s no free world here, Everything is dictated.

Even if world praised Pakistan, It would only help us much. Don’t you see the dynamics of the world ? Those who support specific agendas get to be patted on back but just once you do your own thing, You are sent back to the rotting hole You came out of in the first place.

If Pakistan today speaks boldly about the games of Chinese that we aren’t speaking due to pressure and lack of world support, And the fact that China is acting as a pillar for our economic growth, China would send us to stone age. This is the truth of world.

What did US do to us after Nuclear Tests ? Didn’t we get to see the worst time all thanks to our so called “best ally of 80s” ?

Everyone works “FOR” others or they don’t get to survive.

Brother, PDF is full of many delusional people and when you start speaking facts you end up getting banned by mods. No point in arguing with a ignorant you can’t win a argument against a ignorant. Let them stay in their fantasies and praise their daddy America.
As if we are gonna treat him as a hero
We are morally fucked up as a nation
We'd probably gonna brand him a kafir for transplanting a haram pigs heart into a human

Look what we did to abdus salam

Spot on mate, these corrupt and Moral-less Mullahs are going to declared him a Satan for touching and putting a pig's heart in someone ! :lol: :lol: ..... and guess what, if they themselves were about to die because of heart issue, they would be the first ones to scream and ask for a Pig's heart. :lol:
Just asking from a medical point of view, aren't monkey/chimpanzee organs more closer to human organs than pigs?

Awesome achievement!
Just asking from a medical point of view, aren't monkey/chimpanzee organs more closer to human organs than pigs?

Awesome achievement!
I made random searches and found the following. I hope the information below will be appreciated by all of us.

1) Is pig DNA close to human DNA?

The genetic DNA similarity between pigs and human beings is 98%. Interspecies organ transplant activities between humans and pigs have even taken place, called xenotransplants.

2) What organs do pigs and humans have in common?
Stomach, spleen, bile duct system, small intestines, kidneys, bladder, etc. – the remainder of the abdominal organs found in the fetal pig are basically the same as found in humans. Thymus – the thymus is found in the same areas in pigs as in humans.

3) Are pig's organs compatible with humans?
Pig organs are anatomically comparable in size, and new infectious agents are less likely since they have been in close contact with humans through domestication for many generations. Treatments sourced from pigs have proven to be successful such as porcine-derived insulin for patients with diabetes mellitus.

US man recovering after getting pig heart in world-first transplant
Published: January 11, 2022 13:12:36 | Updated: January 11, 2022 13:14:15
Surgeon Muhammad M Mohiuddin, MD leads a team placing a genetically-modified pig heart into a storage device at the Xenotransplant lab before its transplant on David Bennett, a 57-year-old patient with terminal heart disease, at University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore, Maryland, US January 7, 2022 – University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM)/Handout via Reuters
Surgeon Muhammad M Mohiuddin, MD leads a team placing a genetically-modified pig heart into a storage device at the Xenotransplant lab before its transplant on David Bennett, a 57-year-old patient with terminal heart disease, at University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore, Maryland, US January 7, 2022 – University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM)/Handout via Reuters

A US man with terminal heart disease was implanted with a genetically modified pig heart in a first-of-its-kind surgery, and three days later the patient is doing well, his doctors reported on Monday.
The surgery, performed by a team at the University of Maryland Medicine, is among the first to demonstrate the feasibility of a pig-to-human heart transplant, a field made possible by new gene editing tools.

If proven successful, scientists hope pig organs could help alleviate shortages of donor organs.

“This was a breakthrough surgery and brings us one step closer to solving the organ shortage crisis. There are simply not enough donor human hearts available to meet the long list of potential recipients,” Dr Bartley Griffith, who surgically transplanted the pig heart into the patient, said in a statement.

“We are proceeding cautiously, but we are also optimistic that this first-in-the-world surgery will provide an important new option for patients in the future,” Griffith added.

For 57-year-old David Bennett of Maryland, the heart transplant was his last option. "It was either die or do this transplant. I want to live. I know it’s a shot in the dark, but it’s my last choice,” Bennett said a day before his surgery, according to a statement released by the university.

To move ahead with the experimental surgery, the university obtained an emergency authorization from the US Food and Drug Administration on New Year's Eve through its compassionate use program.

"The FDA used our data and data on the experimental pig to authorize the transplant in an end-stage heart disease patient who had no other treatment options,” said Dr Muhammad Mohiuddin, who heads the University's program on xenotransplantation - transplanting animal organs into humans.
About 110,000 Americans are currently waiting for an organ transplant, and more than 6,000 patients die each year before getting one, according to organdonor.gov.

Bennett's genetically modified pig heart was provided by Revivicor, a regenerative medicine company based in Blacksburg, Virginia. On the morning of the surgery, the transplant team removed the pig's heart and placed it into a special device to preserve its function until the surgery.

Pigs have long been a tantalizing source of potential transplants because their organs are so similar to humans. A hog heart at the time of slaughter, for example, is about the size of an adult human heart. Other organs from pigs being researched for transplantation into humans include kidneys, liver and lungs.

Prior efforts at pig-to-human transplants have failed because of genetic differences that caused organ rejection or viruses that posed an infection risk.

Scientists have tackled that problem by editing away potentially harmful genes. In the heart implanted in Bennett, three genes previously linked with organ rejection were "knocked out" of the donor pig, and six human genes linked with immune acceptance were inserted into the pig genome.
Researchers also deleted a pig gene to prevent excessive growth of the pig heart tissue.

The work was funded in part with a $15.7 million research grant to evaluate Revivicor's genetically-modified pig hearts in baboon studies.

In addition to the genetic changes to the pig heart, Bennett received an experimental anti-rejection drug made by Kiniksa Pharmaceuticals based in Lexington, Mass.
Guys, please note that Surgeon Muhammad M. Muhiuddin is from Pakistan. This is what’s some other news source mentioned. He deserves congratulations from Pakistan and all other countries. He is a brave pioneer.
He has chosen pig knowing the fact that Americans would welcome it with open arms. I think that he has done it intentionally :lol:

Piggies of USA. Americans favor everything haram. They would have been disgusted if the Doctor chose a Sheep heart. :lol:

Please stop keeping this thread alive, i can't stop laughing
Why are you talking here haram and halal?
He has chosen pig knowing the fact that Americans would welcome it with open arms. I think that he has done it intentionally :lol:

Piggies of USA. Americans favor everything haram. They would have been disgusted if the Doctor chose a Sheep heart. :lol:

Please stop keeping this thread alive, i can't stop laughing
What a fu#cked up person you are!

Pigs are haram in the context of food. Getting a life saving organ transplant is a different matter. Even in matters of food where it pig meat is haram, in life and death situations it is permissible to eat it. So what of a matter in which it is not haram. In fact, the development is very much praiseworthy.

With regards to Abdus Salam and his achievements. A man's actions may be praised in a certain context without agreeing with their personal beliefs just as a man's actions may be condemned even if one agrees with their personal beliefs.
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