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Pakistani muslims aren't Arabs or turks (except Arain & Awan).

Be proud of your ethnicity and also be proud of your Islam. There is nothing in Islam which tells us to drop our ethnic identity.

If you want to see the perfect fusion of these two aspects in a person, look at the nationalism of Turks which is based on both heritage and Islam.

Arains are one of the major ethnic groups of Punjab. They came with Muhammad bin Qasim's army from Arabia (KSA, and parts of Iraq, Syria) during the Islamic conquest. Muhammad bin Qasim himself was from Taif in KSA, and he was the nephew of Hajjaj bin Yusuf.
I doubt DNA would suggest anything. let assume few Arabs(mostly soldiers, preachers or businessman) migrated to this region centuries ago and married to local woman then it would not change much into their genetic because next future generation of these random Arab-local unions have been married to each others with no trace of arab link so it would not change anything about their race

DNA analysis even proves that Egyptians are not Arabs



there should be no doubt---egyptians are not arabs---.

Be proud of your ethnicity and also be proud of your Islam. There is nothing in Islam which tells us to drop our ethnic identity.

If you want to see the perfect fusion of these two aspects in a person, look at the nationalism of Turks which is based on both heritage and Islam.

Arains are one of the major ethnic groups of Punjab. They came with Muhammad bin Qasim's army from Arabia (KSA, and parts of Iraq, Syria) during the Islamic conquest. Muhammad bin Qasim himself was from Taif in KSA, and he was the nephew of Hajjaj bin Yusuf.


Actually the Prophet acknowledged ethnicity---but with equality---Salman 'farsi'.

Our ethnicity stays with us regardless of our religion---. We are born into an ethnic group before a religion is chosen for us---and even before our ethnic group----we are a citizen of a nation---.
I was thinking about this earlier.

Introducing a hypothetical land where just say everyone found out what tribe they were, one man was an Arab, another a Turk and a third an Aryan.
  • How would you prove what you are?
  • How would you prove, beyond a shadow of doubt, that you are the same as those ancient peoples?
  • How would you define the definitions that are required to categorise people into tribal identities?
  • How would you deal with mixed bloods, like if someone was half half or even percentages of each others?
Now, how would that affect who you are today?
  • Would you form a tribal alliance, new tribal passport?
  • What are the implications of tribal identity?
  • Would you want your own country, own flag?
  • Would you change your religion to the oldest religion of that tribe?
  • Would you learn the language of that tribe, practise the cultures of that tribe?
  • Would you change your name to a name from that tribal history?
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there should be no doubt---egyptians are not arabs---.


Actually the Prophet acknowledged ethnicity---but with equality---Salman 'farsi'.

Our ethnicity stays with us regardless of our religion---. We are born into an ethnic group before a religion is chosen for us---and even before our ethnic group----we are a citizen of a nation---.
Actually we are not Arabs "probably" but Assyrians converts.
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I doubt DNA would suggest anything

DNA wont tell you where you are from, no. But it will tell you a lot about populations.

Basic example, every male has a XY and every female has XX.
  • A male child gets one X from his mother, and the Y from his father.
  • A female child get one X from his mother and one X from her father.

The mother has got one X from her mother, who would have got it from her mother and so on.
The father has got one Y from his father, who would have got it from his father and so on.

  • the male received an X from his mother, and the Y from his father - but cannot pass on the X, only passing the Y on when he has a child
  • the female received an X from her mother and an X from her father - but can only pass on the X she received from her mother, not the X she got from her father, when she has a child

In this way we can create male and female lineage chains. By testing DNA across people you can see who is related (ancestors) and who is not. It only becomes a tribal affair when someone claims they are from a certain tribe and so does another and they share the same ancestral genes.

Like if you had 1000 people who claim to have same great-great-great grandfather, you can prove or disprove it using DNA.

So every male on this forum has:
Y from his father, the same as his grandfather, and great grandfather and so on.
X from his mother, the same as his grandmother and great grandmother and so on.
His male children will have the same Y as him and the X from his mother.
His female children will have his X and the X from child's mother.

Every female on this forum has:
No Y.
X from her mother, the same as her grandmother, and great grandmother and so on.
X from her father, the same as her father's mother and father's grandmother.
Her male children will have the same X as her from her mothers side.
Her female children will have the same X as her and the same X as child's father.
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Be proud of your ethnicity and also be proud of your Islam. There is nothing in Islam which tells us to drop our ethnic identity.

If you want to see the perfect fusion of these two aspects in a person, look at the nationalism of Turks which is based on both heritage and Islam.

Arains are one of the major ethnic groups of Punjab. They came with Muhammad bin Qasim's army from Arabia (KSA, and parts of Iraq, Syria) during the Islamic conquest. Muhammad bin Qasim himself was from Taif in KSA, and he was the nephew of Hajjaj bin Yusuf.

Problem is not Nationalism problem with Pakistani Muslims is they want to larp as Arabs because of lack of a coherant identity caused by failed policies of past Governments who only used Religion for vote banks, Turks,Iranians plus the Central Asians have nationalism yet still are sorta Islamic whereas Pakistanis want act more Arab than Arab
Some Pakistanis do have Arab decent, many don't.
But it's all good wherever your decent is from and it's important to know your roots, but as the Rasool(saws) said it is your piety which rises above everything.
Some Pakistanis do have Arab decent, many don't.
But it's all good wherever your decent is from and it's important to know your roots, but as the Rasool(saws) said it is your piety which rises above everything.
well said, couldn't have said it better myself.

arabi ko ajami par aur ajami ko arabi par koi foqiat nahi hay...
Problem is not Nationalism problem with Pakistani Muslims is they want to larp as Arabs because of lack of a coherant identity caused by failed policies of past Governments who only used Religion for vote banks, Turks,Iranians plus the Central Asians have nationalism yet still are sorta Islamic whereas Pakistanis want act more Arab than Arab

You are misinformed brother.

Pakistanis can be any ethnic origin, what matters most is that they are born and have lived in Pakistan for generations.

Arains are indeed descendants of Arab tribes who came with the first Muslim armies. This is indisputable.

There are other families who have Turkish, Iranian, Afghan, and Mongol lineages.

We are a nation formed with a unique identity as a result of Muslim conquests and assimilation of immigrants.

It matters not what is the origin, what matters is what they will do for Pakistan.
Problem is not Nationalism problem with Pakistani Muslims is they want to larp as Arabs because of lack of a coherant identity caused by failed policies of past Governments who only used Religion for vote banks, Turks,Iranians plus the Central Asians have nationalism yet still are sorta Islamic whereas Pakistanis want act more Arab than Arab

We wuz arabz
You are misinformed brother.

Pakistanis can be any ethnic origin, what matters most is that they are born and have lived in Pakistan for generations.

Arains are indeed descendants of Arab tribes who came with the first Muslim armies. This is indisputable.

There are other families who have Turkish, Iranian, Afghan, and Mongol lineages.

We are a nation formed with a unique identity as a result of Muslim conquests and assimilation of immigrants.

It matters not what is the origin, what matters is what they will do for Pakistan.

I don' t think you understand what I meant brother, we are not talking about origins or what not, my origin is Pathan/Punjabi does it mean I chest thump and say my great grandpa or some ancestor was from Arabia, or Persia well when I was young and not comfortable with my Pakistani identity yeah I use to that but I matured enough I am proud to be PAKISTANI, I AM PAKISTANI. Pakistanis are like this I see this often outside of Pakistan mostly with the diaspora they act more Indian or act more Arab they dont want to Admit their Pakistani this is wrong we need a coherent national identity and its not hard inshallah with this new nationalistic leadership and fevour we have we will ditch this Ganga and Arab obession once and for all
Even those of Arab or Turkic ancestors are no longer "pure". Its not like they bought a ticket and flew back to Arabistan or Turkistan for a bride. By now, most of their blood has been nativized, despite have an Arab or Turkic or Persian tribe name (given it is patrilineal).
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Even those of Arab or Turkic ancestors are no longer "pure". Its not like they bought a ticket and flew back to Arabistan or Turkistan for a bride. By now, most of their blood has been nativized, despite have an Arab or Turkic or Persian time name (given it is patrilineal).

Exactly what I meant thanks @TMA if hundreds of years ago you came from Arabia or Central Asia would make sense but with mixing with local populace we became what we are today, heck can we compare modern day Arab states in the Gulf and Levent to the Arabia of the yesteryears hell no they are changed so are we, at end of the day we are PAKISTANI
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