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‘Pakistan won’t rush to join anti-Iran alliance’

Fair points.

I think what we should do is stop the bearded buffoons in Pakistan who's qiblah is either in Riyadh or in Tehran because this nonsense of competing venomous ideologies exported to Pakistan (and almost every other Muslim country) by the Saudi clerics and Iranian Ayatollahs has ripped apart the very social fabric of our society and it must stop.

Pakistan's relationship with Iran and Saudi Arabia should be one based on national interests, dignity and neutrality in their bilateral affairs. Treat them with respect and admiration if they reciprocate those feelings....treat them as glorified petrol pumps if they don't.
Kya baat ha Butt sahab! Itny dino Baad akal ki baat ki ha. BTW our Mollana hazraat's qibla is in Washington.:D
Supporting Shia terrorism in Pakistan, Efforts to Export Iranian Revolution in Pakistan and Efforts to create a Shia provice are few to name......... Remember in October 2014 Pakistan was attacked by US,INDIA and Iran together how many more evidence we need to understand Iran's intentions??

Are you forgetting Major Zaidi, who was working for blackwater and later arrested... i wonder how many such majors work for the joint India-Iran-US venture.
Remember.. .BB gave blueprints of Pak centrifuges to Iran but India end up copying them and US also had a copy.
Anyone working for either is to be considered working for all.
I already told you its being eliminated by army itself so why still srying for that issue again and again???

Thank God Army is a secular institution which doesn't see people through a secterian prism .. Which has been lead by "evil" shia COAS's etc.

What about Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Fiqah Jafriah and its dozens of child groups??? They are slaughtering sunnis whenever they get the chance remember the Rawapindi incident????

So 1 accident (riot) in the last 25 years of my life ? Great story .. try telling that to the families of the victims of Rawalpindi and Shikarpur attacks .. or the Hazaras or Abbas town affected people or perhaps the guys killed in secterian target killings .. fuelled by habibi gaya haya bin camels.
Your only and only contribution to this forum is posting crap about Iran in any thread with the name "Iran" on it .

i really pity you . which saudi-funded madrassa did you go to ? YaAllahBurnIran ?

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America is surely paying people to increase tension between Iran and other countries because damn... don't they want an isolated Iran and real bad. Too bad everyone is listening to the Americans. Iran is the only country with a strong foreign policy against America. Whoever opposes America is often a victim of the smear campaign currently being done on Iran.

Ottoman has zero contribution to the site other than exacerbating the shia sunni, iran saudi rift. Us Pakistanis as we have the largest shia population than any country and as we are close to Saudia we have a responsibility to stitch the old wound between the said countries and sects. Let us be an ally to every islamic state and people and shock the world with our tolerance and respect.
Suddenly you went abusive and that shows the fire in your asssssssss and I stop here .......... :flame:

You will always be replied like this... if your POV is against Indo Iran interest.
Now Indians will reciprocate to insult you to keep Iran loyals on their side.
This is set pattern, your complain is not illegitimate.

Thank God Army is a secular institution which doesn't see people through a secterian prism .. Which has been lead by "evil" shia COAS's etc.

So 1 accident (riot) in the last 25 years on my life in this world ? Great story .. try telling that to the families of the victims of Rawalpindi and Shikarpur attacks .. or the Hazaras or Abbas town affected people or perhaps the guys killed in secterian target killings .. fuelled by habibi gaya haya bin camels.
Sipah E Muhammed has never targetted civilians indiscriminately like the wahabi terrorists of the Taliban, LEJ and SSP have. Hence they are at most only a secondary threat. I even propose sipah e muhammed cadres to be given jobs in police forces. They are a reaction to the oppression of shias in our country, oppression initiated by no one other than Zia Ul Haq who gave favor to sunni line of thought to establish legislation.
Sipah E Muhammed has never targetted civilians indiscriminately like the wahabi terrorists of the Taliban, LEJ and SSP have. Hence they are at most only a secondary threat. I even propose sipah e muhammed cadres to be given jobs in police forces. They are a reaction to the oppression of shias in our country, oppression initiated by no one other than Zia Ul Haq who gave favor to sunni line of thought to establish legislation.

They do an execellent job eliminating secterian terrorist leaders .. BUT nobody except the state should have the power to take a life !
The Swiss have demonstrated that even when surrounded in a difficult geopolitical situation it is best to remain neutral.

Iran would appreciate, if Pakistan could remain neutral. It is not your fight. It is a fight between those who think they are Islam's "thekedar" and think they are the only Muslims and Iran who thinks otherwise. It is a fight between Takfirism and the people who have been Takfir-ed.

In reality though, you are already on Iran's side in all but name. Your army is already fighting a full fledged war with Takfiris.
Hundereds of Sunnis being killed every day in Pakistan God knows how many by Shias but since Shias become minority when it comes to protest and become majority when it comes to get seats in Parliment thats is why they are being exposed more Everyone knows Pakistani media is dominated by Pro-Irani eliments .......... Even then I can list down many killings in the hands of Shias just within a year more than dozen prominent deobandi personalities killed by Shias .............

All the Sunnis who are being killed in Pakistan are BEING KILLED by Takfiri elements. Pakistani military already knows this. And that is why they are not targeting Shias but bombing the crap out of the Takfiri hide-outs.
Man do we really have to come into this conflict.
The Arabs treat us like crap and we know it. They laugh at us when our backs are turned, and when we confront them they raise the Ummah card and we fall for it. IMO we should stay neutral in this war, because we can't compromise our national security just to stay friends with anybody, remember last time we did this we were left alone in our hour of need and believe me we still suffer because of it. Come to think of it, Iran nor Pakistan want hostilities between one another, we already have enough wars to fight and enemies to face and by the looks of it so do the Iranians. If Arabs bring in the racial issues into the image, they need to know that much to their dismay Pakistani's are more closer to Persians and Turks and ofcourse Central Asians than Arabs.
So you're named after a Pakistani river. Great.
Now go back to the hell hole you emerged from.
Nope, India has historically meant East of the Indus. It is the name of a region. Roman scholars agree as shown in the quote but so did Heretodus and the Chinese. What do you mean by "Pakistani river"? There is no Pakistan, it never existed and is an artificial entity.
Nope, India has historically meant East of the Indus. It is the name of a region. Roman scholars agree as shown in the quote but so did Heretodus and the Chinese. What do you mean by "Pakistani river"? There is no Pakistan, it never existed and is an artificial entity.

The people of the land will decide what is artificial and what is not. Who are you?
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