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Featured Pakistan will proceed on Kashmir issue with or without Saudi Arabia : SM Qureshi

Something may have happened that caused this reaction. I dont believe its his personal view because as you said he is the FM and he cant state his personal views so openly without some sort of national consent.
My point of view is that despite PM Khan's "no war" solution mantra that he states publicly so often, we might be heading towards one and this time we would not want so called Friendly nations in particular SA to hedge their bets on India. Last time Saudi FM few to Pakistan during the skirmish of 27th February, naturally it wasnt meant to support us but rather India because we were in dominant position, it was India that needed a face saving and it was provided to them by the US through SA. Than comes OIC and Saudi Arabia has been constant meddling in OIC agenda over Kashmir, i think Pakistan has had it enough but this must have been discussed with China as well. Yesterday there was a thread where China called Pakistan a pivot, i believe the economical impact of such harsh stance has been discussed with China and after certain assurances we went ahead in calling spade a spade.
Thanks, this would be the right analysis unless Shah sb has decided to gone solo on this one to raise his own polical equity.
Someone should download it and keep since the original has gone missing and Shahji uploaded this himself.
Thanks for the Upload.

And yes, even if ARY Digital have removed this interview from their YouTube Channel, the Foreign Minister himself has uploaded it on his. Bold move.

I think our fellow brothers/sisters who may not have seen this should also view it - at the off chance it of missed their radar.

I have taken the liberty of time-stamping the video (below):

@Horus @Dubious @AgNoStiC MuSliM @araz @airomerix @Arsalan @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @BHarwana @Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Bilal Khan 777 @Foxtrot Alpha @ghazi52 @Irfan Baloch @Imran Khan @Jango @Knuckles @krash @LeGenD @Moonlight @Side-Winder @SQ8 @waz @Windjammer @dbc @Aamir Hussain @The Eagle @WebMaster

@Adam_Khan @Ahmet Pasha @Akh1112 @aliyusuf @Areesh @ARMalik @assasiner @Blacklight @crankthatskunk @Cookie Monster @Counter-Errorist @Dalit @DESERT FIGHTER @Dil Pakistan @Falcon26 @Flight of falcon @FuturePAF @graphican @GriffinsRule @Gryphon @GumNaam @Haris Ali2140 @HRK @Hakikat ve Hikmet @HawkEye27 @I S I @Khanivore @khansaheeb @khanasifm @Liquidmetal @loanranger @masterchief_mirza @Maxpane @Mirage Battle Commander @Microsoft @mingle @Mrc @mshan44 @Muhammad Omar @NA71 @Nasr @notorious_eagle @Pakistani Fighter @PAKISTANFOREVER @PakShaheen79 @PanzerKiel @Path-Finder @PDFChamp @PWFI @Rafi @Reichsmarschall @Riz @SABRE @Safriz @Shane @Signalian @Starlord @Stealth @StormBreaker @The Accountant @TheTallGuy @Tank131 @Thorough Pro @TOPGUN @Tipu7 @Tps43 @TsAr @Trango Towers @Ultima Thule @undercover JIX @Viper27 @Vortex @Verve @Zarvan @ziaulislam @Zulfiqar
hommies @PakSword @Super Falcon @Sabretooth @PradoTLC @khail007 @War Thunder @ZedZeeshan @Crystal-Clear
It's time to leave the OIC, good luck to it.

Bro, I respectfully disagree with this. Pakistan is one of founding member and it still have much clout over OIC, making it one of the very few forums where our voice can be heard without Bharti blackmailing or propaganda. Only thing is Pakistan has to make it work for Kashmir interests. If we keep quitting forums like this we will isolate ourselves.

Bhartis hate Muslims so much but are desperate to become a member of OIC.
I sincerely hope Pakistan means business not like dilly dallying, the only way Pakistan can regain Siachen glacier is through use of force, there is no other way around, now or later IK has to realise you can't talk to extreme Hindutva's using diplomatic talks. Diplomacy is at dead end. The world will do nothing to help just wasting more time like in the last 70 years with zero result.
Better is to remove the useless so called 'leadership' of Saudis or any other Arabs. Since when OIC was supposed to be lead by one country. They are spoiled brats and rest of the Muslim world have facilitated it.
Staying in the organization while recognizing its limitations and working inside and outside for reform and change would be my suggestion.

Leaving the OIC doesn't give Pakistan more influence, at least not until a competitor is in place and multiple nations leave the OIC as a group/bloc.
Bro, I respectfully disagree with this. Pakistan is one of founding member and it still have much clout over OIC, making it one of the very few forums where our voice can be heard without Bharti blackmailing or propaganda. Only thing is Pakistan has to make it work for Kashmir interests. If we keep quitting forums like this we will isolate ourselves.

Bhartis hate Muslims so much but are desperate to become a member of OIC.

Pakistan's clout is very much debatable brother. We don't need India in the OIC when you have the UAE and now Saudi doing its bidding.
The forum has outlived it's time, time to start afresh with like minded countries.
Thanks for the Upload.

And yes, even if ARY Digital have removed this interview from their YouTube Channel, the Foreign Minister himself has uploaded it on his. Bold move.

I think our fellow brothers/sisters who may not have seen this should also view it - at the off chance it of missed their radar.

I have taken the liberty of time-stamping the video (below):

@Horus @Dubious @AgNoStiC MuSliM @araz @airomerix @Arsalan @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @BHarwana @Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Bilal Khan 777 @Foxtrot Alpha @ghazi52 @Irfan Baloch @Imran Khan @Jango @Knuckles @krash @LeGenD @Moonlight @Side-Winder @SQ8 @waz @Windjammer @dbc @Aamir Hussain @The Eagle @WebMaster

@Adam_Khan @Ahmet Pasha @Akh1112 @aliyusuf @Areesh @ARMalik @assasiner @Blacklight @crankthatskunk @Cookie Monster @Counter-Errorist @Dalit @DESERT FIGHTER @Dil Pakistan @Falcon26 @Flight of falcon @FuturePAF @graphican @GriffinsRule @Gryphon @GumNaam @Haris Ali2140 @HRK @Hakikat ve Hikmet @HawkEye27 @I S I @Khanivore @khansaheeb @khanasifm @Liquidmetal @loanranger @masterchief_mirza @Maxpane @Mirage Battle Commander @Microsoft @mingle @Mrc @mshan44 @Muhammad Omar @NA71 @Nasr @notorious_eagle @Pakistani Fighter @PAKISTANFOREVER @PakShaheen79 @PanzerKiel @Path-Finder @PDFChamp @PWFI @Rafi @Reichsmarschall @Riz @SABRE @Safriz @Shane @Signalian @Starlord @Stealth @StormBreaker @The Accountant @TheTallGuy @Tank131 @Thorough Pro @TOPGUN @Tipu7 @Tps43 @TsAr @Trango Towers @Ultima Thule @undercover JIX @Viper27 @Vortex @Verve @Zarvan @ziaulislam @Zulfiqar
My View attachment 659350 hommies @PakSword @Super Falcon @Sabretooth @PradoTLC @khail007 @War Thunder @ZedZeeshan @Crystal-Clear
I agree hell with OIC. best to make another organisation instead of this bogus and phony organisation.
Some great points made. The statement wasn't Saudi centric, (although he did say he'll go forwards with or without them). The general gist was that Pakistan cannot wait for people to dilly dally on OIC, leaders of Gulf countries in particular should listen to the people of their countries and provide Pakistan the support on the Kashmir issue that it requires. He said he's not fussed about numbers but wants to know who stands with us.
I will start with Peace mantra remarks. Trust me, no sane leader in the world beats the war drums 24/7 to fool the masses except that the speaker is Modi and the audience must be Bhakt. Every leader speak of peace but we have also seen IK speaking in UN which ended like if push come to shove, we are ready ... there is no god but ALLAH. I think such understanding of mantra & other factors should not be understood in isolated manners.

Secondly, I wouldn't deny the fact in regard to KSA's investment in India and will surely not want it like that. Indeed, Pakistan, China, Russia on board as well and then Turkey etc have totally different approach based upon ground realities and we are moving ahead knowing the fact that it is about time to say it loudly. These are strategic moves.
Actually you see this is the whole point I was trying to make. He made that one statement at UN and the world was put on notice, now I am not saying PM Khan to become Modi and yes no leader would normally make a statement about war however its been a year, Kashmir continues to be in lock down, Kashmiris are martyred, women raped, children blinded, I mean at some point we need to clear that while Pakistan continues to wait for the world conscious to wakeup, but there is a limit to our patience and that of Kashmiris and if the world does not wakeup, what happens next will be on your hand.
Point being we will have to let the world know that we are prepared to go to any lengths but you don't do that if you continue to give same statements taking out military action out of the equation. The world think we'll ok they are not going to war so let it be. The alarm bells ring once they sense its about to get hot.
Point being we will have to let the world know that we are prepared to go to any lengths but you don't do that if you continue to give same statements taking out military action out of the equation. The world think we'll ok they are not going to war so let it be. The alarm bells ring once they sense its about to get hot.

Exactly. You need to be prepared before you say so to the world or make them realize as such.


Actually you see this is the whole point I was trying to make. He made that one statement at UN and the world was put on notice, now I am not saying PM Khan to become Modi and yes no leader would normally make a statement about war however its been a year, Kashmir continues to be in lock down, Kashmiris are martyred, women raped, children blinded, I mean at some point we need to clear that while Pakistan continues to wait for the world conscious to wakeup, but there is a limit to our patience and that of Kashmiris and if the world does not wakeup, what happens next will be on your hand.

,,,,,, it takes time, preparations & getting strong enough to send a message. You always take steps one by one considering your strength, reach & stamina to keep going it as long as you can. The point you refer where we need to make a stand, will not just eventually come in week or month like that. You need to consider a lot of factors starting with Economic situation at first.
1. Arabs have some economic leverage on the Indians as you say they employ lot of Indians and they could block them if they wanted. But they did not and never will. It's very easy to replace those Indians with workers from numerous Muslim countries but still they did not, it just shows how much they care about your Kashmir issue, yet you Pakistanis don't understand. They continue to do business with the Indians because it's economically beneficial for them. They are looking after their own economic interests without any regard for your concerns, still you people are asking them to call OIC meeting as if that will help you in any way.

3. IK government's main issue was financial handicap. Arabs must have threatened to kick out Pakistani workers and withdraw the loans they gave you. I hope and wish once you turn around your economy you guys learn lessons from it and conduct yourselves carefully with these snakes.

4. All I can say is any kind of leadership of Muslims must be removed from the Arabs. They are not competent or worthy of leadership, neither do I believe Muslim world needs leadership of any one country or a few of them.

I agree with what your saying. As a Pakistani some of it is uncomfortable to read, but it's pretty true. The only benefit I can see from this long protracted approach is to expose those who don't stand with us clearly. Inside our own country we have too many people doing propaganda for other nations. By exposing those who stand with us or not, we cut the roots of such propaganda.

Besides, it's not like we're about to march into a war of liberation tomorrow.

The truth is if the Gulf Arab nations do come along with us, it's far easier to have the impact regionally. Take a movement like BDS. IF we could get people in the region to start an equivalent movement against India - nations not trading with it, no visas, no investment, - it'd have a significant political impact and a measurable economic impact. BDS is not supported by any nation states yet Israel works hard to impede it and get it banned everywhere it can.

It's VERY unlikely to happen - but like i said, we're not about to march tomorrow into a war of liberation, so we can play the long game.

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