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Featured Pakistan will proceed on Kashmir issue with or without Saudi Arabia : SM Qureshi

Saudia was an old friend we'll miss but the friend had changed priorities.
Its government doesn't represent Islamic world anymore other than having Haramain Sharifain on their land.
It was overdue already but we needed a leadership who were not longing for taking shelter in Saudia after exile.

It's time now Pakistan & Turkey take the lead!
and please dont forget abt thousands and thousands of ur people working and earning and sending money back to Pakistan, and enimity towards Saudia will make it easy for others to take ur places since things go out of hand for Pakistanis working in Gulf
and please dont forget abt thousands and thousands of ur people working and earning and sending money back to Pakistan, and enimity towards Saudia will make it easy for others to take ur places since things go out of hand for Pakistanis working in Gulf
Yes we know that, they have made sure we know their next step. Whats your point? Balance of payment crisis, we will stop frying and bake instead. Next.
and please dont forget abt thousands and thousands of ur people working and earning and sending money back to Pakistan, and enimity towards Saudia will make it easy for others to take ur places since things go out of hand for Pakistanis working in Gulf

There is no enmity against Arabs or Arab countries but we need to stand up for our rights and if we disagree with their policies toward Kashmir then it's the time to speak up now.
As far as Pakistani working in Arab countries, eventually 50% will be replaced by local workers. It's going to happens sooner or later.
It seems, while reading whats is posted here, the world or OIC revolves around Pakistan, what can a weal country with enormous debts do international affairs, what clout do u have? And ur relations with CN is raising eye brows in US, better watch out before ur people getting kicked out from US

Thank you Rahul for you concerns about Pakistan. We have survived 70 years and we will continue to survive another 250 years. Please worry about your own country.
Pakistan threatens alternative bloc if Kashmir issue not highlighted by OIC
Pakistan's foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi has unequivocally stated that Pakistan is fed up of the dilly-dallying by Arab states on Kashmir. He has given the OIC an ultimatum: either highlight the Kashmir issue, or lose the second largest country and the only nuclear power of the Muslim World forever. If this request on Kashmir is not entertained, Pakistan will move forward and form another bloc of states willing to act on Kashmir, independent of the OIC.

News Desk
August 6, 2020

Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi in an unusually sharp warning asked Saudi Arabia-led Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on Wednesday to stop dilly-dallying on the convening of a meeting of its Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) on Kashmir.

Appearing in a talk show on ARY News, the foreign minister said: “I am once again respectfully telling OIC that a meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers is our expectation. If you cannot convene it, then I’ll be compelled to ask Prime Minister Imran Khan to call a meeting of the Islamic countries that are ready to stand with us on the issue of Kashmir and support the oppressed Kashmiris.”

Pakistan will make own bloc if request on Kashmir is not entertained by OIC
Mr Qureshi said that if OIC fails to summon the CFM meeting, Pakistan would be ready to go for a session outside OIC. In response to another question, he said Pakistan could not wait any further.

Pakistan has been pushing for the foreign ministers’ meeting of the 57-member bloc of Muslim countries, which is the second largest intergovernmental body after the UN, since India annexed occupied Kashmir last August.

Read more: OIC wants halt to Kashmir abuse by India

Mr Qureshi had at an earlier presser explained the importance of CFM for Pakistan. He had then said that it was needed to send a clear message from Ummah on the Kashmir issue.

Although there has been a meeting of the contact group on Kashmir on the sidelines of UN General Assembly session in New York since last August and OIC’s Independent Permanent Human Rights Commission has made statements on the rights abuses in the occupied valley, but no progress could be made towards the CFM meeting.

Why is Saudi Arabia unwilling to hold OIC session on Kashmir?
A major reason behind the failure to call the foreign ministers’ meeting has been Saudi Arabia’s reluctance to accept Pakistan’s request for one specifically on Kashmir. Riyadh’s support is crucial for any move at the OIC, which is dominated by Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries.

Mr Qureshi said Pakistan skipped Kuala Lumpur Summit last December on Saudi request and now Pakistani Muslims are demanding of Riyadh to “show leadership on the issue”.

Read more: India in Kashmir: International law invalidates occupation

“We have our own sensitivities. You have to realise this. Gulf countries should understand this,” the foreign minister said, adding that he could no more indulge in diplomatic niceties.

Mr Qureshi made it clear that he was not being emotional and fully understood the implications of his statement. “It’s right, I’m taking a position despite our good ties with Saudi Arabia,” he said.

“We cannot stay silent anymore on the sufferings of the Kashmiris,” he said.

Pakistan is furious over Kashmir issue being sidelined at OIC
Frustration in Islamabad over OIC’s inaction on Kashmir has been growing for months. Prime Minister Khan voiced his concern while speaking at a think-tank during his visit to Malaysia in February.

Read more: Genocide of Kashmiris: OIC’s Human Rights Commission condemns India

“The reason is that we have no voice and there is a total division amongst [us]. We can’t even come together as a whole on the OIC meeting on Kashmir,” Mr Khan had said.

It should be recalled that Turkey, Malaysia and Iran had unequivocally rejected India’s annexation of Kashmir and voiced serious concerns on atrocities committed by Indian security forces on Kashmiris in the occupied valley.

Kaula Lumpur Summit: Is it time for a new OIC?
Earlier, in light of the Muslim world’s current depressing situation, the Malaysian President Mahathir Mohamad called for a conference in Kuala Lumpur to gather scholars and activists from across the Muslim world together. He described it as: “[A] first step … to help Muslims recover their past glories, or at least to help them avoid the kind of humiliation and oppression that we see around the world today.”

The summit has mostly focused not only on political issues, but especially the need for sustainable development in the Muslim world.

The summit’s declaration almost immediately sparked rumours and fears that the five primary countries of Malaysia, Turkey, Indonesia, Pakistan and Qatar were trying to form a new bloc of power to rival the OIC.

While Mahathir officially denied such accusations personally to Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdulaziz, it seems to have been to no avail.

Read more: Muslim 5: Pakistan Supports Dr. Mahathir’s Kuala Lumpur Summit

Saudi Arabia, fearful of a rival bloc or organisation to the OIC, seemed to have successfully taken action to diminish the summit’s potential impact.

However, by playing geopolitics-as-usual, Saudi Arabia failed to recognise what this summit truly represents in the long term.

However, most Muslims, fairly or unfairly, fail to see how the OIC has truly led to greater unity for the Muslim world over the past five decades.

The Muslim world’s desire for autonomy and real change is not going away anytime soon. Saudi Arabia and the OIC would do well to recognise it or risk being replaced by new actors.

GVS News Desk with additional input by other sources

I personally believe that Pakistan was progressing leaps and bound and then indulged itself in Kashmir issue and gradually became a security state after 1971.. this time it is going to isolation from Arab states - just because of Kashmir!!!

I don't think Saudi will give two hoots to this threat... it is economy stupid!!!
I personally believe that Pakistan was progressing leaps and bound and then indulged itself in Kashmir issue and gradually became a security state after 1971.. this time it is going to isolation from Arab states - just because of Kashmir!!!

I don't think Saudi will give two hoots to this threat... it is economy stupid!!!

47 & 65? Who taught you history?
I personally believe that Pakistan was progressing leaps and bound and then indulged itself in Kashmir issue and gradually became a security state after 1971.. this time it is going to isolation from Arab states - just because of Kashmir!!!

I don't think Saudi will give two hoots to this threat... it is economy stupid!!!

1948 war was on kashmir..
1965 war was fought around kashmir.

what are you talking about..
47 & 65? Who taught you history?
include that as well... but becoming a security state came into full force after Pakistan's dismemberment ... it was widely believe in power corridors that without minimum deterrence hostile neighbor won't spare Pakistan.. and that was right as events in future proved so ..
I hope it's not just words actions must follow this statement. These Arabs won't stick with us. They are the main cause of problem in their neighboring countries. Sect. Violence is also their gift. Pakistan must make strong foreign policies and try to solve Kashmir Crisis as soon as possible through any mean possible.
Tbh Kashmiries are paying the ultimate price and no one is standing for them except for Pakistan in this entire freaking world.

In response to the part in bold, Kashmiris are also paying for their actions during operation Gibraltar. They chose to side with India, hunted down our paratroopers and handed them over to Indian forces. They are reaping what they sowed, otherwise 1965 could have resulted in a different settlement.
I disagree. We get money from them, even now their deposits in SBP have helped us keep our necks above water. Lip service like other allies of ours do is easy, I'm not naming any country in particular here. The Saudis help us and our bottom line every chance they get. I think we should consider the bigger picture a little more before knowingly offending an old ally like Saudi.

All that the Saudis do it ensure that we do not cross the red line and their financial assistance, in the past 20 years, has been peanuts. Instead of borrowing USD 6 Billion from the IMF on unfair conditions, the Saudis could have given us the money interest free and without conditions but they did what they always do and simply gave enough to ensure that we neither get out of their strong hold nor abandon them totally.

Saudis are not the friends that they are made to be, they have not been the friends we deserved even since the late King Faisal passed away.
Untill economic dependence on KSA is reduced, this is all talk.
They really can do without us and the little symbolic military presence we have there.
Let's not do what the Indians do all the time i.e Tall Talk!

On the contrary, it is not the presence of our small military force in Saudi Arabia that is the deterrence which ensures they do not walk away from bailing us out every time. It is the FACT that no other country would come to their aid in a war with Iran. In an actual war with Iran, Saudi Arabia would be over-run within days without Pakistan's intervention and that is the red line they would not cross, at any cost. They know that religion crazy Pakistanis would lay down their lives in the millions for defense of Saudi Arabia, with or without Pakistani Government support.

We need to exploit that as a country instead of as individuals. Currently, the Saudi Monarchs are well aware that all they have to do is buy the loyalty of 5-10 leaders and the Military leadership for all services that they require.
We have to make every move with extreme caution. But the red line should be 0 zero compromise on Kashmir. A great start by announcement of using real Pakistani political map and a good reminder by FM qureshi to Saudi authorities,but proceed with caution.

Can some @MOD take care of this roll # troll. Such threads should be a nogo zone for most bhartis and actually hidden from their eyes.
All that the Saudis do it ensure that we do not cross the red line and their financial assistance, in the past 20 years, has been peanuts. Instead of borrowing USD 6 Billion from the IMF on unfair conditions, the Saudis could have given us the money interest free and without conditions but they did what they always do and simply gave enough to ensure that we neither get out of their strong hold nor abandon them totally.

Saudis are not the friends that they are made to be, they have not been the friends we deserved even since the late King Faisal passed away.
KSA has helped us more than most other nations. This should be appreciated. We must improve our economic weight before we can expect any regard from the current leaders in the GCC. KSA and GCC have big problems of their own. A stronger larger regional bloc would solve problems for them and us. There is a win win solution here.
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