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Featured Pakistan will proceed on Kashmir issue with or without Saudi Arabia : SM Qureshi

Good move

It's time to lay it on the line

India is a enemy of all Muslims and atleast a enemy of Pakistan

Either we push these states to harm India

Or what use is OIC
What use is friendships and partnerships when a poisonous anti muslim enemy like India is allowed to get away

Pakistan needs to make the case, India is a poisonous communal hindutva extremist shithole and all Muslim states need to know

We can hit SM, twitter etc reach out to Indian Muslims and Muslims and all decent people around the world

It's up to Government of Pakistan to now ask allies and states to stand against india

If nothing more fill their ears with information about hindutva anti muslim extremism

KSA has helped us more than most other nations. This should be appreciated. We must improve our economic weight before we can expect any regard from the current leaders in the GCC. KSA and GCC have big problems of their own. A stronger larger regional bloc would solve problems for them and us. There is a win win solution here.

If they have two cells to form a proper block instead of cocking up to Sanghis.
We were ready to create a block and set a vision in Malaysia, but you know who threw the wrench in that.
KSA has helped us more than most other nations. This should be appreciated. We must improve our economic weight before we can expect any regard from the current leaders in the GCC. KSA and GCC have big problems of their own. A stronger larger regional bloc would solve problems for them and us. There is a win win solution here.

The help has been mutual, it is not a charity! Both countries have helped each other, especially in the past it was purely because of love and affection based on religious affiliation. However, the current Saudi Leadership, especially MBS is a very different person and based on his leadership the Saudi Government is interested in relations based only on what they get in return.

Furthermore, the docile and impotent OIC is in this state purely because of Saudi Arabia. The OIC could have been a very different and a very strong block, on the contrary it is a collective crying club at best.
I am quoting your post as FM was discussing with Indonesian Counterpart....

There's a prominent change in Pakistan foreign policy and diplomatic approach towards certain issues..... the wording is

"India has illegally occupied area of Siachen and Pakistan will regain it soon" and the message is clear to whom it may concern including UNSC hence, their closed door meeting right now.
Lip service.
Pakistan pays back $1b Saudi loan
Islamabad had secured a $3b loan from Riyadh for one-and-a-half year
Shahbaz Rana August 06, 2020


Pakistan has paid back Saudi Arabia $1 billion out of a $3 billion loan that it secured one and a half year ago to avoid default on international debt obligations after the kingdom decided to reduce its financial support, highly placed sources said.

Pakistan's time-tested friend, China, has immediately come forward and extended $1 billion in loan to help Islamabad avoid any adverse impact of the partial withdrawal of the Saudi lifeline, sources in the Ministry of Finance and the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) told The Express Tribune on Wednesday.

Officially, the Ministry of Finance declined to comment while the response of SBP chief spokesman was also awaited till the filing of the story.

In October 2018, Saudi Arabia had agreed to provide $6.2 billion worth of financial package to Pakistan for three years. This included $3 billion in cash assistance and $3.2 billion worth of annual oil and gas supply on deferred payments. The Saudi oil facility was already running into trouble.

As per the agreement, the Saudi cash and oil facility was for one year with an option to roll over the amount at the end of the year for a period of three years. Pakistan was paying 3.2% interest on the $3-billion facility, according to the information that the Ministry of Finance shared with the National Assembly.

In its report in April this year, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) stated that "Saudi Arabia also refinanced $3-billion BOP (balance of payments) support loans that matured in November (2019)-January (2020)."

However, the repayment of $1-billion loan within six months of its renewal was surprising.

The same IMF report also stated, "Bilateral creditors have maintained their exposure in line with debt sustainability objectives of the IMF programme."

China maintained its exposure by renewing $2 billion worth of bilateral deposits in March this year while the United Arab Emirates (UAE) also rolled over $1-billion BOP support loans in March, according to the IMF's Rapid Financing Instrument (RFI) loan approval report.

The IMF attaches importance to rollover of all the $14.5 billion worth of debt for Pakistan's debt sustainability that the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government had secured after coming to power to avoid default on international debt payments.

"Debt sustainability is supported by the agreed rollover of maturing obligations by key bilateral creditors (China, Saudi Arabia and the UAE), as demonstrated by the established track record over the past nine months," according to the IMF's April report.

Sources in the Ministry of Finance said that these countries had also independently assured the IMF that they would not withdraw their financial support to Pakistan.

The IMF is of the view that the rollover of these loans is also critical to reduce gross financing needs to 19.5% of GDP by fiscal year 2025.

In his column "Zero Point", The Express News anchorperson, Javed Chaudhry, also wrote that at a time when Pakistan was changing its political map, the brother Islamic country, Saudi Arabia, withdrew its financial support from Pakistan. Chaudhry highlighted the lack of cooperation from Muslim countries in his article.

Sources said that the Chinese government has provided $1 billion loan to Pakistan to retain the official gross foreign currency reserves at their current levels. Unlike Saudi loan that had been taken on the books of the central bank, the Chinese loan has been taken on the books of the federal government due to another condition of the IMF.

After securing $6.2 billion facility in 2018, including $3 billion cash, Pakistan's Foreign Office had also stated that this arrangement would be in place for three years, which will be reviewed thereafter. Pakistan had received the first tranche of $1 billion in November 2018, second $1 billion in December 2018 and third tranche of $1 billion in January 2019.

Pakistan could also utilise $770 million worth of Saudi oil and gas credit facility on deferred payments in the last fiscal year against the sanctioned annual limit of $3.2 billion. The spokesman of the Petroleum Division, Sajid Qazi, said that the slump in crude oil prices coupled with low demand impacted the facility, hoping that the figures will improve once things return to normalcy.

Prime Minister Imran Khan had twice flown to Saudi Arabia to secure the deal - a journey his close aide Raza Dawood had once described as "awful".

The Saudi facility faced roadblocks since the beginning. Initially, both the countries had a plan to make the facility operational from January 2019. But it actually became operational from July last year.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) had also announced a $6.2 billion package for Pakistan in December 2018, including $3.2 billion oil facility. But later on, the UAE reduced its financial assistance to $2 billion and also shelved the plan to give $3.2 billion oil facility on deferred payments.

The UAE and Saudi Arabian oil credit facilities were part of the $14.5-billion package agreed with three friendly countries, including China.

The PTI government took over $13 billion in foreign loans in the previous fiscal year - the second highest amount in history - to repay maturing external debt and cushion the shrinking foreign exchange reserves. Since coming into power, the PTI government received $26.2 billion loan and out of that $19.2 billion was used to repay the maturing external debt and the remaining balance was added to the external public and publicly guaranteed debt.

Kashmiri to say it correctly, please.
I think I may have forgotten my earlier post.

I respect your opinions. Also there’s a slight bit of miscommunication.

In the greater picture, I wanted the Uyghur people to return to their Turkic Islamic roots. This is much beyond the scope of South Asian & Central Asian politics.

Great Jinnah Bey said “Hindu & Muslim cannot co-exist”. I am full supporter of Quaid-i-Azam’s teachings in terms of modern nation-states.

That being said, the Muslim-majority Kashmir & parts of North India DO NOT belong in “Hindustan”. Those people fully deserve the manifestation of their political wishes.
The Saudis are amongst the biggest hypocrites on the planet. They have changed the translation of the Quran to please the Jews. They are friends of the idol worshippers and award their leaders with honours. They have no sincerity towards Pakistan and regard Pakistanis as maskeens.

Bro, can you provide link or source about them altering translations of the Quran.
I disagree. We get money from them, even now their deposits in SBP have helped us keep our necks above water. Lip service like other allies of ours do is easy, I'm not naming any country in particular here. The Saudis help us and our bottom line every chance they get. I think we should consider the bigger picture a little more before knowingly offending an old ally like Saudi.
The Saudis are taking undue advantage.
The price is not worth paying anymore.
A great move from Pak....

Time to take the responsibility and ownership for the Pak Devlet for all the right reasons...

My gut feelings is Pak is getting more "independent" in pursuing her interests, which are as clear as day light....

In geo-politics, there's no end to alternatives and 24 hrs is a long time....
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About time ... Great move by Pakistan ... I heard Pakistan will be calling a Great meeting in Islamabad of all the Muslim countries who are with Pakistan on Kashmir issue.
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