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Featured Pakistan will proceed on Kashmir issue with or without Saudi Arabia : SM Qureshi

Well, good statement by FM.

I sometimes feel that we as a country underestimate ourselves and have played way less than our weight thanks to our past corrupt and selfish rulers. Only when we decide to execute our plans without any expectations from any other country and believe in ourselves, would we experience the real strength of this nation and its people. We have everything needed to be a strong powerhouse; a strategic location, hardworking people, untapped mineral resources, beautiful landscape, fertile land, aspiring young population, military to fend off from prying eyes and a huge market of 220 million people. There is only direction we can go from here, upwards. InshaAllah.
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Baiscally pakistan want everyone to choose between India and itself.... interesting.

What pakistan to offer to these countries?
what evidence pakistan is giving to these countries other than lip service?
Which of these countries are willing to actually work with pakistan and go against India?
and final question, what is difference between what pakistan is doing since last one year to now?

Doesn't India want the world to choose between Pakistan and India?

It is a very strong and direct message by the FM. One that will send shockwaves.
The New world order is" BUY IT WITH MONEY OR GRAB IT WITH POWER IF YOU ARE RIGHTEOUS'' and unfortunately the corrupts in politics and in establishment let us bleed economically and so-called liberals with the aid of these corrupt elements made us coward and puddle, and now we are left with below the third level of Eman and lost power too. Now when China turkey Iran and Taliban have shown how the life is lived we are also starting to breath , but the fleshes which flourished on corrupt earnings are still here, we don't see a permanent bravery coming out of these self acclaimed honest loyal and brave zombies until we at once burn them and make fertilizer of then to fertilize our feelds,
I agree with what your saying. As a Pakistani some of it is uncomfortable to read, but it's pretty true. The only benefit I can see from this long protracted approach is to expose those who don't stand with us clearly. Inside our own country we have too many people doing propaganda for other nations. By exposing those who stand with us or not, we cut the roots of such propaganda.

Besides, it's not like we're about to march into a war of liberation tomorrow.

The truth is if the Gulf Arab nations do come along with us, it's far easier to have the impact regionally. Take a movement like BDS. IF we could get people in the region to start an equivalent movement against India - nations not trading with it, no visas, no investment, - it'd have a significant political impact and a measurable economic impact. BDS is not supported by any nation states yet Israel works hard to impede it and get it banned everywhere it can.

It's VERY unlikely to happen - but like i said, we're not about to march tomorrow into a war of liberation, so we can play the long game.

What is BDS?

And frankly there is no long game to play. You understand the nature of your counterpart (in this case Saudis and Arabs) and go the machiavellian way to work out what benefits however small can be gained. Remove emotions, call a spade a spade and don't go gung go about the Arabi-**** vai vai rhetoric, it does not exist. They operate with you exactly the same way, it's just naivety or incompetency of Pakistani policy makers who don't understand it.
Qureshi asks OIC to stop dragging feet on Kashmir meeting

06 Aug 2020


FM Shah Mahmood Qureshi says Pakistan skipped Kuala Lumpur summit on Saudi request and now Pakistanis are demanding Riyadh ‘show leadership on the issue’. — DawnNewsTV/File

ISLAMABAD: Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi in an unusually sharp warning asked Saudi Arabia-led Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on Wednesday to stop dilly-dallying on the convening of a meeting of its Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) on Kashmir.

Appearing in a talk show on ARY News, the foreign minister said: “I am once again respectfully telling OIC that a meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers is our expectation. If you cannot convene it, then I’ll be compelled to ask Prime Minister Imran Khan to call a meeting of the Islamic countries that are ready to stand with us on the issue of Kashmir and support the oppressed Kashmiris.”

Mr Qureshi said that if OIC fails to summon the CFM meeting, Pakistan would be ready to go for a session outside OIC. In response to another question, he said Pakistan could not wait any further.

Pakistan has been pushing for the foreign ministers’ meeting of the 57-member bloc of Muslim countries, which is the second largest intergovernmental body after the UN, since India annexed occupied Kashmir last August.

Says Pakistan skipped Kuala Lumpur summit on Saudi request and now Pakistanis are demanding Riyadh ‘show leadership on the issue’

Mr Qureshi had at an earlier presser explained the importance of CFM for Pakistan. He had then said that it was needed to send a clear message from Ummah on the Kashmir issue.

Although there has been a meeting of the contact group on Kashmir on the sidelines of UN General Assembly session in New York since last August and OIC’s Independent Permanent Human Rights Commission has made statements on the rights abuses in the occupied valley, but no progress could be made towards the CFM meeting.

A major reason behind the failure to call the foreign ministers’ meeting has been Saudi Arabia’s reluctance to accept Pakistan’s request for one specifically on Kashmir. Riyadh’s support is crucial for any move at the OIC, which is dominated by Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries.

Mr Qureshi said Pakistan skipped Kuala Lumpur Summit last December on Saudi request and now Pakistani Muslims are demanding of Riyadh to “show leadership on the issue”.

“We have our own sensitivities. You have to realise this. Gulf countries should understand this,” the foreign minister said, adding that he could no more indulge in diplomatic niceties.

Mr Qureshi made it clear that he was not being emotional and fully understood the implications of his statement. “It’s right, I’m taking a position despite our good ties with Saudi Arabia,” he said.

“We cannot stay silent anymore on the sufferings of the Kashmiris,” he said.

Frustration in Islamabad over OIC’s inaction on Kashmir has been growing for months. Prime Minister Khan voiced his concern while speaking at a think-tank during his visit to Malaysia in February.

“The reason is that we have no voice and there is a total division amongst [us]. We can’t even come together as a whole on the OIC meeting on Kashmir,” Mr Khan had said.

It should be recalled that Turkey, Malaysia and Iran had unequivocally rejected India’s annexation of Kashmir and voiced serious concerns on atrocities committed by Indian security forces on Kashmiris in the occupied valley.

Published in Dawn, August 6th, 2020
What is BDS?

And frankly there is no long game to play. You understand the nature of your counterpart (in this case Saudis and Arabs) and go the machiavellian way to work out what benefits however small can be gained. Remove emotions, call a spade a spade and don't go gung go about the Arabi-**** vai vai rhetoric, it does not exist. They operate with you exactly the same way, it's just naivety or incompetency of Pakistani policy makers who don't understand it.
Always incompetence. Our nation has long been reactive not proactive when it comes to foreign policy. Give Zia credit, he was a man who did things on the front foot.

BDS - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boycott,_Divestment_and_Sanctions
The truth is if the Gulf Arab nations do come along with us

It's high time we forgot about them. They're not coming with Pakistan and they've made that painfully clear. Our interests do not align anymore.
Their backstabbing refusal to put Kashmir on the agenda is evil, no word for it.
Leave them be .
The arabs have taken note:
ISLAMABAD: Pakistani foreign minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi said on Wednesday Islamabad expected the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to call a foreign minister’s meeting on the Kashmir issue, saying it would hold a meeting outside the OIC forum if it did not stand by Pakistan.

The foreign minister’s comments have generated much controversy in Pakistan, which has had historically strong ties with many members of the OIC, particularly Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates who have for decades provided both moral and financial support.

The Himalayan Kashmir valley is claimed in full by both India and Pakistan. The two countries have gone to war thrice over it, and both rule parts of it.

On Wednesday, Pakistan observed a day of solidarity to mark one year since August 5 when India stripped the autonomy of the part of Kashmir it administers, unleashing tensions with Pakistan.

“Today I will once again make a humble request to the leadership of the OIC: calling a meeting of the council of foreign ministers is our expectation,” the Pakistani foreign minister said in a TV interview to a Pakistani news channel. “If you cannot call it, then I will be forced to tell my prime minister that those Muslim countries who want to stand with us on the issue of Kashmir and who want to side with the oppressed people of Kashmir, let’s call a meeting of them, whether that is on the OIC forum or not.”

He added: “Today OIC has to decide that does it want to stand with Pakistan on this sensitive issue … The time has come that the OIC come out of this avoidance, this hide and seek.”

At a briefing at the foreign office on Thursday, outgoing spokesperson Aisha Farouqui said Pakistan and the people of Pakistan had higher expectations from the OIC than any other international organization because of “our deep-rooted fraternal ties with the OIC member states and with the OIC itself.”

“So the statement made by the foreign minister in the interview was a reflection of the people’s aspirations and expectations from the OIC to take forward the Jammu and Kashmir dispute internationally,” she said. “As a nation, we would like it [OIC] to play a leading role in raising the Jammu and Kashmir issue internationally.”

The Independent Permanent Human Rights Commission of the OIC this week condemned India for its security and communications blockade of disputed Kashmir, which has continued since August 5 last year when the government of Narendra Modi stripped the region of its special status.
I agree with what your saying. As a Pakistani some of it is uncomfortable to read, but it's pretty true. The only benefit I can see from this long protracted approach is to expose those who don't stand with us clearly. Inside our own country we have too many people doing propaganda for other nations. By exposing those who stand with us or not, we cut the roots of such propaganda.

Besides, it's not like we're about to march into a war of liberation tomorrow.

The truth is if the Gulf Arab nations do come along with us, it's far easier to have the impact regionally. Take a movement like BDS. IF we could get people in the region to start an equivalent movement against India - nations not trading with it, no visas, no investment, - it'd have a significant political impact and a measurable economic impact. BDS is not supported by any nation states yet Israel works hard to impede it and get it banned everywhere it can.

It's VERY unlikely to happen - but like i said, we're not about to march tomorrow into a war of liberation, so we can play the long game.

We in the diapsora need to get our act together. We should have started BDS-like combined effort a decade or more ago. We are late to this game.

This means providing alternatives to Indian products through new suppliers. I have spoken to some Pakistani business owners in various parts of the US. They all complain that the suppliers sell mostly Indian products, or else they would buy as much Pakistani as possible.

Further we Pakistanis should completely boycott Indian products. We should tell our families and friends to do the same.

I personally have worked to wean Arabs and Pakistanis from prominient organizations to get their friends, families, and communities to boycott Indian products as much as possible. I have done this chiefly through my personal contacts with some heads of the Muslim community of the US.

If every Pakistani functions as an agent of the Pakistani state in the diaspora, we can hit them hard.

BDS is a good template. We should support them 100% too.
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Bro, I respectfully disagree with this. Pakistan is one of founding member and it still have much clout over OIC, making it one of the very few forums where our voice can be heard without Bharti blackmailing or propaganda. Only thing is Pakistan has to make it work for Kashmir interests. If we keep quitting forums like this we will isolate ourselves.

Bhartis hate Muslims so much but are desperate to become a member of OIC.
There is no clout when your coffers are empty and your sovereignity relies on donations from the princely states. If we had money none would have been so callous as Saudis and UAE have been. I would say they are exhibiting the face of the puppetteer who holds their strings.
It's not too late. Pakistan made an awful choice last year by ignoring turkey bloc.time is right to side with turkey and invite China,iran in this bloc. Now I am not sure about Malaysia.
Regional Blocs will play a very critical role in global power balance over the next century IMO. OIC and Arab League have historically weak and ineffective regional blocs. KSA has too understand that Pakistan wants to be part of a stronger more effective regional bloc like EU or ASEAN not like OIC or Arab league. A China led Eurasian bloc make the most geographic sense for us to tie into.

A complete break should be avoided, its in KSA interest to build a strong effective military/economic regional bloc bigger than GCC. The USA will not protect KSA or GCC in the future. Shale, renewable energy, and the current pandemic has changed the calculus for them. Pakistan should engage KSA and GCC to build a grander military/economic regional bloc. If they are not interested, then we should seek alternatives.
Baiscally pakistan want everyone to choose between India and itself.... interesting.

What pakistan to offer to these countries?
what evidence pakistan is giving to these countries other than lip service?
Which of these countries are willing to actually work with pakistan and go against India?
and final question, what is difference between what Pakistan is doing since last one year to now?

what your are offering to them ...hindu terror? the difference today is we have no Indian Puppet like Nawaz Sharif at the helm of affairs.
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