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Featured Pakistan will proceed on Kashmir issue with or without Saudi Arabia : SM Qureshi

I am going by the assumption that you are an indian 2. So pretty much you also have no real understanding of Pakistani politics (its safe to assume that, i think), all based on wat you said.
You are basing ur idea about IK on what grounds? dont tell me u r taking IK remarks about peace in the region and good relations with India,that he said in early days of holding office as PM of Pakistan as a reference. If that is the case i am really sorry but you have even lesser understanding about the man or his approach.
The hate against IK is justified as since he took charge, he aint silent on anything that india is doing wrong. than be it terrorist (yadeev G), or Kashmir or the super so called Sir G KAL strikes. he prefers peace but is one crazy fellow if you wish otherwise to harm interest of Pakistan. Since the guy came in power, just have a close look of india's standing in world arena.
Still not sure how you being an indian, cant see that. IK loves peace but not at the cost of any harm to Pakistan. but m happy you think he is a peace loving guy but you are wrong not to take the whole picture into perspective. Its costing you dearly, if you can only see. i can understand your reason for promoting Sharifs and Bhuttoz :)

But I love Modi G. honestly. I want this legend to rule india for another 10 years. its a wish of mine, coz he is just too good. hope u feel the same about Modi G.

Just ignore trolls. Things are not going their way, so they have to push their insecurities on us.

This is Pakistani Strategic and Foreign Affairs in the Pakistan Affairs section. It is not a place for two-bit analysis from people who don't know ABC about Pakistan.

Replying to them is a black hole. You will learn.

Welcome to the forum, BTW. Great posts.
Audacity. Ripples will be felt as far as Washington
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Just ignore trolls. Things are not going their way, so they have to push their insecurities on us.

This is Pakistani Strategic and Foreign Affairs in the Pakistan Affairs section. It is not a place for two-bit analysis from people who don't know ABC about Pakistan.

Replying to them is a black hole. You will learn.

Welcome to the forum, BTW. Great posts.
Thanks. will keep that in mind.
Few things:

1. Even if they didn't drag feet and started running like a horse, how would it help you? Do you think the Saudis or the fvcking Arabs have any power or influence to deter India or do you think they have any willingness to do anything for "lesser muslims" the consider the non-Arabs?

2. Why the hell do you need leadership from the Saudis? By asking them to provide leadership, not only are you proving to be d1ckless but actually undoing you zipper and putting it on display for the rest of the world.

3. Why did you abandon the Kuala Lumpur summit under their order? Did you not know learn enough and know the Arabs enough that such a move would do you no good? They ordered you to not attend, after you complied they kicked you. Now you are reminding them about abandoning the summit and in return they should call OIC meeting. Even if they do, all foreign ministers will drink tea, coffee and give some lip service that have no consequences.

4. You are a sovereign and independent nation, behave like one. They abandoned and kicked you (yes they did), now start to kick them back so it hurts.

Bhai sahab,

1) Arab nations have influence as they are investing billions of billions $ in India. Also providing income to bhartis by employing them in gulf funny thing is it is same bhartis who hate Muslims deep down their hearts especially Arabs, Persians, Turks and Central Asians because as per bhartis they brought Islam in South Asia.

2) True

3) Partially agree with you but have to add that IK govt was still young and in the interest of Muslim world and to avoid it from getting further divided into OIC VS IMTF VS KL Group, Pakistan did the blunder.

4) Although militarily strong enough but economically very poor Pakistan with not so strong diplomatic relations, Pakistan need support from other countries too. Pakistan in the past stood especially with Muslim countries like Bosnia, Central Asian Stan states, African Muslim states, Rohingyas, Palestinians, etc and expect same from others.
Bhai sahab,

1) Arab nations have influence as they are investing billions of billions $ in India. Also providing income to bhartis by employing them in gulf funny thing is it is same bhartis who hate Muslims deep down their hearts especially Arabs, Persians, Turks and Central Asians because as per bhartis they brought Islam in South Asia.

2) True

3) Partially agree with you but have to add that IK govt was still young and in the interest of Muslim world and to avoid it from getting further divided into OIC VS IMTF VS KL Group, Pakistan did the blunder.

4) Although militarily strong enough but economically very poor Pakistan with not so strong diplomatic relations, Pakistan need support from other countries too. Pakistan in the past stood especially with Muslim countries like Bosnia, Central Asian Stan states, African Muslim states, Rohingyas, Palestinians, etc and expect same from others.

1. Arabs have some economic leverage on the Indians as you say they employ lot of Indians and they could block them if they wanted. But they did not and never will. It's very easy to replace those Indians with workers from numerous Muslim countries but still they did not, it just shows how much they care about your Kashmir issue, yet you Pakistanis don't understand. They continue to do business with the Indians because it's economically beneficial for them. They are looking after their own economic interests without any regard for your concerns, still you people are asking them to call OIC meeting as if that will help you in any way.

3. IK government's main issue was financial handicap. Arabs must have threatened to kick out Pakistani workers and withdraw the loans they gave you. I hope and wish once you turn around your economy you guys learn lessons from it and conduct yourselves carefully with these snakes.

4. All I can say is any kind of leadership of Muslims must be removed from the Arabs. They are not competent or worthy of leadership, neither do I believe Muslim world needs leadership of any one country or a few of them.
@American Pakistani
YouTube video link - dead.

Video is unavailable. Any other source?

Yeah need a new link.

He had a session with Kashif Abbasi and stated the same as his opinion. Hope somebody can share the video link from ARY.
Here you go. Watch from 15:00 onwards
Good stuff starts from 17:00

Someone should download it and keep since the original has gone missing and Shahji uploaded this himself. I hope he is not alone on this and the whole NSC is behind him.
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Actually Indonesian are not necessary pro Kashmir independent, but if Indian treat Kashmir like shit, there will be respond from Muslim community.

Indonesians are more supportive of Pakistan's position than many other countries. I have observed myself. Universally they support Kashmir.

There is much potential for partnership if Pakistan does some legwork.

Mahathir was an anomaly, as Malays are usually more pro-India historically, though maybe not anymore.. Traditionally Indonesia has been our closest ally in the SEA region.
I disagree with leaving.

Continue doing whatever can be done within the OIC, but also pursue our goals outside of it.

Better is to remove the useless so called 'leadership' of Saudis or any other Arabs. Since when OIC was supposed to be lead by one country. They are spoiled brats and rest of the Muslim world have facilitated it.
Something may have happened that caused this reaction. I dont believe its his personal view because as you said he is the FM and he cant state his personal views so openly without some sort of national consent.
My point of view is that despite PM Khan's "no war" solution mantra that he states publicly so often, we might be heading towards one and this time we would not want so called Friendly nations in particular SA to hedge their bets on India. Last time Saudi FM few to Pakistan during the skirmish of 27th February, naturally it wasnt meant to support us but rather India because we were in dominant position, it was India that needed a face saving and it was provided to them by the US through SA. Than comes OIC and Saudi Arabia has been constant meddling in OIC agenda over Kashmir, i think Pakistan has had it enough but this must have been discussed with China as well. Yesterday there was a thread where China called Pakistan a pivot, i believe the economical impact of such harsh stance has been discussed with China and after certain assurances we went ahead in calling spade a spade.

I will start with Peace mantra remarks. Trust me, no sane leader in the world beats the war drums 24/7 to fool the masses except that the speaker is Modi and the audience must be Bhakt. Every leader speak of peace but we have also seen IK speaking in UN which ended like if push come to shove, we are ready ... there is no god but ALLAH. I think such understanding of mantra & other factors should not be understood in isolated manners.

Secondly, I wouldn't deny the fact in regard to KSA's investment in India and will surely not want it like that. Indeed, Pakistan, China, Russia on board as well and then Turkey etc have totally different approach based upon ground realities and we are moving ahead knowing the fact that it is about time to say it loudly. These are strategic moves.
I disagree with leaving.

Continue doing whatever can be done within the OIC, but also pursue our goals outside of it.
Humiliated? Why kissing the a$$ of Arabs. Watch the arrogance of Kuwait's they won't let you in. Pakistan's no visas since decades, Indians, welcome visa in 24 hours.

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