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Featured Pakistan will proceed on Kashmir issue with or without Saudi Arabia : SM Qureshi

By ur logic, IK should have been a hero in India, whereas its the opposite. i wonder y? haven't sent sarisss and mangoes. :dance3:
Indians dont know much about pakistani politics...they get carried away by his tweets.
I for one feel IK is the most inda friendly(rather peace friendly)PM pak ever had...
The Newspaper's Staff Reporter
Updated 06 Aug 2020


FM Shah Mahmood Qureshi says Pakistan skipped Kuala Lumpur summit on Saudi request and now Pakistanis are demanding Riyadh ‘show leadership on the issue’. — DawnNewsTV/File

ISLAMABAD: Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi in an unusually sharp warning asked Saudi Arabia-led Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on Wednesday to stop dilly-dallying on the convening of a meeting of its Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) on Kashmir.

Appearing in a talk show on ARY News, the foreign minister said: “I am once again respectfully telling OIC that a meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers is our expectation. If you cannot convene it, then I’ll be compelled to ask Prime Minister Imran Khan to call a meeting of the Islamic countries that are ready to stand with us on the issue of Kashmir and support the oppressed Kashmiris.

Mr Qureshi said that if OIC fails to summon the CFM meeting, Pakistan would be ready to go for a session outside OIC. In response to another question, he said Pakistan could not wait any further.

Pakistan has been pushing for the foreign ministers’ meeting of the 57-member bloc of Muslim countries, which is the second largest intergovernmental body after the UN, since India annexed occupied Kashmir last August.

Says Pakistan skipped Kuala Lumpur summit on Saudi request and now Pakistanis are demanding Riyadh ‘show leadership on the issue’
Mr Qureshi had at an earlier presser explained the importance of CFM for Pakistan. He had then said that it was needed to send a clear message from Ummah on the Kashmir issue.

Although there has been a meeting of the contact group on Kashmir on the sidelines of UN General Assembly session in New York since last August and OIC’s Independent Permanent Human Rights Commission has made statements on the rights abuses in the occupied valley, but no progress could be made towards the CFM meeting.

A major reason behind the failure to call the foreign ministers’ meeting has been Saudi Arabia’s reluctance to accept Pakistan’s request for one specifically on Kashmir. Riyadh’s support is crucial for any move at the OIC, which is dominated by Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries.

Mr Qureshi said Pakistan skipped Kuala Lumpur Summit last December on Saudi request and now Pakistani Muslims are demanding of Riyadh to “show leadership on the issue”.

We have our own sensitivities. You have to realise this. Gulf countries should understand this,” the foreign minister said, adding that he could no more indulge in diplomatic niceties.

Mr Qureshi made it clear that he was not being emotional and fully understood the implications of his statement. “It’s right, I’m taking a position despite our good ties with Saudi Arabia,” he said.

We cannot stay silent anymore on the sufferings of the Kashmiris,” he said.

Frustration in Islamabad over OIC’s inaction on Kashmir has been growing for months. Prime Minister Khan voiced his concern while speaking at a think-tank during his visit to Malaysia in February.

The reason is that we have no voice and there is a total division amongst [us]. We can’t even come together as a whole on the OIC meeting on Kashmir,” Mr Khan had said.

It should be recalled that Turkey, Malaysia and Iran had unequivocally rejected India’s annexation of Kashmir and voiced serious concerns on atrocities committed by Indian security forces on Kashmiris in the occupied valley.

As far as I understand, it was his personal view and said that he will present the same view before PM. SM Qureshi can't dictate State policy alone or make such big changes. However, he fired the wrong bullet on wrong occasion at the wrong target especially since we are recovering from many of damages. The wording and expression should have been different as after all he is FM. There's another side but I will keep it with me for a while.

When will you be able to release the 'another side'? It is unusual for SMQ to say all this on his own accord.
Indians dont know much about pakistani politics...they get carried away by his tweets.
I for one feel IK is the most inda friendly(rather peace friendly)PM pak ever had...
I am going by the assumption that you are an indian 2. So pretty much you also have no real understanding of Pakistani politics (its safe to assume that, i think), all based on wat you said.
You are basing ur idea about IK on what grounds? dont tell me u r taking IK remarks about peace in the region and good relations with India,that he said in early days of holding office as PM of Pakistan as a reference. If that is the case i am really sorry but you have even lesser understanding about the man or his approach.
The hate against IK is justified as since he took charge, he aint silent on anything that india is doing wrong. than be it terrorist (yadeev G), or Kashmir or the super so called Sir G KAL strikes. he prefers peace but is one crazy fellow if you wish otherwise to harm interest of Pakistan. Since the guy came in power, just have a close look of india's standing in world arena.
Still not sure how you being an indian, cant see that. IK loves peace but not at the cost of any harm to Pakistan. but m happy you think he is a peace loving guy but you are wrong not to take the whole picture into perspective. Its costing you dearly, if you can only see. i can understand your reason for promoting Sharifs and Bhuttoz :)

But I love Modi G. honestly. I want this legend to rule india for another 10 years. its a wish of mine, coz he is just too good. hope u feel the same about Modi G.
The Newspaper's Staff Reporter
Updated 06 Aug 2020


FM Shah Mahmood Qureshi says Pakistan skipped Kuala Lumpur summit on Saudi request and now Pakistanis are demanding Riyadh ‘show leadership on the issue’. — DawnNewsTV/File

ISLAMABAD: Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi in an unusually sharp warning asked Saudi Arabia-led Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on Wednesday to stop dilly-dallying on the convening of a meeting of its Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) on Kashmir.

Appearing in a talk show on ARY News, the foreign minister said: “I am once again respectfully telling OIC that a meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers is our expectation. If you cannot convene it, then I’ll be compelled to ask Prime Minister Imran Khan to call a meeting of the Islamic countries that are ready to stand with us on the issue of Kashmir and support the oppressed Kashmiris.

Mr Qureshi said that if OIC fails to summon the CFM meeting, Pakistan would be ready to go for a session outside OIC. In response to another question, he said Pakistan could not wait any further.

Pakistan has been pushing for the foreign ministers’ meeting of the 57-member bloc of Muslim countries, which is the second largest intergovernmental body after the UN, since India annexed occupied Kashmir last August.

Says Pakistan skipped Kuala Lumpur summit on Saudi request and now Pakistanis are demanding Riyadh ‘show leadership on the issue’
Mr Qureshi had at an earlier presser explained the importance of CFM for Pakistan. He had then said that it was needed to send a clear message from Ummah on the Kashmir issue.

Although there has been a meeting of the contact group on Kashmir on the sidelines of UN General Assembly session in New York since last August and OIC’s Independent Permanent Human Rights Commission has made statements on the rights abuses in the occupied valley, but no progress could be made towards the CFM meeting.

A major reason behind the failure to call the foreign ministers’ meeting has been Saudi Arabia’s reluctance to accept Pakistan’s request for one specifically on Kashmir. Riyadh’s support is crucial for any move at the OIC, which is dominated by Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries.

Mr Qureshi said Pakistan skipped Kuala Lumpur Summit last December on Saudi request and now Pakistani Muslims are demanding of Riyadh to “show leadership on the issue”.

We have our own sensitivities. You have to realise this. Gulf countries should understand this,” the foreign minister said, adding that he could no more indulge in diplomatic niceties.

Mr Qureshi made it clear that he was not being emotional and fully understood the implications of his statement. “It’s right, I’m taking a position despite our good ties with Saudi Arabia,” he said.

We cannot stay silent anymore on the sufferings of the Kashmiris,” he said.

Frustration in Islamabad over OIC’s inaction on Kashmir has been growing for months. Prime Minister Khan voiced his concern while speaking at a think-tank during his visit to Malaysia in February.

The reason is that we have no voice and there is a total division amongst [us]. We can’t even come together as a whole on the OIC meeting on Kashmir,” Mr Khan had said.

It should be recalled that Turkey, Malaysia and Iran had unequivocally rejected India’s annexation of Kashmir and voiced serious concerns on atrocities committed by Indian security forces on Kashmiris in the occupied valley.

Oh dear I think Mr Qursehi is being very politically correct here. It's not about the OIC dragging it's feet it's about certain nations aligning themselves against the interest of Pakistan and Kashmir.
Is he forgetting that the UAE and Saudi actually blocked a resolution on condemning India specifically for it's actions in Kashmir?
It's time to leave the OIC, good luck to it.
Oh dear I think Mr Qursehi is being very politically correct here. It's not about the OIC dragging it's feet it's about certain nations aligning themselves against the interest of Pakistan and Kashmir.
Is he forgetting that the UAE and Saudi actually blocked a resolution on condemning India specifically for it's actions in Kashmir?
It's time to leave the OIC, good luck to it.
OIC is joke anyway without India .if India plays well I see lot of job opportunities for India in OIC .
OIC is joke anyway without India .if India plays well I see lot of job opportunities for India in OIC .
Begani shadi mein Kumar deewana.

An artificial British creation and currently a nazi Hindutva with terrorist and murderer as its pm and having 9 lakh Bharti occupier terrorists committing genocide of Muslims want to be part of OIC. Nice joke.
Few things:

1. Even if they didn't drag feet and started running like a horse, how would it help you? Do you think the Saudis or the fvcking Arabs have any power or influence to deter India or do you think they have any willingness to do anything for "lesser muslims" the consider the non-Arabs?

2. Why the hell do you need leadership from the Saudis? By asking them to provide leadership, not only are you proving to be d1ckless but actually undoing you zipper and putting it on display for the rest of the world.

3. Why did you abandon the Kuala Lumpur summit under their order? Did you not know learn enough and know the Arabs enough that such a move would do you no good? They ordered you to not attend, after you complied they kicked you. Now you are reminding them about abandoning the summit and in return they should call OIC meeting. Even if they do, all foreign ministers will drink tea, coffee and give some lip service that have no consequences.

4. You are a sovereign and independent nation, behave like one. They abandoned and kicked you (yes they did), now start to kick them back so it hurts.
The Newspaper's Staff Reporter
Updated 06 Aug 2020


FM Shah Mahmood Qureshi says Pakistan skipped Kuala Lumpur summit on Saudi request and now Pakistanis are demanding Riyadh ‘show leadership on the issue’. — DawnNewsTV/File

ISLAMABAD: Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi in an unusually sharp warning asked Saudi Arabia-led Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on Wednesday to stop dilly-dallying on the convening of a meeting of its Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) on Kashmir.

Appearing in a talk show on ARY News, the foreign minister said: “I am once again respectfully telling OIC that a meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers is our expectation. If you cannot convene it, then I’ll be compelled to ask Prime Minister Imran Khan to call a meeting of the Islamic countries that are ready to stand with us on the issue of Kashmir and support the oppressed Kashmiris.

Mr Qureshi said that if OIC fails to summon the CFM meeting, Pakistan would be ready to go for a session outside OIC. In response to another question, he said Pakistan could not wait any further.

Pakistan has been pushing for the foreign ministers’ meeting of the 57-member bloc of Muslim countries, which is the second largest intergovernmental body after the UN, since India annexed occupied Kashmir last August.

Says Pakistan skipped Kuala Lumpur summit on Saudi request and now Pakistanis are demanding Riyadh ‘show leadership on the issue’
Mr Qureshi had at an earlier presser explained the importance of CFM for Pakistan. He had then said that it was needed to send a clear message from Ummah on the Kashmir issue.

Although there has been a meeting of the contact group on Kashmir on the sidelines of UN General Assembly session in New York since last August and OIC’s Independent Permanent Human Rights Commission has made statements on the rights abuses in the occupied valley, but no progress could be made towards the CFM meeting.

A major reason behind the failure to call the foreign ministers’ meeting has been Saudi Arabia’s reluctance to accept Pakistan’s request for one specifically on Kashmir. Riyadh’s support is crucial for any move at the OIC, which is dominated by Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries.

Mr Qureshi said Pakistan skipped Kuala Lumpur Summit last December on Saudi request and now Pakistani Muslims are demanding of Riyadh to “show leadership on the issue”.

We have our own sensitivities. You have to realise this. Gulf countries should understand this,” the foreign minister said, adding that he could no more indulge in diplomatic niceties.

Mr Qureshi made it clear that he was not being emotional and fully understood the implications of his statement. “It’s right, I’m taking a position despite our good ties with Saudi Arabia,” he said.

We cannot stay silent anymore on the sufferings of the Kashmiris,” he said.

Frustration in Islamabad over OIC’s inaction on Kashmir has been growing for months. Prime Minister Khan voiced his concern while speaking at a think-tank during his visit to Malaysia in February.

The reason is that we have no voice and there is a total division amongst [us]. We can’t even come together as a whole on the OIC meeting on Kashmir,” Mr Khan had said.

It should be recalled that Turkey, Malaysia and Iran had unequivocally rejected India’s annexation of Kashmir and voiced serious concerns on atrocities committed by Indian security forces on Kashmiris in the occupied valley.
So it's without Saudia then. No worries.
Oh dear I think Mr Qursehi is being very politically correct here. It's not about the OIC dragging it's feet it's about certain nations aligning themselves against the interest of Pakistan and Kashmir.
Is he forgetting that the UAE and Saudi actually blocked a resolution on condemning India specifically for it's actions in Kashmir?
It's time to leave the OIC, good luck to it.

And awarded Modi with highest civilian medal right after revocation of article 370; UAE, Bahrain and Oman one after the other. They co-ordinated it and there was a message in it. Pakistanis failed to read the message as always.
And awarded Modi with highest civilian medal right after revocation of article 370; UAE, Bahrain and Oman one after the other. They co-ordinated it and there was a message in it. Pakistanis failed to read the message as always.

Oh yes they decorated that little pervert as if he was a war hero.
As for reading the message you’re right, thankfully many common folk have now.
Oh yes they decorated that little pervert as if he was a war hero.
As for reading the message you’re right, thankfully many common folk have now.

Common folks did not, trust me. I say it not to offend but to describe a reality in a crude way. Pakistanis have their heads too far deep inside the Arabs' asses, literally begging to be "accepted as brothers" without any shame; it's one of the worst behairati behavior Pakistanis have shown for decades. Only person I believe understands the message is IK. The man is well intentioned and smart but handicapped by the financial situation of Pakistan.
When will you be able to release the 'another side'? It is unusual for SMQ to say all this on his own accord.

Sometimes, it is better to keep it yourself especially since you are trusted and regarded as most among many. Actually, I will acknowledge once it made it to public domain. But one thing is for sure that it will be good Brother. It might help us to clear much of the fog and then smoke screens deliberately created in past so that most of us wouldn't even know our way forward and will fail to understand our foreign policy.

I agree that it is unusual but there are very important factors involved in current situation while looking at what is coming next. Precisely, you can call it a preparedness but given the wording by SMQ in his personal capacity; I am bit disappointed. You know well that there are different ways to do so instead of relying on Pakistani media having its own skeletons and what not. I can assume as what makes him to say like this as Pakistan is not week like past and we have already entered some acknowledged clubs and so clearly stated our policies be it behind the close doors. There is a wave coming to hit specific countries and a hesitant yet excited but very deceiving enemy is about to make a final push in the region allegedly. SMQ is not saying something to cash in short instead, I see a long term policy into execution which may take few years but In'Sha'ALLAH we will be there on point and in time.
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