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Pakistan welcomes formation of Saudi-led 34-nation military coalition

Even having the name of Pakistan in the list, will shake Russia to back down and save hundreds of thousands people in Syria and Iraq front... Nobody will dare to fight against this Alliance. either all together, or they will plan games on us one by one...
Surely Bangladesh army has proven its worth in many UN missions around the world. But how much combat or counter insurgency experience does it has. A fight against ISIS will not be a simple peacekeeping mission. No disrespect to the brave men and women of BD army, but I really hope your forces never see combat and counter insurgency, its an ugly thing.

So you think Gabon with total military of 4500(i.e army,navy,airforce and police) will be able to set aside 1000 troops. Or Guinea, Benin, Togo, Comoros will be able to do that. And let's suppose they are able to do that, do you seriously think those soldiers can be called professionals. Do you really want our soldiers to go into a conflict zone accompanying these guys.

BA was born out of the liberation war fought with the doctrine of traditional people's war. After independence we faced communist insurgents. As we eliminated them Indian sponsored Chakma insurgency cropped up in CHT. Appreciating that our top most threat is India, our military trains on the Doctrine of Traditional People's War. So we have some idea about COIN. But we have a small military and meager resources. Our contribution, therefore, outside the country, has to be limited.
Russia is not afraid of NATO why they would be afraid of this allaince which is only on paper
They knew that Obama is a weak person and wouldnt dare to to use nuclear... as USA has more to loose.
But, Russia, will not use nuclear for Syria... (If in response, they will also receive many nuclear warheads from Turkey or Pakistan).
Simple! ;)
They knew that Obama is a weak person and wouldnt dare to to use nuclear... as USA has more to loose.
But, Russia, will not use nuclear for Syria... (If in response, they will also receive many nuclear warheads from Turkey or Pakistan).
Simple! ;)

What planet do you live on? Do you think nukes are toys?
Stop playing call of duty dude! :welcome: to the reality!
Without nukes, World war 3 would of start already...

Exactly. That is what I am trying to say. You talk about nuking like it's child's play. Can you imagine the consequence of a nuclear war?
Exactly. That is what I am trying to say. You talk about nuking like it's child's play. Can you imagine the consequence of a nuclear war?
You talk like you are the one developed the nuclear warhead for India... What a dumb question!
My bad, only Indians know about Nuclear.. o_O
You talk like you are the one developed the nuclear warhead for India... What a dumb question!
My bad, only Indians know about Nuclear.. o_O

He is saying right... world will destroy us if we did any hanky panky with nukes.. not Pakistani neither Turks wish for destruction... we want peace.. our nukes are only for our "friend" India.. they are not for distribution... but even if u think they are for distribution then dont say it in public... as idiots pick these thing from random persons and make their minds.. which is not good for our security...
I wish if this alliance could have guts to attack Isreal and take back Jerusalem (the most holiest city after Makkah and Madena for us)
Its just a thought please dont take it seriously.

No, this is to be taken seriously. If we cannot retrieve al Aqsa and kick out the children of satan from places like Baghdad and Aleppo - places that are important to Islamic history and heritage, then we might as well not waste time in organizing toothless coalitions.
Yeah.. That's exactly what I implied!!! :hitwall:
Showing power also bring the peace! Once you are enough powerful, others wouldnt dare to attack you! We saw this with Russian attitude in Ukrain and Georgia, and also in Turkey...
Obviously, The alliance plan is not to occupy Russia! Dont put yourself in a comedic place. drink your tea and relax a little bit... go to have a hair cut... :wave:
I clearly will say again that Pakistan and Turkey today acts together in region so if one participates the other will, too. I am neither with it nor against it at the moment but such thing is needed. It also took my attention that they named Muslim Brotherhood as one of the terror groups (I am not sure If that's an oficial list of coalition) so that questions Turkey's participation in it imo.
Countries, who KSA wants to see participated, should be well informed. Well, I have seen a list and if it is an official one then I don't think that would work, should be negotiated but let's wait and see what it exactly is. First and foremost, It is a right thing that I personally welcome, too. It is a right thing (but needs to be negotiated) as what Davutoglu has said: ''no matter where or by whom they are organised''

I am in support of it.
I think you need t watch this documentary again, or better watch it. Still foreign terrorist are pouring in Afghanistan and also flow of trained terrorist are coming from Saudi Arabia, these foot soldiers are getting paid 700 dollar a month. Again 700 dollar a month.....now imagine how big and organized there network is. Operation need to be started inside Saudi Arabia. All countries need to clean this extremist mess from there territory. All these terrorist have communication link. They are using modern technology.
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