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Pakistan welcomes formation of Saudi-led 34-nation military coalition

Really? the fact of being in a coalescent is to participate. What if tomorrow the Sauds wants to spar with Iran? Pakistan wouldn't not be at liberty to chose when and when not to engage...
We (Pakistan army) already have shown the middle finger to saudis during Yemen Operation, even if Pakistani politicians wanted---We won't attack any muslim country, it's our armed force policy, nobody care about the Foreign office of pakistan, and politicians.
Don't spread hatred...Let's hope all Muslim countries set aside their differences ...If this coalition wants to be successful, Iran, Iraq, Syria has to be part of it...They represent a major chunk of Muslims...!
I am not spreading heatred as you say...That is reality! if Saudi Arabia, Qatar and etal, wanted to end terrorism, all they have to do is shut the valves of money, guns, and training..
Sorry, Syria, Iraq are already testing the Saudi/qatar/turkish dishes and I don't think Iran is that gullible to fall for the Saudi feast,
Really? the fact of being in a coalescent is to participate. What if tomorrow the Sauds wants to spar with Iran? Pakistan wouldn't not be at liberty to chose when and when not to engage...

We will not be part of any anti-Iran coalition. We are Sunnis but have close relations with Iranians. Pakistan will withdraw and not send troops. At this point it is better to ally with Iran and overthrow the corrupt and war mongering Saudi Wahhabi family currently ruling Arabia.
So the coalition rather be friends with the Jewish state than Iran? That tells me a lot.....muslims have no unity.....if you are ready to kill your brothers for the sake of Jews. Shia vs Sunni 3.0
Really? the fact of being in a coalescent is to participate. What if tomorrow the Sauds wants to spar with Iran? Pakistan wouldn't not be at liberty to chose when and when not to engage...

Algeria will not be part of this charade. Her constitution, among other thing, forbids to put Algerian armed forces under a foreign command.
We rejected the Yemen coalition didnt we?
Pakistan,s entry is conditional it will only be against terrorism and we will not be lart of any anti Iranian force
The great majority of the coalescent are the creator , or the godfathers of the Terrorists. From Pakistan under Zia to Turkey under Ergodan...
The strategy of the coalition of the 34 is to isolate the few countries that refuses the Sauds dictate or their money.

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Thats your opinion.I dont agree with u.

I think we r giving the undue importance.Pakistan has its own interests.We should protect our interests rather then thinking to much abour iran.
Its a good move. We clearly showed our intent during the Yemen Conflict by not sending our troops. Now to appease the Saudis and control damage, we might as well accept our role as watchmen and get the money that we desperately need
I didn't say that India is relevant in this matter......I only tried to say that common Pakistanis should no more fall for the lies their military establishment spreads vis-a-vis India.....

Ohh wake kid, Pakistan never said they have to attack india. Nor Pakistani Government Opposition. It's India who think they are the supreme in the region. And we said you are welcome to try. Stupid Indian with Stupid Theory...


It is good, but if KSA really interested in this, then they should call Iran, Turkey and Pakistan before announcing something like this. OIC is the platform for this. It will not help to decrease terrorism but also improve overall security in all countries.

This is way a head, but consult before announcing.. All muslim countries do respect KSA due to Makkah and Madina but they are no leaders of all. It has to be consulted before announcing.
Except for Turkey and Pakistan all the members are a part of Arab League as well. How good is Arab League? It is the military strength of Pakistan and Turkey that has influenced their inclusion. Saudis must straighten up the matters with Iran first because sooner or later this coalition is destined to become anti Iran and Saudis will make sure of that.

For Pakistan this has nothing of much importance other then that one day we will find ourselves standing against China because USA will use its influence over KSA and Turkey to use this coalition against Russia and Russia is backed by China and Iran so eventually we one day we will be in a situation when all of our neighbors will be against us.

So Pakistan must join this coalition for the sake of Islam but must make it clear that it wont be part of any anti state activities whether it be Iran or Russia because at the moment the monster that haunts Middle East was created by itself. And secondly if the Arabs are so determined to eliminate terrorism from their soil the must grow a pair first and get ready to look uncle sam in his eyes and do whats right for themselves because sooner or later the matters will go against Israel as a peaceful ME is Israeli nightmare.
More cooperation among Muslim majority countries will destroy AQ and ISIS ideology for sure......
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