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Pakistan welcomes formation of Saudi-led 34-nation military coalition

Saudis are no leader in any terms.

Their military lack any significant combat experience and they have laughably pathetic industrial capacity in defence.

Arabs, in general, lack any significant industrial capacity given the amount of resources they have.

If anything, Turkey should be the leader.....
Turkey needs to made some internal changes and steer toward Islamic ideology. We cannot have a secular nation leading a Islamic coalition.
Now, our active participating in ME has all the necessary covers and our leaders both military and civilian planning for it in details for quite sometime. Increase in army recruitment, keeping our eastern neighbor at bay, successful Indo Pak contributed conference on Afghanistan, back channel diplomacy on Kashmir borders, you will see progress on all these fronts simultaneously.
See post #30

Wish we had a leader like Erdogan :(

Erdogan is for Turkey, Pakistan needs it own leader that knows the Pakistani Culture.
Turkey should be the leader of what...? Every country here values its interests before anything else. So they won't enter position of leadership into something that may not suit them. And I'm not referencing Turkey here , I mean it in a general sense.

Arabs don't have political/military ambitions because every Arab nation that did was destroyed by the West. Pakistan had free reign to produce nuclear arsenal, Arab nations didn't. They were all attacked by the West. Arabs lack political will, because they are mostly secular right now. Once they return to the path of Islam than they will have political will to be ambitious. All other Muslims also need to return to path of Islam.
Are you serious!! Pakistan suffered crippling economic and military sanctions but it was the determination to do it and obviously the will of God that despite all odds Pakistan was able to make the bomb.

“We(Pakistan) will eat grass, even go hungry, but we will get one of our own (Atom bomb).... We have no other choice!” Z.A Bhutto (PM Pakistan)
Pakistan welcomes formation of Saudi-led 34-nation military coalition

Pakistan welcomes formation of Saudi-led 34-nation military coalition
Dec 16, 2015Pakistan, top news

This is good. This step should've happened decades ago!! This coalition is best suited to fight extremism. All Islam followers who've been debating with me on various threads, this is actually the right answer. The US and others can provide support and backup, but the monster of extremism sponsored by a few in this coalition, need to now work together to eliminate it.

Good to see a change in direction from KSA's side. If everyone does their job right, the extremism should start to see an end in the coming years. In reality, the past decade and a half, these extremists have hi-jacked the entire religion with insane cold blooded murders all across the globe!!

In most military alliances the member that can bring the most powerful forces to bear upon the enemy is the leader. Is that really what's going on here?

KSA should be able to shell out a few billions. They sponsored these Wahabi extremism shiit with many billions before, and for years.

Now its time to put some money for probably the best return you can ever earn, i.e. to eliminate extremism from the ME and help the world!!

I like it, this is their war and they are better suited for it. We can provide support, Intel and logistics and let them use the moderate muslims to crush out the extremists. The world should be a peaceful place to live!
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This is good. This step should've happened decades ago!! This coalition is best suited to fight extremism. All Islam followers who've been debating with me on various threads, this is actually the right answer. The US and others can provide support and backup, but the monster of extremism sponsored by a few in this coalition, need to now work together to eliminate it.

Good to see a change in direction from KSA's side. If everyone does their job right, the extremism should start to see an end in the coming years. In reality, the past decade and a half, these extremists have hi-jacked the entire religion with insane cold blooded murders all across the globe!!

KSA should be able to shell out a few billions. They sponsored these Wahabi extremism shiit with many billions before, and for years.

Now its time to put some money for probably the best return you can ever earn, i.e. to eliminate extremism from the ME and help the world!!

I like it, this is their war and they are better suited for it. We can provide support, Intel and logistics and let them use the moderate muslims to crush out the extremists. The world should be a peaceful place to live!

You should take a look at this thread:
Glad to see Saudi govt. has finally taken my advice

There is nothing new in here, nor is this new advise. The US has always been acting since the Arabs were too afraid too, or didn't want to. Their $$$$ funded this extremism all across the globe. Time's finally comes for them to get their shiiit together and solve this problem for once and for all. It makes all the sense in the world for Muslims to lead this fight against the extremists.

Expecting Americans living in Iowa and North Dakota or in country parts of Texas or Georgia, to know different schools of thoughts in islam (99% moderates, vs. 1% extremists), is crazy and stupid and produces no results. Muslims need to fight this evil and moderates need to stand-up and curb it down. KSA started and funded the Wahabi version of Islam and it went everywhere. So it actually makes sense for KSA to be involved in getting this fixed too.
Pakistan FO statement. And end of discussion .

" It is Pakistani government’s policy that it will not deploy its troops outside the country’s borders except for UN peacekeeping missions."
If Turkey actively participates then Pakistan participates, it is already welcomed by both countries.
I'd mark these.
There is nothing new in here, nor is this new advise. The US has always been acting since the Arabs were too afraid too, or didn't want to. Their $$$$ funded this extremism all across the globe. Time's finally comes for them to get their shiiit together and solve this problem for once and for all. It makes all the sense in the world for Muslims to lead this fight against the extremists.

Expecting Americans living in Iowa and North Dakota or in country parts of Texas or Georgia, to know different schools of thoughts in islam (99% moderates, vs. 1% extremists), is crazy and stupid and produces no results. Muslims need to fight this evil and moderates need to stand-up and curb it down. KSA started and funded the Wahabi version of Islam and it went everywhere. So it actually makes sense for KSA to be involved in getting this fixed too.

Please take a lot at these articles:
How the UAE Tried to Silence a Popular Arab Spring Activist
The problem at the heart of Saudi Arabia's Muslim anti-ISIS coalition - Vox
Saudi Arabia Forms Muslim Antiterror Coalition - WSJ

KSA has been a ally of the British and the US for many decades. Some Muslim conspiracy theorists claim that Britain and then Israel and a part of US leadership is helping the Saudi Royal family to spread Wahhabism to destroy Islam and weaken the Muslim world. Personally, I do not believe this was the intention, but it was an unintended result, which is costing you now. In fact if it was not for these allies, the Saudi Royal family would not have survived till today. So the US and UK are responsible for much of the mess they have created.

My personal opinion, the problem started with British and French breaking up Ottoman empire and "liberating" Arabs and then soon we see these authoritarian regimes that continue till today. I sometimes imagine if the Turks ruled over these areas, would we still have terrorism that we see today. Israel would probably not exist and the oil money would boost the Turkish empire, but terrorism? I think there would be none.

Saudi's I am sure consulted the US before making this announcement. And I would say the US must take the steering wheel behind the scenes to make this thing come true. The West have broken the humpty dumpty, now you guys need to put it back together and place it on the wall. No one else has the resources to take the lead. But the beautiful part is there is no Western ground troops needed for this solution, the 34+10 countries will jump in with all their resources, if the West is behind this effort. And when the time comes, you must let go of some of these characters and families and let people power take over the lead in some of these countries, because without that we will be back to square one again.
Please take a lot at these articles:
How the UAE Tried to Silence a Popular Arab Spring Activist
The problem at the heart of Saudi Arabia's Muslim anti-ISIS coalition - Vox
Saudi Arabia Forms Muslim Antiterror Coalition - WSJ

KSA has been a ally of the British and the US for many decades. Some Muslim conspiracy theorists claim that Britain and then Israel and a part of US leadership is helping the Saudi Royal family to spread Wahhabism to destroy Islam and weaken the Muslim world. Personally, I do not believe this was the intention, but it was an unintended result, which is costing you now. In fact if it was not for these allies, the Saudi Royal family would not have survived till today. So the US and UK are responsible for much of the mess they have created.

My personal opinion, the problem started with British and French breaking up Ottoman empire and "liberating" Arabs and then soon we see these authoritarian regimes that continue till today. I sometimes imagine if the Turks ruled over these areas, would we still have terrorism that we see today. Israel would probably not exist and the oil money would boost the Turkish empire, but terrorism? I think there would be none.

Saudi's I am sure consulted the US before making this announcement. And I would say the US must take the steering wheel behind the scenes to make this thing come true. The West have broken the humpty dumpty, now you guys need to put it back together and place it on the wall. No one else has the resources to take the lead. But the beautiful part is there is no Western ground troops needed for this solution, the 34+10 countries will jump in with all their resources, if the West is behind this effort. And when the time comes, you must let go of some of these characters and families and let people power take over the lead in some of these countries, because without that we will be back to square one again.

I don't play conspiracy theories. I am a numbers / facts guy. I can write conspiracy theories for kids stories and fiction but in a modern world like today, there are too many factual things you can assess, vs. reading about what happened 4 decades ago, when i wasn't born!!

I am sure this topic would've come up even in the first Gulf war. But the Arabs didn't want to deal with their own issues in the ME by themselves. I think the US finally may have pushed them to consider this option. Which makes perfect sense, why does the US need to solve ME's problems? Its time they took care of their own issues and we'll help, specially to deal with this extremism. The US doesn't have a dog in the ME fight. Israel is our main ally and I think everyone knows the US will protect them, and they are super strong military wise. So outside of that, there is nothing for us to keep going back to. These Syrian and other issues, the Arabs should fight between themselves and figure out, just my opinion.
Policies arent set in stone..they can change whenever nessecary .. For the national interests of the state...

Pakistani troops have operated outside the region and the UN mandate before.. The last known engagement was Sri Lanka... Apart from that Pak still has 1000+ troops stationed in KSA alone.. Not to forget other friendly brother states.

Even if the 34 states set aside 1000 troops that's 34,000 soldiers on standby... Also states like Pak-Turkey etc can train and have industrial capacity/base to support and coordinate with others.

Although I'm sure that Pakistan (despite everything) will not engage in any secterian based (or biased) situation... Or against Iran... Or against it's own natural interests.
SriLanka is exception, Plus Pak-China has strategic depth. Where Pak-China interest is involve.
If Turkey actively participates then Pakistan participates, it is already welcomed by both countries.
I'd mark these.
They will provide training to arabs, because Turkey and Pakistan both not in position to stretched too thin. Both facing insurgency. Here these Royal kids talking about deployment in Iraq,Yemen,Syria,Libya, Afghanistan and list goes on and on. You are talking about multi trillion dollar for this mobilization. Plus, get ready for after affects. It sad, but its fact.

For you eyes and see who these Royal kids talking about to deal with.

Watch Full Episodes Online of FRONTLINE on PBS | ISIS in Afghanistan
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Altough I am a purely sunni muslim and the muslims of Saudi Arab are very dear to me,I have very little trust and respect for the Saudi rulers.
I would never trust them,they are a betrayal to the Ummah and nothing good is expected of them.Pakistan should think a 1000 times before accepting or joining this military alliance.
I dont see any reason to trust the Royal family.
If Turkey actively participates then Pakistan participates, it is already welcomed by both countries.
I'd mark these.
The welcome statement is for face saving of this Kiddo prince. Its more like , if am in deep shitzz then everyone should fall with me.
They will provide training to arabs, because Turkey and Pakistan both not in position to stretched too thin. Both facing insurgency. Here these Royal kids talking about deployment in Iraq,Yemen,Syria,Libya, Afghanistan and list goes on and on. You are talking about multi trillion dollar for this mobilization. Plus, get ready for after affects. It sad, but its fact.

For you eyes and see who these Royal kids talking about to deal with.
I clearly will say again that Pakistan and Turkey today acts together in region so if one participates the other will, too. I am neither with it nor against it at the moment but such thing is needed. It also took my attention that they named Muslim Brotherhood as one of the terror groups (I am not sure If that's an oficial list of coalition) so that questions Turkey's participation in it imo.
The welcome statement is for face saving of this Kiddo prince. Its more like , if am in deep shitzz then everyone should fall with me.
Countries, who KSA wants to see participated, should be well informed. Well, I have seen a list and if it is an official one then I don't think that would work, should be negotiated but let's wait and see what it exactly is. First and foremost, It is a right thing that I personally welcome, too. It is a right thing (but needs to be negotiated) as what Davutoglu has said: ''no matter where or by whom they are organised''

I am in support of it.
Even having the name of Pakistan in the list, will shake Russia to back down and save hundreds of thousands people in Syria and Iraq front... Nobody will dare to fight against this Alliance. either all together, or they will plan games on us one by one...
Russia is not afraid of NATO why they would be afraid of this allaince which is only on paper
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