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Pakistan Tribes Turn Against Army

Mate, I don't have to prove anything to anyone. I know who I am and am ****** rich, I let money do the talking for me. :D

It's only on this forum that I come and chat nationalism. In real life such things seldom matter, only continuous progress does. I left such confusions and road-blocks to betterment-of-self back when I was 20 years old.

Btw, guess what? The ruling elite are having a laugh @ the cost of rest of the voting population. Stop trying to bait me. I never bite. No matter what.

Admit it @Hyperion safriz is more convincing in his arguements to people here than a non-serious troll like you. I reported him to webmaster to demote him from think tank status , not to ban him as he doesnt violate any forum rules , he just twists certain facts and provoke anti-tribal, anti-pashtun sentiments while at the same time he aggressively defends pak army angels and puts entire blame on tribals. This way it is his win as he is a patriotic pakistani who is concerned about pak armx soldiers at the hand of terrorists. Safriz doesnt need to prove his patriotism, his loyalty to pakistan while you being tribal are not exactly in the same position, you have to convince people here that you have nothing to do with afghans, you hate bacha khan, you love pak army , and that you have to convince people by telling them that your cousin in PAF even bombed his own village for sake of pakistan.
Sooner or later tribals are going to face nation wide dislike and frustration against them. Exactly same happened in east pakistan case, pakistanis still call name to bengalis. Safriz is not one individual, many pakistanis are growing sick of pashtuns in general and tribals in particular, their beloved pak army jawans are getting killed at the hands of pashtun talibans. Another stereotype is built about pashtuns, "talibans", "suicide bombers".
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Wrror, how can you guys still call them brothers after what they say about Pakistan, Pakistanis & even Lar Pashtuns ? Tell me honestly if the tables were turned do you think Bar Pashtuns would have hosted millions of Lar Pashtuns in Afghanistan for nearly 3 decades like we (Pakistanis & Pakistani Pashtuns) have ?

So it is the criterea you and many punjabis have set for pakistani pashtuns , "you are not a proper pakistani unless you hate/dislike bar pashtuns"....you are trying to blackmail simple-minded ghilzai, in a very soft and sweet manner.
Mate, I don't have to prove anything to anyone. I know who I am and am ****** rich, I let money do the talking for me. :D

It's only on this forum that I come and chat nationalism. In real life such things seldom matter, only continuous progress does. I left such confusions and road-blocks to betterment-of-self back when I was 20 years old.

Btw, guess what? The ruling elite are having a laugh @ the cost of rest of the voting population. Stop trying to bait me. I never bite. No matter what.

You never bite no matter what ? FoOk how they hell do I elicit an honest to god response from you on some of my questions about the Tribal Areas, the Pashtuns, Afghanistan & whether Qazalbash are Pashtuns or not ? :angry:
@Monkey D Luffy Sorry buddy, but PA and ISI wants Good Taliban for their own purpose.

But those Taliban will be killed by US drones and collateral damage will happen.

PA will try to kill Bad Taliban and again collateral damage will happen.

I don't like those tribal men waged so called Jihad in Kashmir and killed our people but I am against killing of innocent men, women and children. Irony is that those who waged Jihad in Kashmir killed over 50,000 innocent men, women and children. I have more reasons to hate Tribals but I won't held innocents responsible and justify their killing.

You never bite no matter what ? FoOk how they hell do I elicit an honest to god response from you on some of my questions about the Tribal Areas, the Pashtuns, Afghanistan & whether Qazalbash are Pashtuns or not ? :angry:
Never try to know what people like Hyperion thinks about anything.
@Hyperion Are you Scorpion ? Coz I am.
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So it is the criterea you and many punjabis have set for pakistani pashtuns , "you are not a proper pakistani unless you hate/dislike bar pashtuns"....you are trying to blackmail simple-minded ghilzai, in a very soft and sweet manner.

You do realize that I'm not the racist here...you are !

I believe deeply in Muslim Brotherhood & I'd want nothing but Brotherly & Friendly relations with Afghans but I can't really give them a hug when they (the Afghans) hate my Punjabi guts to the core ! If they stop dreaming up carving their Loy Afghanistan from Pakistan, stop harboring Baloch Separatists against Pakistan, stop their racial slurs against Punjabis & other Pakistanis & stop their hate mongering against Pakistan & Pakistanis, I'd go & marry an Afghan girl but until that happens I don't want to do anything with them !

Also its not me - a Punjabi - but Pashtuns themselves that I've met who hold disdain for Afghans ! If you can imagine there were Punjabis - countless many - who were rooting for the Afghan National Cricket Team just because 'Hey they're Muslims too'.

So stop with your foOked up victimization...tummm sirf aur sirf fasaaadiii hooo !
You do realize that I'm not the racist here...you are !

I believe deeply in Muslim Brotherhood & I'd want nothing but Brotherly & Friendly relations with Afghans but I can't really give them a hug when they (the Afghans) hate my Punjabi guts to the core ! If they stop dreaming up carving their Loy Afghanistan from Pakistan, stop harboring Baloch Separatists against Pakistan, stop their racial slurs against Punjabis & other Pakistanis & stop their hate mongering against Pakistan & Pakistanis, I'd go & marry an Afghan girl but until that happens I don't want to do anything with them !

Also its not me - a Punjabi - but Pashtuns themselves that I've met who hold disdain for Afghans ! If you can imagine there were Punjabis - countless many - who were rooting for the Afghan National Cricket Team just because 'Hey they're Muslims too'.

So stop with your foOked up victimization...tummm sirf aur sirf fasaaadiii hooo !

You believe in muslim brotherhood? Do you even pray nimaz 5 times, do you even recite quran? If yes then mashallah, if not then dont repeat word "muslim brotherhood" like a parrot when you dont have such feelings. Dont try to play "islam card" with us pashtuns, we are practical muslims, we are not like your ideal Mr.jinnah. Stop trying to create friction between pashtuns of two countries of single qaum, single religion. Stop playing the role of British.
@ghilzai has never stated he is anti-Pakistani or pro-Afghan (nation) like you @Monkey D Luffy. Its what is hurting the Pashtuns, this pro Afghanism. Even today they stopped Pakistani containers from passing into Afghanistan. They are not true Pashtuns. They speak dari.
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In my experience the harshest critics of Afghans are Pakistani Pashtuns - and the Pashtuns are probably the most integrated Pakistanis - they are in every institution and organization in large numbers.

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You believe in muslim brotherhood? Do you even pray nimaz 5 times, do you even recite quran? If yes then mashallah, if not then dont repeat word "muslim brotherhood" like a parrot when you dont have such feelings. Dont try to play "islam card" with us pashtuns, we are practical muslims, we are not like your ideal Mr.jinnah. Stop trying to create friction between pashtuns of two countries of single qaum, single religion. Stop playing the role of British.

No I don't pray 5 times a day...more like a Jummah every other week ! But I do read the Koran every now & then.

I'm not a good Muslims...in fact a very bad one at that but the last thing I need is a certificate of being a Muslim from a munafiq like yourself who twists the words of others in creative ways just to pass for the victim here.

So spare me your BS ! If the Pashtuns of Afghanistan don't do any of the above I talked about I'd be more than happy to be One qaum, one religion & everything with them too but if they continue on with their poisonous hate towards Pakistan & Pakistanis than I think I should be forgiven if I'm not overly joyed about calling them as my Brothers; either way You are not a spokesperson of Pashtuns & I've met my fair share of Tribal & Urban Pashtuns to know that they hold far worse opinions about Afghans then I ever could.

stay on topic u both,no sharing of personal info like stars,chapals,food,head lices here:coffee:

i need not to repeat myself got it?:whistle:

Armstrong suna nae myny kia kaha hey?:angry:

Yes I hear what you said - You have lice in your hair ! :bad:

By the way what in god's name is 'head lices' ? Eik plural ka phir si plural aur head ke illawaa kahan lice hoteiii haiiin that one needs to specify 'head' lices ? :lol:
@Hyperion : BB teach your baby sister some English otherwise SATs mein tou iss ka Allah hi Hafiz haiii ! :undecided:
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No I don't pray 5 times a day...more like a Jummah every other week ! But I do read the Koran every now & then.

I'm not a good Muslims...in fact a very bad one at that but the last thing I need is a certificate of being a Muslim from a munafiq like yourself who twists the words of others in creative ways just to pass for the victim here.

So spare me your BS ! If the Pashtuns of Afghanistan don't do any of the above I talked about I'd be more than happy to be One qaum, one religion & everything with them too but if they continue on with their poisonous hate towards Pakistan & Pakistanis than I think I should be forgiven if I'm not overly joyed about calling them as my Brothers; either way You are not a spokesperson of Pashtuns & I've met my fair share of Tribal & Urban Pashtuns to know that they hold far worse opinions about Afghans then I ever could.

Dont spell it "koran" like non-muslims, it is Quran. You have to decide for yourself whether you are muslim first or pakistani first. If you do believe in umat e muslima, then stop preaching hate against Afghan muslims...
MDL is an Afghan refugee, why are you guys so harsh on him, he has to justify his existence some how.

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