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Pakistan Tribes Turn Against Army

Why is Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) your ideal ? He wasn't a Pashtun ! Why not revert back to the faith that your ancestors had maybe 5000 years ago ? Surely they'd disapprove of you & Pashtuns belonging to an Arab religion & in a way being more Arab than the Arabs themselves ! :blink:

By the way Muhammad Ali Jinnah was born into a family of Khoja Ismailis but he wasn't one himself & Iqbal too was clean shaven but he was one of the best Muslim Philosophers of modern times.

Your selective indignation is ever so amusing !

@Hyperion I'm emotionally scared because of her comments ! :cray:

Ask @Marshmallow to apologize to me or else ! :angry:
So hazrat mohammad p.b.u.h is not your ideal? Why?
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So hazrat mohammad p.b.u.h is not your ideal? Why?

Luffy khuda kii kasam tou itneiii bariyaaa dimagh ke saath Doctor kaisee bunn giyaaa ? :hitwall:

Where did I say he isn't my ideal ? I was merely pointing out that if you're going to see everything in 'Pashtun-Pashtun' terms then the logical conclusion to that would be - Hey...the one you're calling as your ideal isn't even a Pashtun !
Jinnah was a jihaadi? Nope he was merely a politician like nawaz shareef, bhutto etc. Its British who decided to divide india into two countries before leaving, so before jinnah pay your thanks to your former farangi masters.
What were pathans doing? While muslim league came up with idea of separate muslim states in 1940, pashtuns were fighting battles with british even since they encountered them. Did we fought also peacefully against british? Yes you should remember bacha khan, khudai khidmgatgar.
Our armed struggle and peaceful political struggle against british were independant of pakistan movement , we were not conquered, neither we were subserviant to british like you people...we bleed british instead of polishing their boots...

enlighten us the former slaves who forced britishers to divide india? Or else they were in the full mood to let congress rule whole india

and spare me the crap of bacha khan,,, so he wanted britishers out and wanted pathans to be ruled by hindu rulers of congress?

Plus the whole struggle of pathans bore what fruit vis a vis the efforts of jinnah? Who without firing a single bullet won independence for you guys.!
Luffy khuda kii kasam tou itneiii bariyaaa dimagh ke saath Doctor kaisee bunn giyaaa ? :hitwall:

Where did I say he isn't my ideal ? I was merely pointing out that if you're going to see everything in 'Pashtun-Pashtun' terms then the logical conclusion to that would be - Hey...the one you're calling as your ideal isn't even a Pashtun !

If holy prophet p.b.u.h is your ideal and you are not athiest then why you have problem with me saying that holy prophet p.b.u.h is my ideal?
So hazrat mohammad p.b.u.h is not your ideal? Why?

He (PBUH) is perfect, far to perfect, without any flaw in him. He(PBUH) is the statue of humanity.

My ideal is someone is who with all his human flaws and temptations didnt astrayed from the path of Allah and his Prophet (PBUH). Thats my ideal. Baba e Jinnah... May Allah give me the strength of Jinnah so i dont astrat from my Path.
If holy prophet p.b.u.h is your ideal and you are not athiest then why you have problem with me saying that holy prophet p.b.u.h is my ideal?

I have no problem with you having the Holy Prophet (PBUH) but not even giving two hoots about what the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said about Muslim Brotherhood & still going on about Punjabi this & Punjabi that or Indian Muslims this & Indian Muslims that & going head over heels about Afghans who say the most terrible things about our home, our people & our Pashtuns ! What is this hypocrisy ?
enlighten us the former slaves who forced britishers to divide india? Or else they were in the full mood to let congress rule whole india

and spare me the crap of bacha khan,,, so he wanted britishers out and wanted pathans to be ruled by hindu rulers of congress?

Plus the whole struggle of pathans bore what fruit vis a vis the efforts of jinnah? Who without firing a single bullet won independence for you guys.!

Sorry i dont understand the so called qalmi jihad of muslim league, it was just politics and new concept "muslim as a nation" was used for their politics, their politics was not different from pan-islamism of zulfiqar ali bhutto, in private life a liberal and heavy drinker...pakistan movement was itself opposed by all religous organizations like deoband, JUI, JI etc...its funny.
On the other hand our pashtun resistance against farangis was natural and we just repeated our history. Our mullahs, pirs participated in armed struggle. The popular faqir of ipi was first president of pashtunistan, he was a religous figure.
I have no problem with you having the Holy Prophet (PBUH) but not even giving two hoots about what the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said about Muslim Brotherhood & still going on about Punjabi this & Punjabi that or Indian Muslims this & Indian Muslims that & going head over heels about Afghans who say the most terrible things about our home, our people & our Pashtuns ! What is this hypocrisy ?

t is narrated by Abu Dawud that the Messenger of Allah (saws) said,
"He is not one of us who calls for 'asabiyyah, (nationalism) or who
fights for 'asabiyyah or who dies for 'asabiyyah The Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "Whosoever leaves off
obedience and separates from the Jamaa'ah and then dies, he dies a
death of (one in) the Days of Ignorance (Jaahiliyyah). Whosoever fights
under the banner of the blind, becoming angry for partisanship
('asabiyyah), calling towards it, or supporting it and then dies, he dies a
death of (one in) the Days of Ignorance (Jaahiliyyah)." [Reported by Muslim in his Saheeh (6/21), from Abu Hurairah]
I have no problem with you having the Holy Prophet (PBUH) but not even giving two hoots about what the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said about Muslim Brotherhood & still going on about Punjabi this & Punjabi that or Indian Muslims this & Indian Muslims that & going head over heels about Afghans who say the most terrible things about our home, our people & our Pashtuns ! What is this hypocrisy ?

What is your beef against Afghans if you are such a good muslim and believer in muslim unity? Allama iqbal of your city and ethnicity praised Afghans, their love for islam in his poetry. They strictly follow islam, yet you preach poisonous hate against them?
You became angry when i placed holy prophet p.b.u.h above jinnah, why?...just because you love pakistan? If we go deeper then you should know there is no place for your "watan-parasti" in islam.
Pakistan Army has to Empower tribals and support those militias that are pro Army and Govt. to fight and defend their neighbourhoods from talibans.
@Monkey D Luffy .
Thank you for proving my point..
After reading your comments,all my previous criticism for 'Pushtoons like you' is well founded.
You will prefer ethnicity over Pakistani nationalism and support an enemy country Afghanistan just because pushtoons live there.
Yoh will support suicide bombers,traitors and mass murderers 'if' they are pushtoon and turn a blind eye towards the suffering and misery they bring to other peoples life.....only because the perpetrators were pushtoon and the sufferers were non pusntoon scum...
And you are so stuck up that cant decide if you are Pakistani or Afghani?
There is no such thing as Pakistani Afghan or Afghan Pakistani...either you are one or the other.
My criticism is and will remain for Pushtoons like you....
And confused pushtoons like you exist...yourself being a shining example....
So there there i wasnt wrong all along...
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Sorry i dont understand the so called qalmi jihad of muslim league, it was just politics and new concept "muslim as a nation" was used for their politics, their politics was not different from pan-islamism of zulfiqar ali bhutto, in private life a liberal and heavy drinker...pakistan movement was itself opposed by all religous organizations like deoband, JUI, JI etc...its funny.
On the other hand our pashtun resistance against farangis was natural and we just repeated our history. Our mullahs, pirs participated in armed struggle. The popular faqir of ipi was first president of pashtunistan, he was a religous figure.

the term Munafiq was coined for such people who opposed the creation of a muslim state in Madina yet they were muslims. I dont give a single fcuk if muafiqs oppose the creation Of Pakistan at that time

And your point proofs pathans were khud garz while Jinnah was selfless and collectively thought about all muslims not about punjabis or biharis or sindhi's!
@Monkey D Luffy .
Thank you for proving my point..
After reading your comments,all my previous criticism for 'Pushtoons like you' is well founded.
You will prefer ethnicity over Pakistani nationalism and support an enemy country Afghanistan just because pushtoons live there.
Yoh will support suicide bombers,traitors and mass murderers 'if' they are pushtoon and turn a blind eye towards the suffering and misery they bring to other peoples life.....only because the perpetrators were pushtoon and the sufferers were non pusntoon scum...
And you are so stuck up that cant decide if you are Pakistani or Afghani?
There is no such thing as Pakistani Afghan or Afghan Pakistani...either you are one or the other.
My criticism is and will remain for Pushtoons like you....
@Monkey D Luffy .
Thank you for proving my point..
After reading your comments,all my previous criticism for 'Pushtoons like you' is well founded.
You will prefer ethnicity over Pakistani nationalism and support an enemy country Afghanistan just because pushtoons live there.
Yoh will support suicide bombers,traitors and mass murderers 'if' they are pushtoon and turn a blind eye towards the suffering and misery they bring to other peoples life.....only because the perpetrators were pushtoon and the sufferers were non pusntoon scum...
And you are so stuck up that cant decide if you are Pakistani or Afghani?
There is no such thing as Pakistani Afghan or Afghan Pakistani...either you are one or the other.
My criticism is and will remain for Pushtoons like you....

The 35 million pashtuns in Pakistan are ethnic Afghans. "A" in word pakistan stands for Afghania. We are Afghans by ethnicity and Pakistani by nationality. You expect us to hate our fellow pashtuns in another country , consider them my enemies just like those hindus who expect their muslim countrymen to hate Pakistan and consider it their enemy.
Arabs and turks are also divided into numerous countries, but arab is still a nation, so is turk and so is Pashtun. We pashtuns do not need to black mailed by use of islam card, we know islam , our pashtun identity is not artificial and cheap that you sacrifice it for a 60 year old country. We are humans by specie, muslims by faith, pashtuns by qaum and then pakistani by nationality.
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@Safriz Doesn't people in Pakistan call themselves Muslim first, Pakistani second ?

BTW you call Kashmiris your brothers and you will fight for them, then why did you sent terrorists that killed over 50,000 innocent men, women and children ? They didn't want freedom from life, that's death.

Didn't your Army killed your East Pakistanis brothers who were not given equal representation and support by West Pakistan ? I accept RAW was behin Mukti bahini, but RAW couldn't have got that support if people in East didn't resent about Western people.
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