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Pakistan Tribes Turn Against Army

Did I ? I dont remember that. Care to debunk it again, without the emo rhetorics of jugular vein, international dispute etc ?

Not surprised you don't remember that debunking. :)

Kashmir has its own history.

KPK has its own history.

Two different issues. One is a disputed territory. Other isn't. Come up with something new.

p.s: Areesh dont mistake answering the real world as running away. Unlike you guys I cant dedicate my life to this forum.

Well if you vanish in middle of a discussion I would take it as running away.
So Kashmir is disputed territory according to UN, similarly HS is also a terrorist according to UN. :enjoy:
Not surprised you don't remember that debunking. :)

Kashmir has its own history.

KPK has its own history.

Two different issues. One is a disputed territory. Other isn't. Come up with something new.

Both have different history but the reason for claim is same. Anyway, I'll let Amstrong answer that. Atleast he is somewhat mature and tries to reason.

Well if you vanish in middle of a discussion I would take it as running away.

I couldnt give a damn as to what you take it as. Answering your tantrums is very low on my priority list. Let's not prolong this discussion.
So Kashmir is disputed territory according to UN, similarly HS is also a terrorist according to UN. :enjoy:

UN does not have any proof.Infact no one does. Which implies Innocent until proven guilty:lol:
Then why bombing in Tribal regions ?

Are they proven guilty ?

Dear don't you know that Pakistanis support negotiations with Terrorists all the time despite suffering heavy losses. We don't support war instead peace.

Argument just for the sake of argument will never lead you to win an argument.:lol:
Dear don't you know that Pakistanis support negotiations with Terrorists all the time despite suffering heavy losses. We don't support war instead peace. Argument just for the sake of argument will never lead you to win an argument.:lol:
What negotiations ? A woman and two children killed and their bodies dumped and people protesting and not burying their bodies ? Security forces took the bodies and buried themselves. Is it part of negotiation ?
Only India is the sucessor state to British India. That is why Republic of India got the seat of British India in the UN and Pakistan had to re-apply for it as a sovereign state (ironically opposed by Afghanistan).

I don't know why India got the seat of British India at the UN or why it too had to reapply as a separate sovereign state in case of the Commonwealth but the Indian Independence Act talks about the partitioning of British India into the Dominions of Pakistan & India. If succession is determined by the inheritance of your predecessor's treaties then we inherited them just like the Dominion of India did.

However its immaterial as to who succeeded who; what is material, however, is that we were Partitioned from British India which was a part of the British Empire & not the sovereign state of the Dominion of India.

That is precisely what I said. No ? That you claim Kashmir from us based on religion as the Afghans claim KPK from Pakistan on basis of ethnicity and culture.

We claim Kashmir based on the Partition Plan of June 3rd whereas no such an arrangement exists with the Afghans; consequently we may have the right to claim Baluchistan Sistan from Iran simply because there are Baluch living therein if haphazard whims & wishes are to be factored in.
What negotiations ? A woman and two children killed and their bodies dumped and people protesting and not burying their bodies ? Security forces took the bodies and buried themselves. Is it part of negotiation ?

Investigation on this particular issue is still going on.Have some patience and wait for details dear.I know you feel very sad inside about this tragic event.
Investigation on this particular issue is still going on.Have some patience and wait for details dear.I know you feel very sad inside about this tragic event.
I am against killing of innocent men and especially women and children.

You can always see me condemning it. Even I accept the IA crimes against women in various conflict zones and condemn it. Ask anyone.

For me whoever kills Women and Children deserves Death.
I don't know why India got the seat of British India at the UN or why it too had to reapply as a separate sovereign state in case of the Commonwealth but the Indian Independence Act talks about the partitioning of British India into the Dominions of Pakistan & India. If succession is determined by the inheritance of your predecessor's treaties then we inherited them just like the Dominion of India did.

However its immaterial as to who succeeded who; what is material, however, is that we were Partitioned from British India which was a part of the British Empire & not the sovereign state of the Dominion of India.

No dude internationally it is recognized that India is the official sucessor state to British India and Pakistan seceded from India.

What you said is the view that was argued by Pakistanis in UN, but which was rejected by the UN.

For your reading - India-Pakistan State Succession Scenario- A Precedent - Author - Divyam Agarwal

The Observation and the Decision

It was against this background that the Partition council was obliged to decide the question. In the meeting, the Chairman, Lord Mountbatten, made two points which were of crucial importance: firstly, he had been telegraphically informed by the Secretary of State for India that ?it was essential for Pakistan to apply for membership of the U.N.O. before the 10th of August so that her application could be considered at the next meeting in September?, secondly, though His Majesty's Government were not anxious to interfere in what they considered to be a domestic matter between India and Pakistan, yet there was a grave objection to India's national identity being extinguished by reason of the partition.

This was followed by the conclusion of an agreement known as the Agreement as to the Devolution of International Rights and obligations upon the Dominions of India and Pakistan. It is significant that this agreement was reached on August 6, promulgated on August 14, and communicated to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, on August 27. The Governor-General had promulgated the agreement as a schedule to the Indian Independence (International Agreements) Order, 1947, which laid down that the agreement set out in the schedule to this order shall, as from the appointed day, have the effect of an agreement duly made between the Dominion of India and the Dominion of Pakistan. Section 2 of the agreement unambiguously stated that:

1. Membership of all international organizations together with the rights and obligations attaching to such membership will devolve solely upon the Dominion of India

2. The Dominion of Pakistan will take such steps as may be necessary to apply for membership of such international organisations as it chooses to join.

We claim Kashmir based on the Partition Plan of June 3rd whereas no such an arrangement exists with the Afghans; consequently we may have the right to claim Baluchistan Sistan from Iran simply because there are Baluch living therein if haphazard whims & wishes are to be factored in.

Wrong - Partition plan specifies *only* the Muslim majority areas that were **directly administered by the British** ala Bengal Presidency, Bombay Presidency etc would be automatically acceded to Pakistan provided there is geographical contiguity. It lays the fate of the princely states in the hands of the rulers.
No dude internationally it is recognized that India is the official sucessor state to British India and Pakistan seceded from India.

What you said is the view that was argued by Pakistanis in UN, but which was rejected by the UN.

For your reading - India-Pakistan State Succession Scenario- A Precedent - Author - Divyam Agarwal

The Observation and the Decision

It was against this background that the Partition council was obliged to decide the question. In the meeting, the Chairman, Lord Mountbatten, made two points which were of crucial importance: firstly, he had been telegraphically informed by the Secretary of State for India that ?it was essential for Pakistan to apply for membership of the U.N.O. before the 10th of August so that her application could be considered at the next meeting in September?, secondly, though His Majesty's Government were not anxious to interfere in what they considered to be a domestic matter between India and Pakistan, yet there was a grave objection to India's national identity being extinguished by reason of the partition.

This was followed by the conclusion of an agreement known as the Agreement as to the Devolution of International Rights and obligations upon the Dominions of India and Pakistan. It is significant that this agreement was reached on August 6, promulgated on August 14, and communicated to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, on August 27. The Governor-General had promulgated the agreement as a schedule to the Indian Independence (International Agreements) Order, 1947, which laid down that the agreement set out in the schedule to this order shall, as from the appointed day, have the effect of an agreement duly made between the Dominion of India and the Dominion of Pakistan. Section 2 of the agreement unambiguously stated that:

1. Membership of all international organizations together with the rights and obligations attaching to such membership will devolve solely upon the Dominion of India

2. The Dominion of Pakistan will take such steps as may be necessary to apply for membership of such international organisations as it chooses to join.

Good Read, thank you but it doesn't change the fact that Pakistan got her Independence from British India not its successor state. Which is different than the dynamics that exist between two sovereign states whether it be Pakistan & India or Pakistan & Afghanistan.

Wrong - Partition plan specifies *only* the Muslim majority areas that were **directly administered by the British** ala Bengal Presidency, Bombay Presidency etc would be automatically acceded to Pakistan provided there is geographical contiguity. It lays the fate of the princely states in the hands of the rulers.

Indeed & so the North West Frontier Province was explicitly so mentioned in the June 3rd Plan & a mechanism was thought up whereby the fate of the Princely States would be decided !

Where does such an arrangement exist between the States of Pakistan & Afghanistan or the States of India & Pakistan in case of the Indian Muslim thing ?
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