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Pakistan to take US into confidence on PM’s Russia visit


Mar 21, 2007
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Pakistan to take US into confidence on PM’s Russia visit​


Mateen Haider

February 12, 2022

ISLAMABAD - Two top Pakistani officials would proceed to Washington ahead of Prime Minister Imran Khan’s scheduled visit to Moscow to take the US into confidence and remove reservations if any over this historic visit, it is learnt through credible sources.

“These two top officials are expected to leave for Washington on 16th February (tentatively) on a three-day visit during which they would meet top US officials in Defence and State Departments,” the sources told The Nation yesterday.

The officials are also expected to visit White House where they would meet the US National Security Adviser. However, these all meetings are being worked out.

Both the top officials are expected to meet Prime Minister Imran Khan next week to get guidance and instructions from him for their talks in US.

Prime Minister Imran Khan would be also chairing a high level meeting next week on his Russia visit.

Prime Minister Imran Khan would pay an official visit to Moscow in the last week of February for which dates from February 23 to 25 are being worked out. This would be an official visit by any prime minister of Pakistan to Russia after 23 years.
It's a typical operations research problem to optimize the cost function given the boundary conditions..

Cost function: The US-Pak relationship

Boundary Conditions:
  • The China-Pak relationship can't be broken as it's constantly getting to higher levels with each passing day. And, it comes with the due honor, privileges and rights appertaining thereunto.
  • Pak's objective is to give priority to the geo-economics via geo-connectivity.
  • The Pak-Russia relationship is building up from the scratch.
  • US and India can blackmail each other as much as they want vis-a-vis the US military equipment sales to Pak.
  • As for the geo-terrorism against Pak via proxies in Afganistan, Iran etc., the sky is her limit to respond to it.
  • Pak isn't entirely oblivious to the US interests in the region as she's open to discuss over them in an "open and frank" manner.
  • Old friends can't turn into bitter enemies as a Turkish saying says. But, the friend on the weaker side is now slightly getting into a position of strength. So, she'd negotiate differently.
  • Etc.
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A simple statement by the Farigh Office of Pakistan that US should have no reservations on Khans visit to Russia should have sufficed, but no have to go to US and stand in line to get sniffed by dogs and wait for a 3rd rate official to give you 5 mins of convo time.

May be the message the Pakistani elite wants to give is that please dont stop IMF funding because next time we dont want to change entire budget for 500 million USD equal to the amount of cigars and cigarettes consumed by Pakistanis per year.
In barishon se dosti achi nahi Faraz,
Kacha Tera makan Hai kch tu khayal ker.

Pta nahi kion yeh sher yad aagaya... 😁
mera Khayal ha ... PDF ka standard raise karna ka acha tariqa ha ...kam az kam baakar ki response sa jaan chuuta gi ..... baas bhai do/2 hathio ki larai haa....

Why ??
I mean why would you go out of your way to take US into confidence when IK visits Russia.
There isn't a single leader of the tiniest weakest country in the whole world that would go around saying it is going to take the US into confidence after a visit to Russia.
I mean this is a president who has not even bothered to call IK on the phone and yet you go around cravenly to the US about your visit of your own volition taking the US into confidence !!!!!!!!!!! when the US does not give a flying fig about the visit

This is how lowly servants and slaves behave
Why ??
I mean why would you go out of your way to take US into confidence when IK visits Russia.
There isn't a single leader of the tiniest weakest country in the whole world that would go around saying it is going to take the US into confidence after a visit to Russia.
I mean this is a president who has not even bothered to call IK on the phone and yet you go around cravenly to the US about your visit of your own volition taking the US into confidence !!!!!!!!!!! when the US does not give a flying fig about the visit

This is how lowly servants and slaves behave
Because bureaucracy to the establishment all intelligent kids and honestly earned income is sitting there with full security ......lollzzz ... really funny but its true.
You can bet your bottom dollar, there will be so-called Pakistanis here that will defend this move. The US is the biggest superpower, hence Pakistan should always seek approval.
You can bet your bottom dollar, there will be so-called Pakistanis here that will defend this move. The US is the biggest superpower, hence Pakistan should always seek approval.
There are ups and down but U.S.A is old ally of Pakistan. Even they tried to help Pakistan in 1971 when they sent warship. U.S.A helped Pakistan ,they gave us Non NATO ally status, even they provided aid not only militarily but provided civilian assistance to Pakistan as well. They opened markets for us so that we export in U.S.A. America don't want Pakistan to fail, The risk of Pakistan falling apart along with nuclear weapons is a far scarier prospect for their strategy makers.
There are ups and down but U.S.A is old ally of Pakistan. Even they tried to help Pakistan in 1971 when they sent warship. U.S.A helped Pakistan , called us Non NATO ally, even they provided aid not only military but provided civilian assistance to Pakistan as well. They opened markets for us so that we export in U.S.A. America don't want Pakistan to fail, The risk of Pakistan falling apart along with nuclear weapons is a far scarier prospect for the strategy makers.
That is because Soviets helped India.
There are ups and down but U.S.A is old ally of Pakistan. Even they tried to help Pakistan in 1971 when they sent warship. U.S.A helped Pakistan ,they gave us Non NATO ally status, even they provided aid not only militarily but provided civilian assistance to Pakistan as well. They opened markets for us so that we export in U.S.A. America don't want Pakistan to fail, The risk of Pakistan falling apart along with nuclear weapons is a far scarier prospect for their strategy makers.

The Americans backstabbed Pakistan. We don't give a shit about what cowboys think. Pakistan belongs in the Russian/China camp.

I like it. PM IK meeting Putin. The Americans can suck it up.

Pakistan to take US into confidence on PM’s Russia visit​


Mateen Haider

February 12, 2022

ISLAMABAD - Two top Pakistani officials would proceed to Washington ahead of Prime Minister Imran Khan’s scheduled visit to Moscow to take the US into confidence and remove reservations if any over this historic visit, it is learnt through credible sources.

“These two top officials are expected to leave for Washington on 16th February (tentatively) on a three-day visit during which they would meet top US officials in Defence and State Departments,” the sources told The Nation yesterday.

The officials are also expected to visit White House where they would meet the US National Security Adviser. However, these all meetings are being worked out.

Both the top officials are expected to meet Prime Minister Imran Khan next week to get guidance and instructions from him for their talks in US.

Prime Minister Imran Khan would be also chairing a high level meeting next week on his Russia visit.

Prime Minister Imran Khan would pay an official visit to Moscow in the last week of February for which dates from February 23 to 25 are being worked out. This would be an official visit by any prime minister of Pakistan to Russia after 23 years.
The dumbest move. Wonder if MOFA had anything to do with this. Perhaps MOFA should get an even lower grade than the number 11 SMQ is worried about.
As far as sovereign states go such a visit should not require a SINGLE explanation. This is the mechanics of Pakistani Statehood that weakens us, basic idiocy at play. Not to mention not the way you interact with the West. If anything the US Ambassador in Pakistan should seek a meeting with SMQ who should keep the discussion in confidence. Or conversely the Pak Ambassador in the US should be sought out by the US if they need some explanation. Furthermore is the US NSA wants to understand the nature ask for some time from Moeed, and if Moeed is available then a simple discussion should be had.
There are ups and down but U.S.A is old ally of Pakistan. Even they tried to help Pakistan in 1971 when they sent warship. U.S.A helped Pakistan ,they gave us Non NATO ally status, even they provided aid not only militarily but provided civilian assistance to Pakistan as well. They opened markets for us so that we export in U.S.A. America don't want Pakistan to fail, The risk of Pakistan falling apart along with nuclear weapons is a far scarier prospect for their strategy makers.
US wants a failed Pakistan. But wants that failure to be managed and controlled. This is an outcome in their calculus that Pakistan is now too far gone. That shift happened in the middle years of the Afghan fiasco. I don't think prior to that they felt that way. But certainly after 9/11 they began leaning in that direction and then the failure of the Afghan war along with Osama's presence in Abbottabad has now lead the establishment of the US firmly in that direction.

Nukes are a red herring. If things ever get bad UNSC will come together and jointly manage the unraveling and take possession of all nukes and materials.

A balkanized Pakistan is in the US interest. It gives the US the ability to buttress India against China.
Gives US access to ETIM to drive trouble for China in Xinjiang. It provides the US the ability to keep an eye on Iran and Hormuz, while tickling the Russian soft underbelly through the Central Asian states. And could also give the US the ability to build a military fortress in South Asia for the long haul, which might be required to even keep an eye out for India in the long run.

And yes great powers do think in such ruthless terms.

PS: I had written in 2004/5/6 that the Pak Army action in FATA could one day be used as an excuse to fund the tribes against the nation of Pakistan. That they'll cheerlead us today (as in those early years they did) into this abyss and then fund and champion the very groups to hurt the nation of Pakistan and to weaken one of its last functioning institution. Changing the narrative from WOT to Human Rights violation in FATA. This is a stick we have permanently given to our enemies. India has been using it, I just hope the US does not start. IF they do, the nation will fall into a major civil unrest and internal strife. A key indicator on this will be if we begin to see major news outlets and publications pick up and amplify the Balouchi, TTP, and PTM narrative. If that happens we should know the game is on!!
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PS: I had written in 2004/5/6 that the Pak Army action in FATA could one day be used as an excuse to fund the tribes against the nation of Pakistan.
Targeted killings of civilians , including instances of beheadings and assaults on security forces were becoming normal. What do you expect then? Throwing flowers on them as gesture of peace and make banana republic
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