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Pakistan to induct S400 and Pantsir-S1 SAM and Igla-S ManPAD Systems for Air Defence

PA will not reveal this without almost close to being finalizing the deal and Russia has been offering us Air Defence systems

well, we will see. i was just trying to calm bharatis.
After SU-35 saga now its time for S-400 . Russia is selling Fifth generation fighter to India why would they threaten their own machine by selling S-400 . Its true Russia Pakistan relation is increasing but Pakistan getting S-400 is hard to believe but if the news is true it surly huge improvement in Pakistan's air defence .
Russia sells SU-35 and S-400 to China but also sells Frigates and Corvettes and Submarines to Vietnam Russia sells weapons to any one who is ready to pay
Russia sells SU-35 and S-400 to China but also sells Frigates and Corvettes and Submarines to Vietnam Russia sells weapons to any one who is ready to pay

Vietnam is a different case

China does not oppose arms sales to Vietnam

BUT WE DO oppose arms sales to Pakistan
It is relevant. Hopefully it would wake up all delusional Indians who think that India has a veto on Russian military sales to Pakistan.

Russia had sold equipment like RD-93s, MI-35s etc in the past would continue to sell equipment like SU-35, S-400s, Pantsirs in the future.

Small arms deals are to be honest insignificant...Indians know that we got the Mi-35s from Russia...Can they contradict this? Best to ignore the haters...
The fact the he mentioned Su-37 along with Su-35 shows that how laughable and poor his knowledge and hence nothing from him is reliable.
Also he is an official of DEPO which is a part of Pakistan Defence department so it makes him a defence official.

Also the pucs you posted are of a standard Rosboronexport stall at every defence expo.
They showcased the same stuff in expos in France and Israel, that dies not mean they were going to sell them to France and Israel.

Anyways as long as Putin does not visit Pakistan, it shows Russia does not consider it to be a important defence partner or even customer.
Actually it's not SU-37 was supposed to be more advanced version SU-35 was actually the reduced thing. But I have some news of we trying to get a advanced thing.

These are small insignificant items
When S-400 and PANTSIR and IGLA S will come you would also start saying same about those weapons because your Indians have habbit of being in denial mode
When S-400 and PANTSIR and IGLA S will come you would also start saying same about those weapons because your Indians have habbit of being in denial mode

OK ; we shall see ; I think we have had enough of this topic for today
I can see the Pantsir but not S-400. That seems a little too far fetched.
I can see the Pantsir but not S-400. That seems a little too far fetched.

The fact is that Pantsir and S 400 work together

Pantsir protects the S 400 system from Short range threats


At present, Russia deploys a battery of Pantsyr S1 with every battery of S400 SAM systems to protect them from drone, anti-radiation missile (ARM) and precision guided munition (PGM) attacks.

They are said to be capable of intercepting the latest western missiles and munitions like Taurus, Storm Shadow, JSOW and AGM-88 HARM. Each of these batteries can be networked to provide dense AD coverage against any hostile aircraft or missiles. The Pantsyr S1 can be deployed as a single autonomous unit as well, to provide point defense for assets like bridges and command centers. The tracked variants will be used to supplement Tungushkas in their armoured column protection duty.
Sale is an overstretch..

The point of sales of Mi35 is also a valid one.

Russia has sold those helis to many countries like afghanistan, congo burkino faso, angola,sudan , north korea and even Yemen and many many more.. Also India and Pakistan.

Its not a high profile sale anyway.

But S-400 deal if any would be a major diplomatic victory for Pakistan.
Sale is an overstretch..

The point of sales of Mi35 is also a valid one.

Russia has sold those helis to many countries like afghanistan, congo burkino faso, angola,sudan , north korea and even Yemen and many many more.. Also India and Pakistan.

Its not a high profile sale anyway.

But S-400 deal if any would be a major diplomatic victory for Pakistan.
Look who is back from hibernation. ;)
PA will not reveal this without almost close to being finalizing
India also revealed "JF-17" in one of their exhibitions does that mean they are inducting it,

@Zarvan lets be honest with ourselves do you really believe a poster, to be 100% sure because there have been many posters like this before.
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