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Pakistan to induct S400 and Pantsir-S1 SAM and Igla-S ManPAD Systems for Air Defence

You are Getting NEITHER

as far as your Strike Corps are concerned ; They will Be decimated inside Pakistani territory
We would get both you are free to live in denial. MI-35 is a offensive weapon we have got that Air Defence is not a issue even MI-28 is being offered. In other words Russia is ready to sell any weapon if we are ready to pay the price.
We would get both you are free to live in denial. MI-35 is a offensive weapon we have got that Air Defence is not a issue even MI-28 is being offered. In other words Russia is ready to sell any weapon if we are ready to pay the price.
The Russian president also spoke about the "deep cooperation" his country enjoys with India in areas such as missile technology, asserting that the relationship between the two countries "cannot be diluted."

"There is no other country in the world that we have such deep cooperation [with,]" Putin said.
The Russian president also spoke about the "deep cooperation" his country enjoys with India in areas such as missile technology, asserting that the relationship between the two countries "cannot be diluted."

"There is no other country in the world that we have such deep cooperation [with,]" Putin said.
Yes Yes Off Course and kids think this statement as being said by your biological brother. Many your posts shows How you see Russia and How much delusions our neighbors are in
Yes Yes Off Course and kids think this statement as being said by your biological brother. Many your posts shows How you see Russia and How much delusions our neighbors are in

Just because Trump is troubling Pakistan ; It does not mean that Putin will become your Best Friend

Putin is already on India's side

By the way : How much can you Pay per year : Only One Billion dollars

We have got THIS as ON GOING business

Russia, India expected to agree deals worth up to $150bn


We already have a commitment from Russia Not to give you the Good stuff
No 'tight' military ties with Pakistan, India-Russia ties cannot be diluted: Putin

What is the effectiveness of Russian SAMs against US tech as it is being pitted or less in Syria against both US and Israeli Jets. Zero success rate against Israel Jets, meanwhile even notable to fire them against last few attacks of USA.

Due to degree of some secrecy and individuality Pak should go for HQ9 and LY80 latest version supposed to be effective both against jets and CMs with 70 KM+ range. Shall be economical yet more effective in my humble opinion.


This was displayed at Peshawar Army exhibition by Army

Those could be images of HQ-9s operational with PA AD.
What if Pakistan gets the HQ-9. Could that work with the Pantsir?

You can integrate any AD system with another provided the contractors are ready to assist.

Most likely strategic installations, I can't help but wonder that if Pakistan is once again looking for a LR-Sam than why not go for HQ-9 which is easily available even in soft loans ,I think with our past relations with Italy it won't be hard to acquire aster 30 with some sort of long term planning .
Its hard to guess what Pakistan is thinking or maybe its the Russians who offer this system to us as our marriage to usa gets a bitter end.

@Horus @Oscar guys you have any info???

FD-2000 was tested by PA years ago. Funding was never arranged. It is a billion dollar+ purchase after all.

CASIC also offers FK-3 LR-SAM for export.

Regarding FK-3:

The adoption of dual-mode inter-changeable guidance system greatly enhances operational effectiveness and anti-jamming capacity. In terminal stage the missile adopts semi-active radar homing guidance which, under circumstance of strong electronic interference, automatically changes to radio-command guidance.

It's looks BUK-M-2 MR-SAM.

PA will not reveal this without almost close to being finalizing the deal and Russia has been offering us Air Defence systems

This is Russian it's BUK M2 I think Russia also offered us new version BUK M3

BUK-M3, Pantsir-S2/SM and VERBA will be feasible and will add good punch as all are mobile too.

Why not going for Aster-30 block-1NT??
S400 i don't think so.
May be after 5-6 years pakistan may induct them, but right now, it seems impossible.

You don't speak for PAK armed forces don't be silly and jealous nothing is impossible in this world !!
With the US getting all the major sales why is it surprising to see Russians willing to sell high pricetag items to Pakistan? Particularly seeing it in view of recent hightened tensions between US and Pakistan
To Every one :
IN AD field Pakistan was way behind , It was Pervez Musharef who fast tracked this field, We are having many things now and that is really good. As I always said "Realization" of Importance of AD is great for Pakistan.
P - S1/2: Is reality , Our Armourer columns need that protection and they are not expensive like S400 or LY-80. Even our defensive corps can use them.

S-300/S-400 : Not impossible , If available we can have them , Money is not an issue here , Both systems are great and best , one of there kind .

Indian members: You guys going to have 300+ latest fighters in 5 to 10 years , PAF cant match them in numbers best way , and cheap way (S-300 or S-400 or expensive but if one system cost 500 million $$ that's the price of 2 Rafal) is to have LRSams and S-300 or S-400 or best contenders.
If we buy 8 systems and each system cost us 500million that's total 4 Billion $$ and if we give 4 years to that its 1 Billion$$ per year(this is just pure speculation to make you understand the things) and How many Rafal in 4 Billion$ please do the math yourself.
Note: What is the actual price of one system of S-400 and how many things (sub systems ) in contains ??
Indianian on this forum/thread need to Apply throughly burnol and pak cool it down till it arrives then do what ever is needed

India Bangladesh and pak buying the world looks like USAF budget allocated to them :) :D
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