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Pakistan to induct S400 and Pantsir-S1 SAM and Igla-S ManPAD Systems for Air Defence

We know Russia Far better than you
Your Delusions are getting worse

India Russia friendship is far stronger than you think
and any way Russians know the limits of your resources
We saw how well is your friendship when they moved forward with the planned exercise in Pakistan.
Are we forgetting current statements from Russia in support of Pakistan against Trump gibberish?

Pakistan cant even secure an independent deal for RD93 for its JF17s while they are already using 70 of them and about 100 more expected. Have the Pakistanis even been able to get a MRO facility with Klimov. The so called RD93 supply to China was never Pakistan specific, it was meant for a Chinese export fighter called CAC FC-1 and the Chinese can sell them to anyone they want (Burma, Brazil, Nigeria..) nothing to do with Pakistan. Pakistan is merely an end-user.
The funniest part is that both RUSSIA and CHINA knew who was going to operate JF-17 and yet Russia did not block the sale of engines. There were no export orders back then, even now the export number is merely close to 2 squadron strength, mind telling me why 100 more engines were okayed for sale?
We saw how well is your friendship when they moved forward with the planned exercise in Pakistan.
Are we forgetting current statements from Russia in support of Pakistan against Trump gibberish?

India and china also do exercise. o_OWhat is the point?

Also, India didn't show for 4 helo sells to Pakistan because it does not make any advantage to Pakistan against India. That's the reason the helo's you got from Russia.
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Most likely you are right on this other wise we would have not declared it. If it would have been one poster I would have thought it to be a mistake but there were three posters mentioning three different Air Defence systems and also the fact that I was told a year and a half ago that PANTSIR S arrived in Pakistan for testing
I wish and hope it to be true. Egypt is already preparing to receive its S-400 system.

Sale is an overstretch..

The point of sales of Mi35 is also a valid one.

Russia has sold those helis to many countries like afghanistan, congo burkino faso, angola,sudan , north korea and even Yemen and many many more.. Also India and Pakistan.

Its not a high profile sale anyway.

But S-400 deal if any would be a major diplomatic victory for Pakistan.
Then be ready for it and brace yourself. Egypt is about to get its S-400 system.
And BTW I consider Russian support of Pakistan against Trumps failure rants as a major diplomatic success, their sending of army troops to exercise in GB/Azad Kashmir area and at a time when LOC was really hot. India tried its best to stop Russians, at least delay the visit or even change the venue but Russia didn't entertain any of these demands.
So S-400 will more likely be a business deal than diplomatic success.
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Complete Hogwash....

When has Russia been selling offensive/strategic platforms to Pakistan?

Pakistan cant even secure an independent deal for RD93 for its JF17s while they are already using 70 of them and about 100 more expected. Have the Pakistanis even been able to get a MRO facility with Klimov. The so called RD93 supply to China was never Pakistan specific, it was meant for a Chinese export fighter called CAC FC-1 and the Chinese can sell them to anyone they want (Burma, Brazil, Nigeria..) nothing to do with Pakistan. Pakistan is merely an end-user
Dude shut up and google stuff before embarassing urself
JF-17 Thunder: Govt to buy jet engines directly from Russia

About Mil Mi-35, they are meant for anti-terror ops, for the same reason the Russians held an exercise with the Pakistanis. Its not some strategic partnership that the Russians are doing with Pakistan. They are only meant to keep things in Afghanistan under control at least wrt ISIS, if not Talibans.
First ever Army,Navy and SF exercises... and sale of offensive, gunships... the amount of tears india shed almost caused a flood...
Not alone that, the Pakistanis have been using Mil Mi-17 and Il-78s too, both Russian but it doesn't mean that Russians are changing their strategy towards South Asia.
And now MI Overhaul,rebuild and repair facilities too.
Many of Indians were in denial about MI-35 and they are proven wrong on that and they will be proven wrong here also
You keep bragging about the Mi-35 but it's an obsolete helicopter, there is a BIG difference between the sale of it and a strategic system like the S-400, for as long as you have been celebrating the Mi-35 sale you have been saying a SU-35 sale is "imminent", we are still waiting......
You keep bragging about the Mi-35 but it's an obsolete helicopter, there is a BIG difference between the sale of it and a strategic system like the S-400, for as long as you have been celebrating the Mi-35 sale you have been saying a SU-35 sale is "imminent", we are still waiting......
MI 24 was obsolete not MI-35
You forgot to take into account the timing when that exercise happened !
Even a new rifle inducted in Pakistan is cause of concern for India lets not talk about Mi 35s !

Ohhh..... But when India shown concern about rifle and mi 35?

It doesn't matter for us, but please talk when you get su 35 or s400 because that's matter.

That's the reason, no chance..
Dude shut up and google stuff before embarassing urself
JF-17 Thunder: Govt to buy jet engines directly from Russia

First ever Army,Navy and SF exercises... and sale of offensive, gunships... the amount of tears india shed almost caused a flood...

And now MI Overhaul,rebuild and repair facilities too.
Yawn... Wake me up when something materializes. Chinese already ordered a follow on order of 100 RD93 for you. Till then keep gloating about the strategic acquisition like Mil Mi35(operated by even ANA).

By the way... Those posters look merely educational posters about various SAMs for general masses , after all its an Army Exhibition open to general public.
We saw how well is your friendship when they moved forward with the planned exercise in Pakistan.
Are we forgetting current statements from Russia in support of Pakistan against Trump gibberish?

The funniest part is that both RUSSIA and CHINA knew who was going to operate JF-17 and yet Russia did not block the sale of engines. There were no export orders back then, even now the export number is merely close to 2 squadron strength, mind telling me why 100 more engines were okayed for sale?
Russians didn't want to let go of an opportunity to earn some moolah out of some obsolete underperforming, low on life, engines. Last time the Russians missed out on J7/F7 where the Chinese sold the copies of Russian MiG 21s. There is nothing game changer about those engines.

By the way, what happened to the Sukhoi PAKFA deal, where you were invited to join the development.... Lolz
Yawn... Wake me up when something materializes. Chinese already ordered a follow on order of 100 RD93 for you. Till then keep gloating about the strategic acquisition like Mil Mi35(operated by even ANA).

By the way... Those posters look merely educational posters about various SAMs for general masses , after all its an Army Exhibition open to general public.
These are not educational posters. They could have used Chinese Air Defence systems to explain them. These posters clearly has written future inductions for Pakistan Army Air Defence. But you are free to live in denial mode
Ok ... Since can't see those pics in hq hence can't say much bout them.

Rest aside, won't loose my sleep over it. Pakistanis are over zealous in this regard. Have seen many offering, evaluations, supposed deals being bandied on PDF as gospel truth, since the day I joined this forum. Yet to see anything serious get materialized.
Yawn... Wake me up when something materializes. Chinese already ordered a follow on order of 100 RD93 for you. Till then keep gloating about the strategic acquisition like Mil Mi35(operated by even ANA).

Yawn, read the news kid.

And ANA operates old Mi-25s.. ur grandpas era models .. just like indiab airforce.

By the way... Those posters look merely educational posters about various SAMs for general masses , after all its an Army Exhibition open to general public.
They talk abour future induction.
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