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Pakistan to expose US interference in Balochistan

Unfortunately, it's a cat and mouse game going on between Pakistan and India. Trained terrorists like the Let and JeM to name a few, are being infiltrated from across the LC/IB with the help of the establishment to muddy the Kashmir waters. The same is probably being done by RAW in Baluchistan, though we haven't seen any concrete proof so far.

It's high time our countries make a paradigm shift and cease any political, military, and diplomatic support to militants who are being used as proxies for fighting seemingly endless wars on behalf of the Establishments of both countries resulting in the death of thousands.

Yes, but only one of them will actually end up destroying the nation they claim to provide security for.
Its time to end this tit for tat. But to do this will mean many on both sides having to gulp down a huge jug of ego.
And compromise on what they always thought was national security matters..
Its time they realize the question is not of National security.. its of National existence.
Unfortunately, it's a cat and mouse game going on between Pakistan and India. Trained terrorists like the Let and JeM to name a few, are being infiltrated from across the LC/IB with the help of the establishment to muddy the Kashmir waters. The same is probably being done by RAW in Baluchistan, though we haven't seen any concrete proof so far.

It's high time our countries make a paradigm shift and cease any political, military, and diplomatic support to militants who are being used as proxies for fighting seemingly endless wars on behalf of the Establishments of both countries resulting in the death of thousands.

The problem will not end until Pakistani Generals get rid of their 'Waham' that India is out to eat their country.

Duniya mein har beemaari ka ilaaj hai lekin waham ki bimari ka koi ilaaj nahin hai.

In fact now I think this 'anti-India hoo haa' is all a mere ploy for them to prolong their vice-like grip on their country...and they are being pretty successful in it too.
The problem will not end until Pakistani Generals get rid of their 'Waham' that India is out to eat their country.

Duniya mein har beemaari ka ilaaj hai lekin waham ki bimari ka koi ilaaj nahin hai.

In fact now I think this 'anti-India hoo haa' is all a mere ploy for them to prolong their vice-like grip on their country...and they are being pretty successful in it too.

India broke Pakistan in 1971. Why wouldn't India try to break Pakistan again.

The Pakistani generals are the only nationalist Pakistanis who care about Pakistan. We trust them over enemy india.
Pakistan has a seat in UNSC until 31 December 2013. Make good use of it.

Haroon criticizes US on intervening into Pakistan's affairs


Pakistan’s permanent representative in United Nations Abdullah Hussain Haroon Sunday regretted US resolution table in Congress.
The permanent representative of Pakistan in criticized the resolution tabled in US Congress by saying that America has not any right to interfere in the internal affairs of Pakistan.

Talking to a private TV channel, he said that only self-reliant Pakistan could remove the disappointment, the country has received from US.

He said he had already indicated during UN Security Council meet two days earlier that the steps taken by West are becoming peril for Islamic countries. The Muslim Ummah should think over it. Now it is approaching to the minds of Muslims that what kind of dirty gamer is being played against them.

He said that the behaviour of USA is inappropriate with Pakistan since long. “I started an endeavor to unite Muslim countries in the United Nations. We should keep in touch with them every moment”, Haroon added.

He said US can do any thing within the limits of America but what it said about Pakistan is absolutely immoral according to UN charter.

Haroon criticizes US on intervening into Pakistan's affairs | The Nation
First of all you need to make it clear to yourself if it was India that broke your country or was it your same Generals and political elite who refused to be ruled by the dark skinned Bengalis.

...then, probably, I will answer your post.

Save your Dalits before talking about Pakistan's ethnic groups.

Pakistan's internal affairs does not concern india and india has no right to interfere.

Pakistanis are not stupid to buy aman ki asha crap.

This is what india wants for Pakistan:

Stable Pakistan not in India’s interest

Capt. Bharat Verma is the editor of Indian Defence Review. A quarterly journal read by leading policy makers at senior bureaucratic, political and military levels, the IDR is renowned as the "most-quoted Indian defence publication". Capt. Verma is also the founder and current editor of Lancer Publishers, a publishing house dedicated to defence and security matters.

Indians pose the biggest threat to the Union of India.

The reason is simple. An average Indian is merely an individual. His personal well-being overrides all other considerations, including national interests.

This is perhaps why many have begun to propagate parting of Kashmir in their write-ups, since it does not belong individually to them. However, imagine the hue and cry if their personal property and family is held hostage by the terrorists. They will sing a different tune.

The blame lies with New Delhi. For the past 60 years, instead of consolidating the Union, leaders encouraged divisiveness on the basis of religion and caste for sheer vote bank politics. Instead of unifying its citizenry with good governance and increasing their stakes through prosperity, so that they may serve the cause of the nation with honor, it has treated its citizens with unprecedented shabbiness.

The result: groups of citizens have risen against the state, mostly for lack of economic progress and denial of justice. Such disgruntled groups are being taken advantage of by the external forces inimical to India.

There can never be unity in diversity. Unity requires a fair amount of uniformity in laws throughout the Union.

That New Delhi is its own worst enemy became obvious when it permitted the creation of a pure Islamic State on its borders. This nation-state contradicts every democratic and multi-cultural value dear to India. Therefore, if New Delhi has not slept a wink since the creation of Pakistan, it has no one except itself to blame!

Islamabad, besides the wars it imposed on New Delhi, extended its so-called Islamic purity to the Kashmir Valley by instigating the locals to carry out ethnic cleansing of the minority communities.

Hence, first we created a state with inbuilt characteristic of fundamentalism and extreme philosophy contrary to our professed beliefs; then the monster in it started ethnic cleansing in the Valley; and engineered demographic changes through Bangladesh in West Bengal, Assam and the Northeast.

Saudi Arabia and other Islamic oil-rich countries pitched in with the petro-dollars in support, all in the cause of the illusion called Ummah and the establishment of the Caliphate.

The Indian leadership, for its personal vote-bank gains, helped these inimical forces by invoking the Illegal Migrants (determination by Tribunals) or IMDT Act in Assam, which was subsequently shot down by the Supreme Court. The damage was done, as the Union’s overburdened security forces grapple with 15 million illegal Bangladesh infiltrators creating mayhem on Indian soil.

Islamabad, Dhaka, and now Kathmandu, spurred on by Beijing, have united with the singular agenda: to unhook the Valley and the Northeast from the Indian Union.

In addition, they are instigating the Maoists, who control almost 40 n per cent of the Union’s territory, to set up a parallel government, and ultimately, like the Maoists in Nepal, win the elections in pockets of their influence, and impose a regressive authoritarian governments in tune with their own regime.

And yet, New Delhi, instead of consolidating and unifying the Union , continues to divide its citizenry in religious or caste denominations.

Over the past 60 years, New Delhi’s muddle-headed policies actually encouraged separatism. Instead of ensuring diffusion of secular pan-Indian culture and the integration of the society by encouraging Indians from all over to buy and develop land and industry in the Valley and the Northeast, it imposed restrictions on such settlements.

Meanwhile, Pakistan and Bangladesh exported their fundamentalist population to these areas to change the demographic hues in their favour. The ugly separatist face of the agitation in the Valley today is the consequence of the dereliction of the fundamental duty by the Union.

The trend needs to be reversed forcibly by integrating the Valley firmly into the Indian mainstream by creating a secular mix of population through industrialisation.

Many conveniently propose the myth that a stable Pakistan is in India’s favour. This is a false proposition. The truth is that Pakistan is bad news for the Indian Union since 1947–stable or otherwise.

Islamabad has enjoyed brief periods of political stability since the birth of Pakistan. But even during these interludes, it continued to export terrorism, fake currency and narcotics to India. It continued its attempts to change the demography along our borders, and cultivated sleeper cells and armed groups inside our territory to create an uprising at an appropriate time.

Also, it aligned with Beijing and other powers, in a mutually beneficial scheme, to tie-down and ultimately cause a territorial split of the Union.

With Pakistan on the brink of collapse due to massive internal as well as international contradictions, it is matter of time before it ceases to exist.
Multiple benefits will accrue to the Union of India on such demise.

If Indian national interests are defined with clarity and prioritised, the foremost threat to the Union (and for centuries before its birth) has consistently and continuously materialised on the western periphery.

To defend this key threat to the Union, New Delhi should extend its influence through export of both soft and hard power towards Central Asia, from where invasions have been mounted over centuries. The cessation of Pakistan as a state facilitates furtherance of this pivotal national objective.

The destructive path that Islamabad chose will either splinter the state into many parts or it will wither away—a case of natural progression to its logical conclusion. In either case Baluchistan will achieve independence.

For New Delhi this opens a window of opportunity to ensure that the Gwadar port does not fall into the hands of the Chinese. In this, there is synergy between the political objectives of the Americans and the Indians. Our existing goodwill in Baluchistan requires intelligent leveraging.

Sindh and most of the non-Punjabi areas of Pakistan will be our new friends.

Pakistan’s breakup will be a major setback to the Jihad Factory, which functions with the help of its army and the ISI. This in turn will ease pressures on India and the international community.

With China’s one arm, i.e. Pakistan disabled, its expansionist plans will receive a severe jolt. Beijing continues to pose another primary threat to New Delhi. Even as we continue to engage with it as constructively as possible, we must strive to remove the proxy.

At the same time, it is prudent to extend moral support to the people of Tibet to sink Chinese expansionism in the morass of insurgency. For a change, let us do to them what they do to us.

With Pakistan gone, the chances of Central Asia getting infected with the Jihadi fervour will recede. Afghanistan will gain fair amount of stability. India’s access to Central Asian energy routes will open up.

With disintegration of ISI’s inimical activities of infiltration and pushing of fake currency into India, from Nepal and Bangladesh will cease. Within the Union social harmony will improve enormously. Export of Islamic fundamentalism, with its 360-degree sweep from Islamabad, will vanish. Even a country like Thailand will heave a sigh of relief.

Above all, the gathering threat from a united group of authoritarian regimes along our 14,000 km borders, orchestrated and synchronised by Pakistan, will dissolve.

At the height of the recent disturbances in the Valley, when a general asked me for a suggestion to resolve the issue, I said: “ Remove Pakistan. The threat will disappear permanently.” Today the collapse of Pakistan as a state is almost certain. All the King’s men cannot save it from itself.

Looking ahead, New Delhi should formulate an appropriate strategy for ‘post-Pakistan scenario’ to secure India’s interests in Central Asia.

It is intriguing, therefore, to hear New Delhi mouthing the falsehood that stable Pakistan is in India’s favour. Perpetuation of such illogic for vote-bank politics is harming the consolidation and integration of the Union.

Short-sighted politicians as usual are overlooking the national interest for the short-term personal gains of a few votes.

The writer is Editor, Indian Defence Review

Asalam o Alaykum!! I really think that one person cannot change the entire nation unless the nation is not ready for the change… Not only we need new people like Imran Khan but we also need new establishment. Establishment that includes people from all walk of life> Intelligent Youth, Professors, Engineers, Sociologists, Philosophers, Religious people, Ex Military men, Military men .. Think tanks from all walks of life and not just military. There is no doubt about the loyalty of the current establishment… but it lacks vision and input from experts of all sorts. The way i cannot be as competent as military person in war, same way a military man can never be as competent in understanding the West as the people who have lived among them.
Look at all Arab oil states what is so common in the division of Arabian peninsula .. You will also find in Baluchistan.. Small population with huge mineral resources but in our case a deprived population…Sitting at the gateway of Persian Gulf… A location that can be of huge benefit for China and can give all the access to China in Gulf.. Look from the eye of your Enemies and think won’t you exploit it.. Why we never developed Gawadar or more ports Wasn’t Karachi vulnerable strategically only 150 km from Indian border!!! All this 65 years our establishment has been engaged with nawabs and Sardars paying them royalties which were never shared with local population. Not even a single intelligence report suggested that sooner or later these nawabs will change their allegiance to some foreign interests and will use the condition of their people as a reason to start a freedom movement. First of all a State should treat its citizens uniformly.. For Example in Baluchistan you get royalty and in Potohar and Karak you get money for the harvest only!! So if you are more loyal to State ultimately you should expect nothing!!.. Royalty should have been for the people of Area in the form of Employment , any business developed in the area should share percentage of profit with people of the area just like in U.A.E where locals need to be involved in order to set up a business. I think current establishment has been unsuccessful in protecting and guarding our future. They lack strategic vision and multidimensional thinking and task handling. It’s high time to involve people from all walk of life and form a institute better than Pentagon.. I am not criticizing our established they way PPP and PML (N) criticizes them … I want them to think that their are millions of us who are ready to work and support the cause of Pakistan think of us as equal citizens and equally capable human beings … Still in this country there are people who will work for the country for minimum wage and will not sell their souls for dollars involve us Together we all of us as Pakistanis can defend protect and safeguard our interests nothing is lost yet… Best defense again i say is offense and it should be in the form of unity.. there is no establishment but only the forces working together for the integrity and survival of this State.. For Heaven’s Sake listen.. Or we will not forgive current Establishment if we lose a single inch of this State .. We will not forgive you General K or P for you got extensions to protect the interests of this State and if it ends up serving your own interests. Pakistan is more important than this shame democracy.. Lets say it together that ” We as Pakistanis will not tolerate another lost inch of this soil .. No more Sakoot e Dhaka will happen not again no more Siachin no more Kargil’s from now on Inshallah We will Only gain territory…. We will rise above and think above the thoughts of our enemies… We will not let our differences hurt our home land…..We will serve protect and die for our homeland… May God protect every inch of this state of Pakistan and may God add hundreds of thousands of miles to this state and May this State be The number one State and no State on this earth should be as powerful as Pakistan… Only God can decide our future and no more we will let shame less cunning and soul selling human beings decide our future!!!! Ameen
Baluchistan aint going anywhere!!!any UN resolution regarding self-determination of Bloch will be vetoed by Pakistan ally china..
infact we don't want Baluchistan to be free country...a war torned area will act in our favor..more number of forces...more defense share allotted to that area...it'll be like a cancer u cant just cut out!!!
only US can help u guyz...Russia in Chechnya, china in Tibet...both hiding skeleton in their closet!!
Baluchistan aint going anywhere!!!any UN resolution regarding self-determination of Bloch will be vetoed by Pakistan ally china..
infact we don't want Baluchistan to be free country...a war torned area will act in our favor..more number of forces...more defense share allotted to that area...it'll be like a cancer u cant just cut out!!!
only US can help u guyz...Russia in Chechnya, china in Tibet...both hiding skeleton in their closet!!

Yes you know this Baluchistan aint going anywhere and US soon will know :)
US is only afraid, and this shows how important Pakistan is to them, in this WOT....
The day Pakistan left this WOT , US will go down into dust.... they cant leave this war and cant fight this war.. HAHAHA
Baluchistan aint going anywhere!!!any UN resolution regarding self-determination of Bloch will be vetoed by Pakistan ally china..
infact we don't want Baluchistan to be free country...a war torned area will act in our favor..more number of forces...more defense share allotted to that area...it'll be like a cancer u cant just cut out!!!
only US can help u guyz...Russia in Chechnya, china in Tibet...both hiding skeleton in their closet!!
As if US will face do this......They probably know the fallback, only one non nuclear Iran is a headache for them, let alone two enemies in their neighbourhood, If americans fancy such thing, their interstes in ME will be seriously jeoperdized. Though I still feel that Iran is not and will never be a stable friend of Pakistan.
As if US will face do this......They probably know the fallback, only one non nuclear Iran is a headache for them, let alone two enemies in their neighbourhood, If americans fancy such thing, their interstes in ME will be seriously jeoperdized. Though I still feel that Iran is not and will never be a stable friend of Pakistan.

you are right iran is not a suitable friend of Pakistan in longer term, but there are no friends b/w countries...
we need to stand by iran these days as its favor us too, US is getting closer in defeat and wants to blame Pakistan, so we can counter it by giving favour to iran... simple
you are right iran is not a suitable friend of Pakistan in longer term, but there are no friends b/w countries...
we need to stand by iran these days as its favor us too, US is getting closer in defeat and wants to blame Pakistan, so we can counter it by giving favour to iran... simple
Iranian policymakers suffer from the same dilemma as the Indians do, self amplification. I rather prefer UAE,Qatar and Turkey as strategic partners. KSA has its problem of funding wahabis and thus promoting hardline culture. If this issue is addressed, KSA is equally fine as a strategic partner. But I really dont see a anything more than a relationship on bilatral interests with Iran and Afghanistan
UAE, QATAR, and KSA are in bed with USA if you dont know...
Iran is the only country which is good for Pakistan as USA working on Baluchistan... QATAR and UAE are in favour of what USA wants to do in Baluchistan
Sorry to say but i dont belive in what these low 3rd class politican or even Army has to say. I had some belive in army before but after attacks by USA i dont any more.

If they want to take up the case do a press confrence and give us evidence and they are doing this because bill in USA congress. But one call from Munter will stop this , dont even need ppl higher than Munter to gives orders before monkeys start dancing.
This is what india wants for Pakistan:

Stable Pakistan not in India’s interest
Yes! But that's according to Bharat Verma who consideres himself an authority on India-Pakistan-China affairs. He's a nut and spews nonsensical clap-trap at regular intervals. Few, if any, follow his delirious rants.

It therefore surprises me that you have chosen to quote a man who's well known for his baloney. He and your Zaid Hamid are in the same rotten boat and it's sinking fast! :tdown:

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