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Pakistan to expose US interference in Balochistan

why now, why not long time ago,

i dont trust this government and army at all

fake news, first show it and then babble in the media about this, or its just another bull shitt, embarrassing pakistanis
UN or no UN if their is American intervention in Baluchistan. It should be exposed. America can't get anything from UN in case of Baluchistan thanks to countries like China. It is already a dead horse anyways. Syria is a very good example. Things should be clear on the part of Pakistan at least.

expose?? they openly said to have bases in Baluchistan, what more would you expose now, is there anything left? Why don't you expose Zardari, Gillani, Kayani, Musharraf, Nawaz shareef, the whole parliament, directly following orders from Washington?
Just like French show you back for JF17 and they left no choice for you but to put Chinese aviation on JF17 we can do much if we want

Right......like what? Give MMRCA to EF2k instead of Rafale and you will see as much French equipment as we can afford! The beauty of these contests is that, there's always someone else willing to sell.
shame on BLA...
Due to them Baluchistan has become a potent tool for USA.
They will use BLA injected hate against pakistan to lure Baluchis into siding with CIA...
That way USA can have land access to Afghanistan and troll iran what they want.

Look at the positives USA actions seems to be bring closer ties between Iran and pakistan :coffee:
US, Israel, India responsible for killings in Balochistan


LAHORE - Foreign countries and agencies strongly opposed to the Gwadar Port and determined to drive a wedge between Pakistan and Iran are involved in terrorist activities in Balochistan, military sources say.

They told TheNation that Gwadar Port had the capacity to bring about economic prosperity in the impoverished Balochistan and this was precisely what the enemies could not tolerate.

Similarly, the sources said, the countries that did not like cooperation between Pakistan and Iran were out to employ all sorts of machinations to create differences between the two Islamic states. They patronise terrorist organisation Jundullah for activities inside Iran.

The United States, CIA, XE Services (the new name of erstwhile Blackwater), India and Israel, the sources said, were some of those involved in terrorist activities in Balochistan and are fanning secessionist tendencies among angry Balochis.

The interior ministry, the sources said, has failed to deport such elements from Balochistan, because of which the terrorist activities are still going on.

Terrorist activities and daily killings in Balochistan have created unrest among the people, providing some leaders with an opportunity to speak against the Federation. Some of them have also started talking of an independent Balochistan.

The government and some political parties plan to hold separate conferences to discuss threadbare the grievances of the people of Balochistan and their possible solution. However, the enemies have also stepped up their efforts to fan sense of deprivation among the Balochis.

The people of Balochistan allege that a military operation is going on against them.

However, sources say that the army and FC had never ever launched any operation on their own and instead had always acted on the orders of the provincial government. This clearly means that the provincial government is responsible for what the two institutions are doing there.

The sources said the army and the FC retaliated only when they were attacked by terrorists and miscreants.

The army and the FC have started about half a dozen projects in Balochistan with a view to providing jobs to some 20,000 locals. So far, 15,000 people have already been appointed and another 5,000 would be absorbed by the end of the year.

Answering a question, the sources said they were not satisfied with the role of the media in the coverage of the Blochistan situation.

While the activities of separatists, terrorists and criminals are getting no coverage on the electronic media, what the FC and other law enforcers were doing in self-defence were being blown out of proportion. Nobody bothers to question who was involved in target-killing of Punjabis, who was stoking sectarianism and who was resisting development projects.

They said that many Baloch leaders were opposed to development process in their province, probably because it undermined their authority. They cited the example of a mining project operationalised by the FC after some 26 years.

Nawab Khair Bux Marri expressed his views about this project in an interview. Without mincing words, the elderly leader said: “My back was not broken even when my son died. But this project has broken my back.”

US, Israel, India responsible for killings in Balochistan | The Nation
US, Israel, India responsible for killings in Balochistan

LAHORE - Foreign countries and agencies strongly opposed to the Gwadar Port and determined to drive a wedge between Pakistan and Iran are involved in terrorist activities in Balochistan, military sources say.

They told TheNation that Gwadar Port had the capacity to bring about economic prosperity in the impoverished Balochistan and this was precisely what the enemies could not tolerate.

Similarly, the sources said, the countries that did not like cooperation between Pakistan and Iran were out to employ all sorts of machinations to create differences between the two Islamic states. They patronise terrorist organisation Jundullah for activities inside Iran.

The United States, CIA, XE Services (the new name of erstwhile Blackwater), India and Israel, the sources said, were some of those involved in terrorist activities in Balochistan and are fanning secessionist tendencies among angry Balochis.

The interior ministry, the sources said, has failed to deport such elements from Balochistan, because of which the terrorist activities are still going on.

Terrorist activities and daily killings in Balochistan have created unrest among the people, providing some leaders with an opportunity to speak against the Federation. Some of them have also started talking of an independent Balochistan.

The government and some political parties plan to hold separate conferences to discuss threadbare the grievances of the people of Balochistan and their possible solution. However, the enemies have also stepped up their efforts to fan sense of deprivation among the Balochis.

The people of Balochistan allege that a military operation is going on against them.

However, sources say that the army and FC had never ever launched any operation on their own and instead had always acted on the orders of the provincial government. This clearly means that the provincial government is responsible for what the two institutions are doing there.

The sources said the army and the FC retaliated only when they were attacked by terrorists and miscreants.

The army and the FC have started about half a dozen projects in Balochistan with a view to providing jobs to some 20,000 locals. So far, 15,000 people have already been appointed and another 5,000 would be absorbed by the end of the year.

Answering a question, the sources said they were not satisfied with the role of the media in the coverage of the Blochistan situation.

While the activities of separatists, terrorists and criminals are getting no coverage on the electronic media, what the FC and other law enforcers were doing in self-defence were being blown out of proportion. Nobody bothers to question who was involved in target-killing of Punjabis, who was stoking sectarianism and who was resisting development projects.

They said that many Baloch leaders were opposed to development process in their province, probably because it undermined their authority. They cited the example of a mining project operationalised by the FC after some 26 years.

Nawab Khair Bux Marri expressed his views about this project in an interview. Without mincing words, the elderly leader said: “My back was not broken even when my son died. But this project has broken my back.”

US, Israel, India responsible for killings in Balochistan | The Nation

Now who or what are these sources??, Anyone can say anything quoting unnamed sources..
Btw, isn't US sheltering Bramdagh Bugti in Afghanistan proof enough of their support for terrorism?
Balochistan was a silent issue, now after US intervention it is up in the media and till now one who did not know about Balochistan, knows the inner story too . This would cause more harm and take time to settle.
Balochistan was a silent issue, now after US intervention it is up in the media and till now one who did not know about Balochistan, knows the inner story too . This would cause more harm and take time to settle.

Again, bharatis and their small world. Hardly anyone in western media has reported it. It's only in bharati media and Pakistan media. And of course, bharatis think if something is reported in their media, the whole world is talking about it. :lol:
There were 70 Sardar's of Baloch Tribe in which only just 2 running this non-sense seperation movement and one through politicaly now who is behind this Baloch to put pressure on Pakistan (Pressure Tactics) ? INDIA ISRAEL and USA not Pakistan nor MAJORITY of Baluchistan. These k**** b**** 3 not represent 67 Sardaar's Voice! so GET LOST ***** When you don't know anything about balochi and tribe and system of baloch in Pakistan dont post your BULLL SHITS!

@ Indians

***** and deal with your 70% of population who even not capable to buy 1$ a week, deal with 60% of population who dont even have toilets and go deal with first 50% of country who want separation ... Dont *******!!!!
Again, bharatis and their small world. Hardly anyone in western media has reported it. It's only in bharati media and Pakistan media. And of course, bharatis think if something is reported in their media, the whole world is talking about it. :lol:

so more than 1 billion people are now aware of this issue, excluding non Indians.
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