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Pakistan to expose US interference in Balochistan

is there any solid proof, photograph, dealings, weapon smugling into Baluchistan by Indian agents, etc in record which can be put on table??? If yes then , even Mani Shanakar Iyer boldly said, if there is something, bring it.

The bolded existed
These efforts were thwarted by the ISI.
Funds transfer continues unabated.

As the GoP has already decided to offer proofs.. lets wait for the efforts.
After all.. I cant drag my contacts on screen for a video testimony like the agencies.
Oscar bhai you & santro are perhaps the most level headed MODS but you dissapointed me big time byyou post#63 , anyway why do these balouch sepratists want outside help in the first place??????????

What 63?? I thought we are only upto 46 here?..

Quite simple as to why they want outside help.. Any force that is faced with a threat bigger than itself looks to a bigger fish for help. The Maoists have China.. The Khalistanis had us.. and the Baloch have India(among others).
What most Indians seem to think is that this implies that the Baloch insurgency is not indigenous and only exists because India helps it. That is incorrect to assume and rather simplistic.
If today Pakistan and India make peace.. agree to end the tit for tat.. The Baloch problem will not end overnight.
It exists because of a fundamental problem.
THERE IS A FIRE.. but India(along with others) is using this opportunity to add fuel to it.
There are only two possibilities

1 . India is actively supporting baluch movement as pakistan in kashmir

question arises... why isi left this golden chance to make india a culprit in front of the whole world as india did to pakistan in kashmir episode
is isi so incompetent ? Or something else ? I dont have a clue

2. India is not involved in this movement

question arises ..why pakistani establishments are blaming indian involvement ?

Second one is easy to explain .what you say ?
The bolded existed
These efforts were thwarted by the ISI.
Funds transfer continues unabated.

As the GoP has already decided to offer proofs.. lets wait for the efforts.
After all.. I cant drag my contacts on screen for a video testimony like the agencies.

I do not think there will be any credible evidence . US is already bombing in your areas openly, what proof would Pakistan provide? And if something secretive is there, they will start doing it openly. It won't become a huge issue in the world since you have been doing similar things in Kashmir and Afghanistan.
It won't become a huge issue in the world since you have been doing similar things in Kashmir and Afghanistan.

And we are getting paid back for it.
Plus, if it not going to be an issue.. why are you so worried about it?
And we are getting paid back for it.
Plus, if it not going to be an issue.. why are you so worried about it?

Iyer told in your news channel live on air that,provide the evidence. This is a big statement which we are not considering. Why would India has to worry about it, we are rather excited to see those evidences. More over the evidence you are going to provide against the American involvement.
The US cannot destabilize Iranian Balochistan and run terrorist ops into Iranian Balochistan without the support of insurgents/terrorists on the Pakistani side and/or a deliberate or inadvertent transfer of resources and support to the rebels on the Pakistani side.

What people don't understand is that after U.S. attacks Iran, Pakistan is next in line. U.S. is just as much interested in Pakistan's Balochistan Province as it is interested in Iran's Sistan-Baluchistan Province.

And U.S. can use Afghanistan to run terrorist operations in Iran. Afghanistan also shares a border with Iran, including Iran's Sistan-Baluchistan Province. U.S. is after all parts of Balochistan, Pakistan's Balochistan Province, Iran's Sistan-Baluchistan Province, and Afghanistan's part of Balochistan.

U.S. is not happy that Pakistan has strong relations with China, so don't think U.S. will not harm Pakistan.

---------- Post added at 03:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:52 PM ----------

There are only two possibilities

1 . India is actively supporting baluch movement as pakistan in kashmir

question arises... why isi left this golden chance to make india a culprit in front of the whole world as india did to pakistan in kashmir episode
is isi so incompetent ? Or something else ? I dont have a clue

2. India is not involved in this movement

question arises ..why pakistani establishments are blaming indian involvement ?

Second one is easy to explain .what you say ?

Pakistan claims Jammu and Kashmir. It is disputed territory and there are UN resolutions on Kashmir.

Does India claim Pakistan's Balochistan Province.

Its one thing crossing Line of Control, another totally different thing crossing International Borders which violates International Law.
Congressman has history of anti-Pakistan moves


WASHINGTON: Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, who tabled the Balochistan resolution in the US House of Representatives earlier this week, has a history of making anti-Pakistan moves in Congress but has not always been successful in achieving his objectives.

His failed attempts include a move to prohibit the use of funds meant for providing assistance to Pakistan.

But despite his efforts, the Department of Defence Appropriations Act, 2012, provides $1.1 billion to Pakistan from the counter-insurgency fund, which will remain available until Sept 30, 2013.

This fund will be available to the US Secretary of Defence, with the concurrence of the Secretary of State, to provide assistance to Pakistan’s security forces.

Although Mr Rohrabacher tried specifically to prevent Pakistan from using this fund for enhancing its defence capabilities, the act clearly states that the fund can be used for the provision of equipment, supplies, services and training.

The fund can also be used for facility and infrastructure repair, renovation, and construction to build the counter-insurgency capability of Pakistan’s military and Frontier Corps.

Soon after US forces killed Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad on May 2, 2011, Mr Rohrabacher tabled an amendment in the House to prevent all assistance to Pakistan “under any provision of law”.

He accused Pakistan of not only having sheltered the Al Qaeda chief but also of trying to persuade President Hamid Karzai to “strategically move Afghanistan away from the United States and its ‘imperial designs’ and to ally with Pakistan’s ‘all-weather’ friend, the communist People’s Republic of China”.

Mr Rohrabacher accused Pakistan of harbouring terrorists, launching attacks inside India and of selling nuclear technology to other nations.

The congressman pointed out that Pakistan had received over $18 billion in assistance over the past decade from the United States and was due to receive additional assistance.

“Pakistan through its ISI and military has shown itself to act against the interests of the United States by supporting terrorists who kill Americans and in other ways not befitting a recipient of United States aid,” he argued.

But the move failed and the US Congress did not cut off its civilian or military assistance to Pakistan.

On March 3, 2011, Mr Rohrabacher submitted a resolution, urging the government of Pakistan to release Raymond Davis, who shot and killed two Pakistani citizens in Lahore on Jan 27, 2011.

The Congressman urged the US House of Representatives to “freeze all US military assistance to Pakistan”, until Mr Davis was released.

The House did not endorse his request.

Like Mr Rohrabacher’s previous resolutions, the House has also sent the resolution on Balochistan to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, which will decide whether to entertain or reject it.

But unlike his previous moves, this is a concurrent resolution which cannot become a law. It can, however, be adopted to convey Congress’s dismay over the situation in Balochistan.

But to do so, it has to be approved by both the Senate and the House and so far it has not been moved in the Senate.

Pakistan recently summoned US Ambassador Cameron to give full explanation.
shame on BLA...
Due to them Baluchistan has become a potent tool for USA.
They will use BLA injected hate against pakistan to lure Baluchis into siding with CIA...
That way USA can have land access to Afghanistan and troll iran what they want.
Close Pakistani embassy and consulates in US annd close theirs in Pakistan. this is the time. Part our ways from them now, no use crying later on.
Its very funny of my Indian friends, Political dynamics are much different from others. What could India do on RD-93 making their way into JFTs?

Just like French show you back for JF17 and they left no choice for you but to put Chinese aviation on JF17 we can do much if we want
As is said in the Post # 49.
US Blatant Intervention in Balochistan

You get the evidence and they will get the UN in between. Now they are playing it at open front. What evidences now going to do?

UN or no UN if their is American intervention in Baluchistan. It should be exposed. America can't get anything from UN in case of Baluchistan thanks to countries like China. It is already a dead horse anyways. Syria is a very good example. Things should be clear on the part of Pakistan at least.
Army has always been maligned for doing operations in the Balochistan. Yes there have been certain operations in the province but one has to be rational while blaming state institutions. The first operation was done in mid 70s. At that time ZA Bhutto (civilian) was the President of Pakistan and Akbar Bugti was governor of the Balochistan province. Bugti allowed the operation against the Marri tribe. The second encounter was made during Gen. (r) Musharraf regime but that was specifically against Bugti. Soon after the present government came it announced Aaghaz-e-Haqooq-e-Balochistan package for the province. The present military leadership also took many of the steps on the desire of the Baloch masses and its political leadership. And in the meanwhile, Gen Kayani sahib wanted to ensure that Baloch recruitment in large numbers would be seen so that there could be more of their involvement in Armed Forces -to assume and help bring security to the nation. He kept his word; Baloch are joining Army in the tens of thousands.

Army was constructing its garrison in Kohlu and Sui but the same have been stopped. The army troops were pulled out of the area. The Sui cantonment was turned into an education city by Gen Kayani and an advanced college has been established to teach the Baloch youth. Moreover a medical college has been established in Quetta. Chamalang coal mining and Kasa hill projects have been launched under supervision of Pakistan Army to ensure development in the province. It has not only created job opportunities for the locals but has given them the passion to excel further.

Still Pakistan army or FCs are the only institution which is blamed for every curse of the province. There is however a conspiracy that should not be ignored. Elements in USA (who have a bone to pick with Pakistan) want to clear the province from army troops so that it could flood the area with its covert operatives.

a.) they are wary about Chinese designs in the region
b.) they need more listening posts against Iran; since Iraq and Afghanistan missions have proven to be more of a headache for them than anything else

enemy indian elements are already active in Balochistan. It is a conspiracy against Pakistan that must not be ignored.

government may be busy covering its own arse, and therefore not focused on these threats.....but others are watching with full alert to the situation, i can assure you that.
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