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Pakistan Should Bomb Illegal Indian Dams

You meant to say that civilian causality of your own countrymen is acceptable for Pakistan in case of the destruction of the Dams??You have to remember the causality will be double than the Indian side ..do you think it will be appreciated by the general public?? and also think about the Indian backlash also
You want to make me feel bad into allowing you to dry Pakistan up?
Whoever came up with this idea is not aware of things and is being simplistic. This is a diplomatic issue which pakistan has to fight diplomatically. Military option is not a solution to all problems. If Talwar(sword) is used in the place of sui(needle), then the results will be disasterous.

If Pakistan bombs even one dam of India. First and foremost, there would be floods in Punjab. Huge amount of people would lose lives and property worth lakhs(or even crores) would be lost. India will portray Pakistan as a rogue nation that has lost control. World will be sympathetic to India. India can then successfully get Pakistan to be sanctioned in several ways. There are would be covert retaliations within Pakistan. People would be suffering, and they will not be happy with this move of Pakistan. In short, everyone blames Pakistan including Pakistanis. All for what? A dam, which can always be rebuilt.

Instead, Pakistan, if possible should use diplomacy to get the work done.

Anyway, from Indian's POV, I am pleased. IWT is just cool. India has used this treaty well. Now, India has the capability to create both famine and floods in Punjab. India can use this leverage.
You want to make me feel bad into allowing you to dry Pakistan up?

Nopes.. its up to you to feel bad or not ..I am just asking that the general public in Pakistan will appreciate the idea of drowning??
Whoever came up with this idea is not aware of things and is being simplistic. This is a diplomatic issue which pakistan has to fight diplomatically. Military option is not a solution to all problems. If Talwar(sword) is used in the place of sui(needle), then the results will be disasterous.

If Pakistan bombs even one dam of India. First and foremost, there would be floods in Punjab. Huge amount of people would lose lives and property worth lakhs(or even crores) would be lost. India will portray Pakistan as a rogue nation that has lost control. World will be sympathetic to India. India can then successfully get Pakistan to be sanctioned in several ways. There are would be covert retaliations within Pakistan. People would be suffering, and they will not be happy with this move of Pakistan. In short, everyone blames Pakistan including Pakistanis. All for what? A dam, which can always be rebuilt.

Instead, Pakistan, if possible should use diplomacy to get the work done.

Anyway, from Indian's POV, I am pleased. IWT is just cool. India has used this treaty well. Now, India has the capability to create both famine and floods in Punjab. India can use this leverage.

You think if Pakistan walks into India and bombs a dam we will retaliate covertly?

I do agree with you though, the dams are awesome leverage and fluctuating monsoons always give us some plausible deniability.
i just wish the pakistani decision makers are more sane than some of members here ... the only solution for them seems to fire some missiles at india in this case dams... they seem to forget or rather ignore the aftermath of such adventure.. which can be too much for an already economically unhealthy or atleast a little not in its 100% condition ...
in addition to this lets not forget the sanctions mae by every powerful country on them after this.. after all who wants to loose such a giant market ...(and that includes our largest trading partner) for a state which fires missiles at dams..
I wonder what ISI and the army have in their sleeve to counter this blatant indian aggression. They must be doing something behind the scenes.
well they should.......

they hould work hard before such suicidal or better catastrophic move..
India is trying to hold Pakistan hostage for its ambitions. Won't go down too well with the ISI. They might do covert operations to take out these facilities or perhaps something we don't know about.
You think if Pakistan walks into India and bombs a dam we will retaliate covertly?

well, its difficult to predict, but the Indian retaliation would be swift and extreme. In many ways, it would accelerate the demise of Pakistan. Because Pakistan would become a rogue state to the world. The question of nukes in the hands of rogue pakistan would be raised by India. A limited war could be an option. Large scale covert operations or something more severe. But it wont be in Pakistan's interest. Pakistan would be giving an excuse to India and sympathy of the world would be with India(this is very important).
ISI is doing covet operations .. it always has.... it is just that they are not very successfull at covering their tracks and the operations are not very successfull
any military move might lead to a nuclear war...so let better sense prvail...move to the UN...and present hard facts.
no need to bomb anything.
ISI is doing covet operations .. it always has.... it is just that they are not very successfull at covering their tracks and the operations are not very successfull

ISI is also myopic in the sense that it does violence for the sake of it, perhaps motivated by hatred. A true intelligence agency works only on the principle of 'interests' in a detached way.
what will blowing up the dam achieve?

as was mentioned earlier, it might lead to full scale hostilities which willr esult in something bad for both sides.

in the least even if the GoI acts cowardly and does nothing pakistan will be buried under sanctions and PA will run out of money to buy more missiles if it decides to fire more of them into india.

most probably india will blow up dams in pakistan in retaliation .
so not only will the pakistanis suffer due to the flood caused by blowing up the indian dam, they will have floods and famines due to their own missing dams.

none of the 3 scenarios i can forsee are favourable to pakistan.

PA i am sure is too smart to take any foolish action like blowing up a dam in india.
I think they should only do so if the Indian dams are impacting the water flow of rivers in Pakistan and the Indians are not doing anything to change it.
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