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Pakistan Should Bomb Illegal Indian Dams

I think they should only do so if the Indian dams are impacting the water flow of rivers in Pakistan and the Indians are not doing anything to change it.

No. They should do it only if they are completely sure that doing so would not attract retaliatory measures. And before you begin thinking of a war, let me tell you this - Indians, unlike Pakistanis, have ways of retaliation that are though non-violent, yet lethal enough.
both Big dams of Pakistan are filled with very fertile soil if they are targeted by India the flood water will take that soil to rich the farm land. Finding some positive from a negative thing
both Big dams of Pakistan are filled with very fertile soil if they are targeted by India the flood water will take that soil to rich the farm land. Finding some positive from a negative thing

The biggest optimistic person I have ever seen..I really loved your comment buddy :lol:
we should remain well-prepared for war against Hindus as they were casting bad eye on Pakistan and our independence, which is a blessing of Allah.

Yes we should remain well prepared. How can we guarantee our security if we are un-prepared or under-prepared. Why the heck is this statement pinching Indian fellows over here?
No. They should do it only if they are completely sure that doing so would not attract retaliatory measures. And before you begin thinking of a war, let me tell you this - Indians, unlike Pakistanis, have ways of retaliation that are though non-violent, yet lethal enough.

Sure you do.. TTP and Baluchistan movement are good examples. We know how many fingers India has in each hand so dont worry, you cannot surprise us.
both Big dams of Pakistan are filled with very fertile soil if they are targeted by India the flood water will take that soil to rich the farm land. Finding some positive from a negative thing

Good one! :bounce:..
What was it again?... soil.. fertile... water ... and was it dam as well...
Damn... what logic... lol... very humorous
we should remain well-prepared for war against Hindus as they were casting bad eye on Pakistan and our independence, which is a blessing of Allah.
Does this mean that you will spare Muslims and Christians in the Indian army once they fought against you.
No. They should do it only if they are completely sure that doing so would not attract retaliatory measures. And before you begin thinking of a war, let me tell you this - Indians, unlike Pakistanis, have ways of retaliation that are though non-violent, yet lethal enough.

Yeah, its called propaganda aimed towards the overpopulated masses of India.
Yeah, its called propaganda aimed towards the overpopulated masses of India.

No, mate. India has diplomatic, economic, political and military options(overt, covert and nuclear). And any overt attack will be retaliated with a combination of them. India's diplomatic, economic and political response could be as lethal as military, mate.

Let me give you an example, very crude, but suffices for the occasion:

Coke does business in both Pakistan and India, right. India says that because you do business in/with Pakistan, we wont allow you to do business with/in India. If you want to work in/with India, then stop your business in Pakistan. Guess, what Coke will do?

Now, multiply this and imagine what will happen if this option is laid out before most non-pakistani MNC working in India and Pakistan.

This is one of the many economic options before India. There are several such options that India can use to punish Pakistan in case of an attack.

BTW, only fanboys can come up with such simplistic solution, obviously PA is more intelligent and will not do any such stupid acts.
why are we all discussing a situation which is not going to happen ......

we all know india is not india of 65 and pakistan is also not pakistan of 65 so i do not think any open aggression can be done from pakistan , specially when they have so much to do.........
why are we all discussing a situation which is not going to happen ......

we all know india is not india of 65 and pakistan is also not pakistan of 65 so i do not think any open aggression can be done from pakistan , specially when they have so much to do.........

Yep, the first hurdle is US. US will not like PA to do anything but go after talibs.:cheesy:
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i Think the Indus water treaty should be taken to United Nations and ask them to resolve the issue peacefully.

India and Indians know that these dams block water supply for Pakistan and the water Belong to her According to indus water treaty.

If not leaving Pakistan to become a dessert is not an option ! , we Are prepared for any type of war of "survival" maybe this could be the cause of that limited war the Gen Kapoor is refering to.This could be the Part of their cold start strategy to compell Pakistan to retaliate , thats why my belief is we must solve this issue on Political front without firing a single bullet:sniper:

But if Pakistan has to burn those dams to the Ground we would be doing it by Cruise missiles and a possibility of an " Surgical air strike may exist depending on the circumstances and political stance of islamabad" after all , its our water and we need it morethan anyone else , as far as u.s is concerned we do not give a crap about them we just pretend to do so!

Gear up boys::triniti:!

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No, mate. India has diplomatic, economic, political and military options(overt, covert and nuclear). And any overt attack will be retaliated with a combination of them. India's diplomatic, economic and political response could be as lethal as military, mate.

Let me give you an example, very crude, but suffices for the occasion:

Coke does business in both Pakistan and India, right. India says that because you do business in/with Pakistan, we wont allow you to do business with/in India. If you want to work in/with India, then stop your business in Pakistan. Guess, what Coke will do?

Now, multiply this and imagine what will happen if this option is laid out before most non-pakistani MNC working in India and Pakistan.

This is one of the many economic options before India. There are several such options that India can use to punish Pakistan in case of an attack.

BTW, only fanboys can come up with such simplistic solution, obviously PA is more intelligent and will not do any such stupid acts.
Your suggestions are pure jokes and stupid to say the least.

First of all, Coke in Pakistan amongst other brands is very much owned and managed and operated by Pakistanis.

Secondly, the day or moment war breaks out between India/Pak, the first thing foreigners working in the Sub-continent would do is to grab anything in their hands and take the next flight back home.

All goraay business investors and managers would literally run in their boxers the moment a war breaks out.

And during war there wont be *any* foreign investment or business activities flowing into either of the country.

Yes, India may have to a limited extent diplomatic options available given their recent deals with the Americans. they may be able to push Pak to a certain extent. But that is it.

On the other Hand, Pakistan has more regional affiliates than India. Pak has better ties to oil rich middle eastern Muslim countries. Imagine your oil supply being stop for a few days? all economic activity being stopped. internally there would be rebellions usurping across due to sheer poverty n lawlessness

therefore depicting a rosy pic of war is really easy but it would be total destruction of both the states to say the least.
Yep, the first hurdle is US. US will not like PA to do anything but go after talibs.:cheesy:

i would invite you to think about a hypothetical sanario , what would one do when their forces are on the other border fighting someone else they have no oil to fight the war neighter they have money and they have to fight another war and they have Nuclear weapons and one of the world's most reliable Missile system?
What should they do?:azn:

I am not a warmonger i do not want 900 million people to die , but let me know what do you think about it?;)
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