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Pakistan should be named 'People's Republic of Pakistan'

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Mangal pandaey. Gandhi, Nehru, Lala lajpat Rai, Subhash chandra bose, Bhagat singh, Sukhdev, Rajguru. they weren't freedom fighters ?
they fought for india.
most of the actually fighting was done by muslims, everybody knows that.

What is the purpose of these posts? The issues that were settled long ago need not concern you now. Take a hike, break a leg, cry a river... whatever.

People who come up with stories like this usually have no knowledge of history. They have little idea of ground realities in Pakistan, and they just want to express their inspired ignorance.

Such people confuse various different issues into just one headline and they think that they have solved our puzzle for us.

But in the case of OP's first post, he is just giving coverage to an attention seeking bimbo. Open the link and see for yourself.

Great going star fish.... before you go looking for meaning in your life, try growing a brain.
And it came from the people who ddnt accept Pakistan since its acceptance. Or they seperate from ourselves. Now they came back with stupid ideas. I saw people slamming IamBengali in all discussion. Might be his habit to $h!t everywhere
With respect to the bolded quote, do you mean to say that the Hindus, Sikhs and Christians of Pakistan did not take part in the freedom struggle?
not pakistans struggle but maybe indias struggle.
why would non muslims want a separate country for muslims? why would they help us get one?
what ever they want.


We do have priorities and preference in the form of subsidies in job, education in form of school scholarship schemes, finance schemes, skill development schemes, minority woman welfare schemes, etc specifically for minorities.

Is there anything like that , there?
i know the OP can't reply my points since he has been kicked off the thread, but I'd still like to make them.

Why do you see it as necessary to draw parallels between the system Bangladesh adopted, and that of Pakistan? We went our separate ways, however unfortunately or unamicably, and hence any comparisons seem quite feather brained.

At the risk of insulting you guys, Bangladesh was created on the basis of ethnic nationalism which is one of the worst things in Islam, and explicitly as one of the types of fitna. Its the very antithesis of Pakistan, which is based on Muslim unity and the very principles of Islam which you shunned when you became an atheist secular 'people's' republic.

Our ideology and thinking is of a different kind, and if you have objections to a genuine Islamic system implemented properly (which is something every Muslim should relentlessly strive for til death) then I have nothing left to say to you.

Remember you're suggesting this to a nation whose father penned the following:

Aik Hon Muslim Haram Ki Pasbani Ke Liye
Neel Ke Sahil Se Le Kar Ta Bakhak-e-Kashghar

May the Muslims unite in watching over the Shrine,
From the banks of the Nile to the deserts of Kashghar.

Bangladesh was created for Bangalis and Bangla speakers which is a racial goal. Pakistan was created for the Muslims and that is the difference that we won't let anyone change. This is who we are and no minority has the right to tell us to believe otherwise.


We do have priorities and preference in the form of subsidies in job, education in form of school scholarship schemes, finance schemes, skill development schemes, minority woman welfare schemes, etc specifically for minorities.

Is there anything like that , there?

Pakistan Cabinet approves 5 percent job quota for minorities (non Muslim) following a proposal by Minorities Minister
KP CM increases job quota for minorities | Pakistan Today
Khattak increases 100pc job quota for minorities

Pull the zip.
Pakistan is an Islamic state and will remain so, Inshallah!

People who don't like it can go **** themselves.

Pakistan should be a tolerant healthy state like Turkey, Malaysia and so on.

Who cares about the name man?!
they fought for india.
most of the actually fighting was done by muslims, everybody knows that.
unlike ur way of thinking, actual fighting is done in the minds, hands are not enough, not always.
khan abdul gaffar khan , abul kalam azad etc etc they come up in the average mind not the countless soldiers who sacrificed their lives in sepoy mutiny.....
btw , i personaly feel, sepoy mutiny shouldnt be seen as an independence struggle. it was more of a scramble for authority. not much change for the mango man.
What kind of history lesson do they give you over there? From Syed Ahmad Khan - the first proponent of two nation theory, to Muhammad Ali Jinnah... None of them went to jail for protesting against the Britishers.

But what does it matter, the history taught to you is in complete contradiction with the history the rest of the world learns. Nothing matters more.

Because they were politicians of the highest order and we had planned for Pakistan well around 1910's. We took what was ours without much fuss and that's a homage to our organization, intelligence and stubbornness.
Muslims of where? In that case are Muslims in India also Pakistani citizen? Or can they be if they 'apply'?

Muslims or "North-Western Sub-continent where Muslims were already in majority...."

Anyone else is welcomed too though...

Pakistan has given refuge to millions of Afghans, Central Asian Muslims, and even Bosnian Muslims...and that too, without any application of 'immigration' or without any limitations and without any charge.

Pakistan is probably THE most welcoming state out there...

Only if we could take care of our problems though..
Pakistan is an Islamic state and will remain so, Inshallah!

People who don't like it can go **** themselves.

Pakistan should be a tolerant healthy state like Turkey, Malaysia and so on.
contradiction.....please see the whole content before u hit the post reply button.
ur post can be summarised further as "i m very tolerant but ppl who dont agree with me can fk themselves".
Pakistan is an Islamic state and will remain so, Inshallah!

People who don't like it can go **** themselves.

Pakistan should be a tolerant healthy state like Turkey, Malaysia and so on.

Who cares about the name man?!

Relax homie, this is just emotional hoo haa. They know that we are not talkers, we are doers and keep everything on the table. 'Everything' ;)
Pakistan is actually Peoples Republic of Pakistan where “Peoples” are the ruling elite who take turns be it in the Parliament, the senate and the Provincial assemblies.

Hence it is their Republic as they are the only faithful and patriotic and capable people and citizens of Pakistan. The remaining of the 190 million are not counted as People or citizen.
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