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Pakistan should be named 'People's Republic of Pakistan'

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Lastly, since Muslims are the majority, our laws and way of life will prevail. Millions of our ancesstors paid with their blood, wealth and honor so we could have a choice they didn't have.

If 3% minorities have a problem with our country's name, it means that they have a peoblem with Muslims, our way of life aspirations and Islam.

If they have a problem with the majority and their aspirations, the majority can tell them go and smoke bong! - just because we 'can'.
The Christans and Hindus didn't have any significant role in our freedom movement, they paid no price for our freedom. They got it as a result of the blood sacrifice of our forefathers....and whoever has the power to give also reserves the right to 'take it back'.
dont u see a can full of worms there ????
i believe, just because they are minorities, they shudnt be slapped with the "no good" rhetoric.
if 'those' minorities didnt have a role in creation of pakistan, then can we say that minorities in united india had no role in getting her the indepence ???
i understand that independence that "creation of pakistan" and "independence from brit raj" are two different things, but they do have a common point....independence.
my point is, if u can presume that the hindus and christians had no take in
--- independence of india/pakistan from brits
--- creation of pakistan
then i guess we can extend the line of thot to the following ....
--- christians opposed the independence movement (christianity factor )
--- muslims (all of them south asians) wanted pakistan, and hence, all of them are enemies of india.
--- only hindus contribution counts in india's independence movt, because the minorities can go n "have a bong"
dont u see a can full of worms there ????
i believe, just because they are minorities, they shudnt be slapped with the "no good" rhetoric.
if 'those' minorities didnt have a role in creation of pakistan, then can we say that minorities in united india had no role in getting her the indepence ???
i understand that independence that "creation of pakistan" and "independence from brit raj" are two different things, but they do have a common point....independence.
my point is, if u can presume that the hindus and christians had no take in
--- independence of india/pakistan from brits
--- creation of pakistan
then i guess we can extend the line of thot to the following ....
--- christians opposed the independence movement (christianity factor )
--- muslims (all of them south asians) wanted pakistan, and hence, all of them are enemies of india.
--- only hindus contribution counts in india's independence movt, because the minorities can go n "have a bong"

I don't see, Pakistani and Indian independence as a singular phenomena. Before the Raj we were not a single nation, nor we could have been after the Raj. The Indian story is different to ours. As far as i am concerned, the Pakistani constitution guarantees all freedoms and rights for the minorities. Whats not acceptable to me is that 3% come and tell me to reverse what my ancestors died for. I am 97% and i in all likelihood will tell them to go and smoke bong!
You mean

Mangal pandaey. Gandhi, Nehru, Lala lajpat Rai, Subhash chandra bose, Bhagat singh, Sukhdev, Rajguru. they weren't freedom fighters ?
Sometimes I don't want to live on this planet anymore. :suicide:

Ps - Our western border should be mined all over, all interactions stopped and any pro Pakistani on our side of the border can be catapulted to their side. For good. And as justification we have the admin's answer -

Our land our rules.

:tup: What say?

I don't see, Pakistani and Indian independence as a singular phenomena. Before the Raj we were not a single nation, nor we could have been after the Raj. The Indian story is different to ours. As far as i am concerned, the Pakistani constitution guarantees all freedoms and rights for the minorities. Whats not acceptable to me is that 3% come and tell me to reverse what my ancestors died for. I am 97% and i in all likelihood will tell them to go and smoke bong!
One question - what is the minimum threshold to demand the minorities to 'go and smoke bong'? I mean for you it is 97%, but what is the bare minimum? :azn:

@Indischer @Ravi Nair @45'22' @jaibi @Marshmallow @Spring Onion and others...
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You mean

Mangal pandaey. Gandhi, Nehru, Lala lajpat Rai, Subhash chandra bose, Bhagat singh, Sukhdev, Rajguru. they weren't freedom fighters ?

Don't expect these armchair generals to not view everything under the lens of religion (as usual). Their distorted world view is, to put it mildly - shocking! I look at these people with utmost pity, and nothing else.


What is the purpose of these posts? The issues that were settled long ago need not concern you now. Take a hike, break a leg, cry a river... whatever.

People who come up with stories like this usually have no knowledge of history. They have little idea of ground realities in Pakistan, and they just want to express their inspired ignorance.

Such people confuse various different issues into just one headline and they think that they have solved our puzzle for us.

But in the case of OP's first post, he is just giving coverage to an attention seeking bimbo. Open the link and see for yourself.

Great going star fish.... before you go looking for meaning in your life, try growing a brain.
:tup: What say? - One question - what is the minimum threshold to demand the minorities to 'go and smoke bong'? I mean for you it is 97%, but what is the bare minimum? :azn:

I only speak on behalf of my country and my people.


What is the purpose of these posts? The issues that were settled long ago need not concern you now. Take a hike, break a leg, cry a river... whatever.

People who come up with stories like this usually have no knowledge of history. They have little idea of ground realities in Pakistan, and they just want to express their inspired ignorance.

Such people confuse various different issues into just one headline and they think that they have solved our puzzle for us.

But in the case of OP's first post, he is just giving coverage to an attention seeking bimbo. Open the link and see for yourself.

Great going star fish.... before you go looking for meaning in your life, try growing a brain.

He's just trolling. I have locked him out, so we can have a sensible debate.
I only speak on behalf of my country and my people.
He's just trolling. I have locked him out, so we can have a sensible debate.

Of course...I respect both the opinion and your representing them all, but still what is the minimum percentage, I am asking out of curiosity. You know - open forum, exchange of ideas and all that :coffee:
They were for their respective nations and people.

Except Subhash Chandra Bose, i have little respect for others.

So there was an idea of Pakistan and India in their ( Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, Mangal pandey )minds when they died fighting against the British Raaj ?

P.S- you respecting or not doesn't snatch away the fact of sacrifices they did for us.
Of course...I respect both the opinion and your representing them all, but still what is the minimum percentage, I am asking out of curiosity. You know - open forum, exchange of ideas and all that :coffee:

I mentioned % to convey that we are an overwhelming demographic majority, which means that our democratic opinions and aspirations will decide the fate of our culture and country. The 3% minorities have all due rights in our constitution (and i am not saying that they are treated constitutionally, that's a different debate.). What they can't do is to tell the majority to give up its very identity. Not happening!
I don't see, Pakistani and Indian independence as a singular phenomena. Before the Raj we were not a single nation, nor we could have been after the Raj. The Indian story is different to ours. As far as i am concerned, the Pakistani constitution guarantees all freedoms and rights for the minorities. Whats not acceptable to me is that 3% come and tell me to reverse what my ancestors died for. I am 97% and i in all likelihood will tell them to go and smoke bong!
u know what i kinda agree 100%.
i had already mentioned pakistani indepence n the indian independence are different.
but even after i agree with ur conclusions , new doubts wud arise

-- if minorities in pak didnt do anything for pak indepence, they can "have bong" (lucky fellas), so how about india's minorities , particularly , muslim, who supported the pakistani cause, and thereby, directly went against the indian state ??

should we tell them to "have bong" , as they didnt just play spectator (like minorities in pak), but went against the state of india.

two points should be cleared btw
--- ppl , irrespective of religious and regional background, helped in the india's independence.
--- just like india is a collection of states and not a state of its own, pakistan is also a collection of states. she is a regional identity at the very best, just like india. the only thing diffrent in both the cases ---- india is hindu and pak is muslim (and contrary to many beliefs this side of the border, we are as fundamentalists as you guys are, if not more.)

lastly we can get enough bong for 20% minorities.
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