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Pakistan should be named 'People's Republic of Pakistan'

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nothing, nothing at all, i was being an idiot
I was mentioned on the 2nd page and now we are on the 22nd page.
I might loose my sophrosyne self reading all the posts here on this thread.
Do we have a better option??

Basically its like this in short.
If they have a problem with the majority and their aspirations, the majority can tell them go and smoke bong! - just because we 'can'. The Christians and Hindus didn't have any significant role in our freedom movement, they paid no price for our freedom. They got it as a result of the blood sacrifice of our forefathers....and whoever has the power to give also reserves the right to 'take it back'.

Our land our rules. We will do exactly what we want and everyone else has to fit in or leave. This is evolution, adapt or perish (Culturally).

The minority needs to evolve and adapt while we evolve to strengthen our control. Ever wondered why Sharks, Tigers, Lions and Wolves survived? - Because they were at the top of the food chain. In this country we are at the top of the food chain, therefore we will write the rules for others to follow and adapt to.

BUT also

I am all in favor of minority rights, quotas, jobs and so on.
We have and will use violence if and when in a quantity we feel its need to do so.
Man, do not show too much arrogance. BTW, what you have achieved but for a defunct state? Try to find the reasons for that.
Would not the claim on Kashmir on the basis of Muslim mejority be void if PK becomes a people's republic?
Would not the claim on Kashmir on the basis of Muslim mejority be void if PK becomes a people's republic?
Pakistan does not essentially claim Kashmir.. It claims self determination for Kashmiris.. which essentially it hypothesises that will end up with the Kashmiris choosing Pakistan.
Oh Chacha even u dont know history......the things yr mentioning did happened but the way yr putting them is in a wrong context. Those Mullas were congressi Mullas like Abdul Kalam Azad.

Prove me wrong dear (if you can) !!! And I was not talking about Azad , I was talking about Majlis-e-Ahrar-ul-Islam (the forerunner of , LeJ , TTP etc.) and JI etc. Every religious(Islamic) entity of any significance , opposed Pakistan movement , get your facts right

If the two terms "Islam" and "Republic" some how reconcile each other without much violating their literal meaning and as long as the spirit of liberty is carefully respected and taken care of by it's rulers if I were a Pakistani I wouldn't have felt much urge to change the present name to anything else. It will not change anything substantial at all.

These terms can not reconcile . The idea of having a "Theocratic democracy" is highly flawed and the experiment we carried out in 1956 by trying to create a Hybrid called "Islamic Republic" , has already failed . I agree with you , just changing the name would not change anything substantial . We need to revive Jinnah`s Pakistan !!
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These terms can not reconcile . The idea of having a "Theocratic democracy" is highly flawed and the experiment we carried out in 1956 by trying to create a Hybrid called "Islamic Republic" , has already failed . I agree with you , just changing the name would not change anything substantial . We need to revive Jinnah`s Pakistan !!

Are you suggesting we exhume a tattered skeleton from the grave.. and then plant some muscles and skin from various sources.. jolt it back to life and hope for the best? Even on the off chance it works and comes back to life..what makes you think it will be any good?

Are you not aware of Dr Frankenstein's attempt at doing so and the resultant monster he ended up with?
they cud be rite too

yes , some were. and i cant thank them more that inspite of all the odds they kept their faith in india n the non-muslims. but in a poor place like india, i wud rather stick to the poverty thing rather than passion for homeland. u mite have heard a very popular saying....u cant preach a guy with an empty stomach ...
muslims are treated ok i guess but the deep rooted bias against them will still take some decades to go out.

1.They could be but do you have any proof ? I guess no,but the historians have.

2.Are they paying for their faith? Well it was their decision. I have no issues with that?
These terms can not reconcile . The idea of having a "Theocratic democracy" is highly flawed and the experiment we carried out in 1956 by trying to create a Hybrid called "Islamic Republic" , has already failed . I agree with you , just changing the name would not change anything substantial . We need to revive Jinnah`s Pakistan !!
I agree, my friend. I think there was a thread on this topic here and the debate there was an excellent read. Just as an observer with no firm grip on Islamic theology I feel,the two terms "Islam" and "Republic" seem self contradictory when we try to analyze them with a conventional approach. If enough work (by the state) had been encouraged like Iqbal's intellectual synthesis of ideas between western philosophers like Kant, Whitehead etc and with Islamic Philosophy, I think we could have come up with an acceptable answer of this paradox which lost it's way in history with the untimely death of it's main proponents.
I agree, my friend. I think there was a thread on this topic here and the debate there was an excellent read. Just as an observer with no firm grip on Islamic theology I feel,the two terms "Islam" and "Republic" seem self contradictory when we try to analyze them with a conventional approach. If enough work (by the state) had been encouraged like Iqbal's intellectual synthesis of ideas between western philosophers like Kant, Whitehead etc and with Islamic Philosophy, I think we could have come up with an acceptable answer of this paradox which lost it's way in history with the untimely death of it's main proponents.
There are enough scholars in Pakistan to come up with new theories/answers/philosophies to have a sort of renaissance(so to speak) in Pakistan. Provided they want to.
Are you suggesting we exhume a tattered skeleton from the grave.. and then plant some muscles and skin from various sources.. jolt it back to life and hope for the best? Even on the off chance it works and comes back to life..what makes you think it will be any good?

Are you not aware of Dr Frankenstein's attempt at doing so and the resultant monster he ended up with?

In a country torn apart by ethnic and religious strife , Jinnah is only important marker for a nebulous inclusive Pakistani identity.This is not something unique to us . In US you still find the legacy of founding fathers deeply and bitterly contested even though the last of them died some 180 years ago .
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