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Pakistan should be named 'People's Republic of Pakistan'

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Mangal pandaitsty. Gandhi, Nehru, Lala lajpat Rai, Subhash chandra bose, Bhagat singh, Sukhdev, Rajguru. they weren't freedom fighters ?
Yes they were freedom fighters as well, and they got their freedom, and now It's called BHARAT.
Pakistan is an Islamic state and will remain so, Inshallah!

People who don't like it can go **** themselves.

Pakistan should be a tolerant healthy state like Turkey, Malaysia and so on.

Who cares about the name man?!

How Islamic..:lol:

Also the countries you mentioned are secular muslim majority states.
point is the history the teach u that he was jailed only because he fought british is a total lie. But in reality he is a lust full man with very low moral principles, even we know he had illicit relations with his sister in law and was a gay was well.
i dont give a damn about his private life....what i admire is, inspite of all his vices, he achieved wat 99.99 % of the humanity cudnt.
morever, why exactly he was arrested...i mean, didnt he pay up after the act or that he visited an illegal brothel ???
Nope - "We will do as we seem fit"

:tup: Have your own show.

Wow! - Muslim majority analogous to Sharks/Tigers/Lions and Wolves! Bajrang Dal is right :yay:

Did you really not get my post or just trolling?


And this is from UNESCO.
Figures are higher than Pakistan.
Pakistan name should be "ISLAMIC PAKISTAN" jamhoor (Islami Jamhoria Pakistan) has been suffered more than half century. Each and every Pakistani been bleeding every drop of blood to this politics and politicians in hands of lords who are enemy actually in disguise. This is immortal nation which is still standing like anything.
And so in such a situation, where Muslims have the capacity to rule themselves in Pakistan, in today's day and age - having a Constitution which discriminates between its own subjects is reminiscent of 7th century Arabia.

Pakistani Constitution should clearly declare that all its subjects are equal before it and the name of Pakistan once changed to People's republic guanrentee's that people will be less incentivized to break the law and discriminate against others.

In both these actions, Pakistani's are themselves beholding themselves to principles of natural justice and are free to continue the lifestyles they want - Islamic or otherwise.

You dont need to be an Islamic State to ban alcohol. I dont know why you derive your sense of morality only from Islam. If the majority of people dont want alcohol - ban it. If Pakistani's want to ban pork - ban it.
The same lifestyle that Pakistani's want can be had while giving equality to all Pakistani's.

Do you get the idea?

P.S: You may not agree with this, but it is my personal view that No State that provides natural justice to its people can survive for long. 'Long' is ofcourse relative, the State can disintegrate in 10 years or 300 years, but its disintegration is inevitable. And yes, I apply this to India as well.

I appreciate your input though what you have stated is not possible 'yet'.
Bangladesh has 60% literacy rate, while Pakistan is at 55%
List of countries by literacy rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

While India is way ahead at 74%
@Aeronaut was talking about the muslims only, not all the population combined.

and yeah , i also think that pakistani muslims are the most educated in south asia (percentage wise).
indian muslims are still backward (poverty n congress) and Bdeshis had very little time to pull up their socks (they are trying hard thoh...)

Muslims have the lowest literacy rate compared to other communities in India. 67.6 % Muslim literacy rate in India is still higher than Pakistan's 57 %.


Bangladesh literacy rate is 71 %.

Education in Bangladesh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Btw, there is a HUGE difference between education and literacy.

View attachment 21686

And this is from UNESCO.
Figures are higher than Pakistan.

Bangladesh's population is lower than us Mr Genius.

Muslims have the lowest literacy rate compared to other communities in India. 67.6 % Muslim literacy rate in India is still higher than Pakistan's 57 %.


Bangladesh literacy rate is 71 %.

Education in Bangladesh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Btw, there is a huge difference between education and literacy.

I was talking about 'Youth Literacy' not literacy in general and do provide me non-Indian figures about Muslim Youth Literacy in India.
No need to change the name now.

It is much more important to push forward economic reforms in Pakistan.

Pushing Economic requires some prerequisites. Blasphemy and economic reforms can not go hand to hand.
@Aeronaut was talking about the muslims only, not all the population combined.

and yeah , i also think that pakistani muslims are the most educated in south asia (percentage wise).
indian muslims are still backward (poverty n congress) and Bdeshis had very little time to pull up their socks (they are trying hard thoh...)

We have also have a better higher education systems for Muslims in S.Asia when compared to other nations. In other words we are producing more Muslim doctors, Engineers other professionals than other S.Asian Muslim stock are. That was the whole point.
Because Pakistan was not a republic until 1956. Until then we were under the british crown. The name Islamic republic of Pakistan was chosen in the constitution of 1956 when Pakistan became a republic.

The Bottom line is, that Pakistanis will decide what our country would become. Majority of Pakistanis desire a functional Muslim state. We may become communists, secularists or a Sharia state, its no one's business. This is our country and we will decide its future.

Lastly, since Muslims are the majority, our laws and way of life will prevail. Millions of our ancestors paid with their blood, wealth and honor so we could have a choice they didn't have. If 3% minorities have a problem with our country's name, it means that they have a problem with Muslims, our way of life aspirations and Islam.

If they have a problem with the majority and their aspirations, the majority can tell them go and smoke bong! - just because we 'can'. The Christians and Hindus didn't have any significant role in our freedom movement, they paid no price for our freedom. They got it as a result of the blood sacrifice of our forefathers....and whoever has the power to give also reserves the right to 'take it back'.
Same way we can give a middle finger to Minorities in india, going by your post isn't it?
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