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Pakistan shops for warships to replace British frigates, modernize Navy

Small question. Is it equipped with HQ-16 with 40km range or HHQ-16 with 70km range?
Small question. Is it equipped with HQ-16 with 40km range or HHQ-16 with 70km range?

Very likely HHQ-16 with 70 KM range.

HHQ-16 (Red Sea 16) is a naval version of the HQ-16.

HQ-16A is an improved version that uses improved missile with slightly better performance.

LY-80 is an export version of the HQ-16A. It incorporates cold vertical launch method. It was first presented and is being proposed since 2011. In 2013-2015 Pakistan ordered a number of LY-80 missile systems. It looks like deliveries commenced in 2017.

HQ-16B is a further improved version with extended range. Its missile has improved rocket motor and revised wings. Missiles range increased from 40 km to 70 km. This system was revealed in 2016.
Good pak should not buy US made corvetes infact buy one DDG 052D destroyer is far better
I don't think we are in position to be "retiring any ships" instead it should be enhancement to ships and attaining new platform and ships


Many a times---older equipment becomes a liability---and there is wastage in its utility---produces less---costs more---takes space---takes more manpower to operate and maintain---and is less capable in performance.
Well All British frigates can be modenized with new Missiles / Computers / Wiring and Weapons system + Radar just need a Modernization.

This news is so interesting and unique----till yesterday---most TT and professionals were talking about NO FUNDS---.

And I was telling you guys for years---funds were not the issue---it was the mentality of those in-charge that was the issue and yet---no funds rant kept on going since the inception of this web-site---.

I would recommend those members---if they are in THINK TANK / Moderators / Admins etc---APOLOGIZE and resign from your positions.

With your poor analysis and insight---you do not deserve to be in that position at all.

This money from a " special fund " ---??? 8 submarines---4 type 054--- 4 milgems---re-furbishing the Agosta 90's---that is some HEFTY HEFTY change---.

This massive purchase has happened in such a short time as well---.

The second thing---this procurement confirms my earlier analysis on a SECOND INDIAN SUB that SLIPPED away---.

The reason that confirms is that this rapid procurement is on a
Panic scale 10---Pak military procurement was caught SLEEPING at its JOB---.
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I think , it was not mentality issue but rather we had too many other areas which were being developed

a) Missile advancement for defensive needs (Shaheen/Ababeel)
b) Navy specific Missiles research and development work
c) On Going JF17 Program which of course does requires funding
d) On going research with APC, Al Khalid improvemens upgrades
e) Focus on defensive weapons like SAM missiles
f) Repair of some assets like AWACs
g) Pushing local production with Azmat class ships

So budget money was obviously applied to higher priority projects , it was not necessarily an omission on Navy by design.

If Navy is getting their due focus now it is merely becasue alot of the projects mentioned above have now been completed

>Shaheen Completed
> Ababeel Completed
>Coastal Defensce Sheild Completed
> JF17 Upto Block 2 Completed (Between 2008 to 2017)
> Hamza APC Completed , Serial Production
> Deliveries of SAM missiles Completed
> AWACs all repaired Completed
> Azmat prouction almost complete, Serial Production

  • It is just natural progression to NAVY to modernize it to Asian Level

If we can get to this type of setup it is a good defensive position to protect our interest at sea , specially as far as Gawadar is concerned and Karachi port

The Azmat Stealth Ship program has been a refreshing addition to Navy to kick start the modernization effort or at least to make Pakistan Navy more prominent

With Azmat Class ships , hopefully some day this Ship can be converted into a corvette Level scaled up design. Dehshat Ship is the way to move forward. This ship I think will play a role similar to what Super Mushak played in term of being a highly successful platform.


Navy Still does needs some Love and attention
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It is just natural progression to NAVY to modernize it to Asian Level

If we can get to this type of setup it is a good defensive position to protect our interest at sea , specially as far as Gawadar is concerned and Karachi port
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It is not a NATURAL PROGRESSION---but a delayed progression---.

The popping up of the Indian sub off pakistani coast did wonders---. Actually the wonder happened because of the 2nd indian sub that got away un-detected---.
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Well it will take some time to fill the void left over from 20-25 years between 1990 to Present.
With few large ships added and then Azmat platform being our workhorse would work for Coastal needs

Program will take some time to mature, I agree the modernization of Pakistan Navy was perhaps not very smooth in last 20-30 years but small steps have been taken and that has to be appreciated
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Warships & cruisers is what PN should aim for in future.
For the time being I think we are moving towards Corvette platform , Close shore assets

The Type054A from China would certainly act as a Command ship for variety of smaller ships in our arsenal (Would be a logical purchase)

This would be a welcomed addition

Damen , OPV (x 2 from Holland), Classified as OPV , not necessarily as a Frigate

x4 Turkish Ada or Istambul Class

X2 Swifts, an ok support ship

Azmat Local Ship (Made in Pakistan)
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