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Pakistan scores a diplomatic brownie point: Kayani gets Russia to 'ignore'

India and Iran need weapons, Russia needs cold hard cash. It's a symbiotic relationship but very unstable grounds for a long term alliance because as soon as the former's preference for weapons changes, the Russians, no matter how close to the former, will need to look for alternate buyers.....

Aptly put.
So what exactly has Pakistan achieved in SA or CA till date? don't mention SL we can handle them very easily. Afghanistan? the present Government there is too hostile towards Pakistan future ki baath math karo, mein dekha jayaga.
Pakistan as smaller power is able to tie down and box in 7 times india with in the region for 40 yrs.and is quite successful at it.Which indians dreams to do with china but can dream only.
In this case, they won't get alternative buyers to the size of India.

Bad luck. The Indian demand over a period of time would reduce because they would be able to purchase better and hi-tech weaponry from the West - though at a higher cost, both monitory and political as well.
Pakistan as smaller power is able to tie down and box in 7 times india with in the region for 40 yrs.and is quite successful at it.Which indians dreams to do with china but can dream only.

That's called nuisance value of Pakistan and it's not amounting to much nowadays. India is successfully going around Pakistan - though a bit expensive but it's proving successful.
In this case, they won't get alternative buyers to the size of India.

Agreed, losing India means losing their largest single buyer of military hardware. The economic repercussions will be massive for Russia.
Bad luck. The Indian demand over a period of time would reduce because they would be able to purchase better and hi-tech weaponry from the West - though at a higher cost, both monitory and political as well.

Not for the next few decades - in fact we have just started.
That's called nuisance value of Pakistan and it's not amounting to much nowadays. India is successfully going around Pakistan - though a bit expensive but it's proving successful.

This is known political leveraging.

How is India going around Pakistan. Could you please elaborate.

Not for the next few decades - in fact we have just started.

India and Russia will remain engaged, but the Indian leveraging ability on Russia will gradually diminish and will be limited.

Russian interaction with Pakistan will increase, despite Russia.
why is it India VS Pakistan in everything?
if pakistan is to progress then india must go down and vice versa.
why cant we support each other ?
This is known political leveraging.

How is India going around Pakistan. Could you please elaborate.

It's a nuisance value when you don't bring anything to the table except whining.

Going around Pakistan is establishing bases or building relations in CAR, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and other Muslim mumaliks like Qatar etc, have a good functioning relations with China without the Pakistani bogeyman to disturb it. China's calling for a bigger India China partnership and there is no Pakistan concern in between to disturb it.

India and Russia will remain engaged, but the Indian leveraging ability on Russia will gradually diminish and will be limited.

Russian interaction with Pakistan will increase, despite Russia.

In fact the reverse will be true - they are calling on us for joint exploration of space, building defense and civil industries, increasing trade. Gazprom just signed a multi billion dollar GAS contract with India. Russia wants India to join it in energy explorations. GPS and navigational systems - missile co developments, 5th gen co development ..the list goes on.
Agreed, losing India means losing their largest single buyer of military hardware. The economic repercussions will be massive for Russia.

The India - Russia trade is surprisingly very limited. It is only military purchases that are a bit more.

Contrarily, if Pakistan offers a trade zone and oil and gas pipe line corridor to Russians to the warm waters, India's military purchasing leverage capability would be overcome.

In any case, the current Russian economy is primarily gas/oil based, which they sell to the west. If they are able to sell additional gas and oil through Pakistani ports, it will provide them an alternative to some of what they sell to EU countries. EU countries are also trying to find an alternative to Russia's near monopoly.
Pakistan as smaller power is able to tie down and box in 7 times india with in the region for 40 yrs.and is quite successful at it.Which indians dreams to do with china but can dream only.

Wonder what the connotations of tied down are ?

Pak has lost half of itself, today for the 1st time in 60+ years has deployed its army on the west as well, has an Armed force which spend near similar resources on protecting itself as it does to protect the nation, has multiple centers of power working at cross purposes to each other, has an economy that is largely aid dependent, handed over a region to the terrorists only to be cancelled, now uses tanks against its own people, gets droned regularly, has had all its plans against India fail from achieving its objectives starting from 47 -48, Gibraltar, Khalistan, Kargil, Siachen,exposed providing shelter to the worlds most wanted man.....

Whos ' boxed in " - India or Pak ? .. and by whom ?
It's a nuisance value when you don't bring anything to the table except whining.

Going around Pakistan is establishing bases or building relations in CAR, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and other Muslim mumaliks like Qatar etc, have a good functioning relations with China without the Pakistani bogeyman to disturb it. China's calling for a bigger India China partnership and there is no Pakistan concern in between to disturb it.

Leaving aside the Middle East, where you guys are already there, Afghanistan and Central Asia is problematic for you. You do not have a direct access to Afghanistan and Central Asia. With 5-6 Central Asian countries, your total trade is 500-600 million dollars. And the access is through Pakistan.

Please leave Chahbahar out of it - it is in any case a shallow water port with limited capacity.
In any case, the current Russian economy is primarily gas/oil based, which they sell to the west. If they are able to sell additional gas and oil through Pakistani ports, it will provide them an alternative to some of what they sell to EU countries. EU countries are also trying to find an alternative to Russia's near monopoly.

From Your ports where could they be selling those oil ?

Would like to know your answer.

The India - Russia trade is surprisingly very limited. It is only military purchases that are a bit more.

Contrarily, if Pakistan offers a trade zone and oil and gas pipe line corridor to Russians to the warm waters, India's military purchasing leverage capability would be overcome.

In any case, the current Russian economy is primarily gas/oil based, which they sell to the west. If they are able to sell additional gas and oil through Pakistani ports, it will provide them an alternative to some of what they sell to EU countries. EU countries are also trying to find an alternative to Russia's near monopoly.

Have you calculated the distance between the Middle East all the way to Russia and have any idea of the terrain in those regions where this supposed gas and oil pipelines will pass? Russia is a huge producer of oil and gas and doesn't need to buy from the ME.
I think it is a russian ploy to destroy pakistan. Dont fall for it. They will give you aircraft carrier and bleed your economy. :-)

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