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Pakistan scores a diplomatic brownie point: Kayani gets Russia to 'ignore'

Pakistan has boxed in india into SA and india's only option to live peacefully in the region is to act as 2nd fiddle to pakistan.

Are you in your senses, that was too funny if it was supposed to be a joke :lol:
Pakistan has boxed in india into SA and india's only option to live peacefully in the region is to act as 2nd fiddle to pakistan.

Whats this obsession with ' boxed in " ??

If the idea of playing second fiddle is whats happening now..well..

This post needs to go to the stupid & funny section.
Oh this was a very old project. It fizzled out for two reasons. One, Oman does not have so much oil that money spent on an under water pipeline is of any monetary value. Secondly, the under water pipe line from Oman to India is currently not within the realm of financially feasible technological realm. At such depths in the Indian Ocean, the technology currently does not support the laying of such a pipe line.

Watch us do it. ;)
Agreed sir, but the situation in KPK and Afghanistan may not matter for long.

You see, Karakoram has emerged as one of the major trade zone and corridor. It is being well improved by Pakistani and Chinese engineers. Some trade on Karakoram Highway trade zone through China to Central Asia has started happening. We have a bypass to KPK and Afghanistan. A bit lenghty but not very and a very viable alternative indeed.

True but in any case, to get to Gwadar or Makran, at some point in the journey, goods will have to enter Balochistan..........
I just love how emotional Pakistanis are . They start jumping so easily with excitement . It is just as much fun to watch them fall .A little adult like maturity would do them a world of good .

In the long run time will tell who Russia prefers to have as an ally . I have a feeling they will keep both India and Pak close the way India is doing with both USA and Russia and it makes perfect sense .
I could never understand, why would Russia need a warm-water port?

Doesn't make any sense. Is this cold-war era hangover still floating around?

Operational all year round, can process massive traffic, provides easier access to ASEAN, ME and even India!
Lets compare how a country with no land access fares with a country with full access.

In 2010, Kazakhstan was India’s largest bilateral trading partner ($210 million) in Central Asia, followed by Uzbekistan ($73.43 million), Turkmenistan ($37.91 million), Tajikistan ($34.06 million), and Kyrgyzstan ($25.21 million).

India’s ONGC Videsh has acquired stakes in Kazakh oil fields and the long stalled Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) pipeline is gaining traction despite the looming security concerns.

Other milestones include the Kazakh-Indian civil nuclear cooperation , and partnership with Uzbekistan in its domestic LNG market.

Ok Ticker... Your turn.

Good luck to India. What more can I say. The potential is much more, yet you can only have about 500-600 million dollar trade with all the Central Asian countries. I have mentioned this before.

To develop the oil fields in Central Asia, you need to transfer equipment. Where will you do that from. Purchase costly equipment from the west - or transfer locally made stuff from India through either Pakistan or China - can't happen.
We need to provide a very safe environment to encourage that sort of investment, both in terms of finances and trust. The Russians would love access to Pakistani Warm Water ports but with the prevailing situation in KPK and Balochistan, it represents a very risky investment. A risk that the Russkis are wise enough to avoid, without out rightly rejecting it.

You are opting out Iran next door with whom Russia has deep relations.
Pakistan has boxed in india into SA and india's only option to live peacefully in the region is to act as 2nd fiddle to pakistan.

Boxed India into SA!!!

India is South Asia you moron, surrounded three sides by open ocean.

How can somebody suck at Geography so bad...did you attend a madarssah instead of regular by any chance?
Good luck to India. What more can I say. The potential is much more, yet you can only have about 500-600 million dollar trade with all the Central Asian countries. I have mentioned this before.

To develop the oil fields in Central Asia, you need to transfer equipment. Where will you do that from. Purchase costly equipment from the west - or transfer locally made stuff from India through either Pakistan or China - can't happen.

Our government is financing north-south corridor in Iran for better connectivity of Chabahar with Central Asian Republics.
I think you are confusing interests of erstwhile Soviet Union with that of the modern Russian state. Apples and Oranges, my friend. A quick look at a map would show that Russia has no common borders with Afghanistan.
Russia doesnt ve common border with afghanistan but CIS are under Russian influence .India would love to have same influence over pakistan but it thwarted all indian designs infact it is able to keep india away from playing any major role i n SA.Thats the biggest triumph of pakistan over much bigger power india.
True but in any case, to get to Gwadar or Makran, at some point in the journey, goods will have to enter Balochistan..........

Why would Russia want to "access warm waters" to trade oil and gas when their biggest and best feasible market is right next door? What advantages would Pakistan provide over say Iran or Ukraine or their port at Vladivostok in the East to access SA?

FYI, world has moved on from 1991. Wake up and smell the coffee!
Good luck to India. What more can I say. The potential is much more, yet you can only have about 500-600 million dollar trade with all the Central Asian countries. I have mentioned this before.

To develop the oil fields in Central Asia, you need to transfer equipment. Where will you do that from. Purchase costly equipment from the west - or transfer locally made stuff from India through either Pakistan or China - can't happen.

So where do you think we are getting all those oil and gas from , which is serving the needs of Billions?

Our trade, defence and cultural relations are going great .

Land access is not a pre requisite for good trade relations.... as if China and US share borders... LOL.
True but in any case, to get to Gwadar or Makran, at some point in the journey, goods will have to enter Balochistan..........

Yes, it can be managed. Needs political will - it will happen, we are on the right track.

But we do have the alternative as well - Karachi. The port is already being expanded for talking on LNG.

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