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Pakistan scores a diplomatic brownie point: Kayani gets Russia to 'ignore'

Russia doesnt ve common border with afghanistan but CIS are under Russian influence .India would love to have same influence over pakistan but it thwarted all indian designs infact it is able to keep india away from playing any major role i n SA.Thats the biggest triumph of pakistan over much bigger power india.

Please to be connecting CIS, Indian burgeoning interests in CIS with Pakistan's "successful" designs (also would like some examples of these) to keep India away form playing a major role in SA.
Russia doesnt ve common border with afghanistan but CIS are under Russian influence .India would love to have same influence over pakistan but it thwarted all indian designs infact it is able to keep india away from playing any major role i n SA.Thats the biggest triumph of pakistan over much bigger power india.

Can anyone explain what is being said in those bold letters. I have no idea whatsoever about what she talks.

India would love to have same influence over pakistan but it thwarted all indian designs infact it is able to keep india away from playing any major role i n SA

WTF ??:blink:
Your central asia transit route will happen if the destination is India not otherwise, everybody else including Europe and China have their own alternate routes.

Not required and is not a necessity. Unless you improve your relations with both China and Pakistan.
Operational all year round, can process massive traffic, provides easier access to ASEAN, ME and even India!

Russia already has all-weather ports, why would it need to maintain one in another country?

ASEAN, ME and even India(except defense which obviously wont be going through Pakistan) make up less than 10% of Russias trade, I wonder why they would need a port in Pakistan for...?
Our government is financing north-south corridor in Iran for better connectivity of Chabahar with Central Asian Republics.

North South Corridor is more than a ten year old project. No chance in hell. In Russia alone the laying of infrastructure was to cost more than 10 billion dollars more than ten years ago. Just imagine the cost now. Shipping trade is much cheaper.
They mock India's failing and efforts in all fields and while they themselves imagine "this will happen, that will happen". If wishes were horses....:D

If I wish that entire black money gets back to us and all scams are discovered and losses are minimized, then India will be booming at all fronts. But as I said, its a wish.....

India is boxed...Well any one with rationality knows India controls Bay of Bengal and sea on its western coastline along with US Navy but small control by us as piracy proves. Still India controls a lot. Pakistan is already busy on its western front battling TTP and China on its eastern front with disputes with almost every nation in SCS. So the joke is these two Troll posters. :D

Its just a start, no conclusion can be drawn from what the foreign policy of Russia is going to be. Considering India's growing relation with Afghanistan, China, Tajikistan, we know who is getting boxed in, not to forget Russia is still the same old friend of India.
So where do you think we are getting all those oil and gas from , which is serving the needs of Billions?

Our trade, defence and cultural relations are going great .

Land access is not a pre requisite for good trade relations.... as if China and US share borders... LOL.

Please continue what you are doing - why the fuss.
North South Corridor is more than a ten year old project. No chance in hell. In Russia alone the laying of infrastructure was to cost more than 10 billion dollars more than ten years ago. Just imagine the cost now. Shipping trade is much cheaper.

What are Pakistan's plan to counter north-south corridor in Iran. :woot:
I too seem to have missed it.

Was away on a family trip.

Shuks.. we are done for now..Good bye cruel world

You should have watched BBC.. It was all in International news..

India Isolated..... Breaking news!!!!...

now it will be hard even to travel to South East.... True StorY.

Also India is Boxed from 3 sides from last week... so no more oil, Iphones , french fries or Thai massages..

Deal with it ... You isolated Boxed Indian..:chilli:
Sorry to say but india has shown its cards too early under the PMship of novice MMS who has no idea about geopolitics.First shot was already fired by indians hence the Russian bear woke up from its hibernation and now making its move.
forgive my isolation to breaking news, but what shot are you talking about ???
You should have watched BBC.. It was all in International news..

India Isolated..... Breaking news!!!!...

now it will be hard even to travel to South East.... True StorY.

Also India is Boxed from 3 sides from last week... so no more oil, Iphones , french fries or Thai massages..

Deal with it ... You isolated Boxed Indian..:chilli:

Pleeese No.

Tell me that you are lying..

The sky has just fallen on our heads..

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