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Pakistan scores a diplomatic brownie point: Kayani gets Russia to 'ignore'

They mock India's effort in all fields and failing while they themselves imagine "this will happen, that will happen". If wishes were horses....:D

If I wish that entire black money gets back to us and all scams are discovered and losses are minimized, then India will be booming at all fronts. But as I said, its a wish.....

India is boxed...Well any one with rationality knows India controls Bay of Bengal and sea on its western coastline along with US Navy. Pakistan is already busy on its western front battling TTP and China on its eastern front with disputes with almost every nation in SCS. So the joke is these two Troll posters. :D

Its just a start, no conclusion can be drawn from what the foreign policy of Russia is going to be. Considering India;s growing relation with Afghanistan, China, Tajikistan, we know who is getting boxed in, not to forget Russia is still the same old friends of India.

They mock India's effort in all fields and failing while they themselves imagine "this will happen, that will happen". If wishes were horses....:D

If I wish that entire black money gets back to us and all scams are discovered and losses are minimized, then India will be booming at all fronts. But as I said, its a wish.....

India is boxed...Well any one with rationality knows India controls Bay of Bengal and sea on its western coastline along with US Navy. Pakistan is already busy on its western front battling TTP and China on its eastern front with disputes with almost every nation in SCS. So the joke is these two Troll posters. :D

Its just a start, no conclusion can be drawn from what the foreign policy of Russia is going to be. Considering India;s growing relation with Afghanistan, China, Tajikistan, we know who is getting boxed in, not to forget Russia is still the same old friends of India.

Who are they krait. Would you name the theys in this.

India is hemmed in - no question about it. You can not approach Afghanistan or Tajikistan through Pakistan - please use Iranian routes if you can, who is stopping you. you can not annoy the Americans and India knows it. Talking rhetoric is easy - making things happen is difficult.

Get your black money and whiten it - may be that be the only thing which can make India great like you guys want it to. But even that won't happen for you.

So stay there and whine and use rhetoric.

What are Pakistan's plan to counter north-south corridor in Iran. :woot:

Why should we beat the dead horse.
Russia doesnt ve common border with afghanistan but CIS are under Russian influence .India would love to have same influence over pakistan but it thwarted all indian designs infact it is able to keep india away from playing any major role i n SA.Thats the biggest triumph of pakistan over much bigger power india.

If the Bangladeshi's & Sri Lankans here and the rest are to be believed India's practically running the show in SA and Pakistan can do nothing about it :lol: plus there's Nepal, Maldives, Burma and Bhutan and even a 10 year old would know what is our influence there.
Pleeese No.

Tell me that you are lying..

The sky has just fallen on our heads..

See below..

Sorry to say but india has shown its cards too early under the PMship of novice MMS who has no idea about geopolitics.First shot was already fired by indians hence the Russian bear woke up from its hibernation and now making its move.

You shot something and woke up some bear ( or is it leopard .. whatever).. that bear was in some nation called Hibernation... it is now moving.

...oh wait before that you showed some cards while playing poker ( im not sure whether its poker or blackjack ) under some Private message (Pm) of some novice MMS ( multimedia something) ...who has no idea or airtel geopoliticos..

you deserve it ...............u boxed isolated Indiannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...:angry:
Sacchi baatein karrwi hoti hein.

Chalo dorro aithon.

Pata nhin kithon kithon aajanday hegay

You were planning to give access to warm water to Russia via Afghanistan. :woot:

From Afghanistan later - but through Karakoram trade zone and corridor much earlier.
Sacchi baatein karrwi hoti hein.

Chalo dorro aithon.

Pata nhin kithon kithon aajanday hegay

yeah precisely, the truth hurts real bad...the shaping of the environment can only go so far as being the doormat for Afghanistan. True story :D
You were planning to give access to warm water to Russia via Afghanistan. :woot:

Why not? Access to warm water is a indeed a good sign since most of the waters around Arctic region of Russia is cold.

If its hard to give access to warm waters , atleast Pakistan can provide some water heaters to Russia at discount price . ( i am not sure about the warranty and the service center options though)
From Afghanistan later - but through Karakoram trade zone and corridor much earlier.

But why will Russia choose longer route and wait few decades for the trade zone. :blink:
Indian rules of foreign policy

1. We have no permanent friends
2. We are nobodies allies and nobody is ours
3. We are open to being partners, but, will extract our pound of flesh on our terms. Don't expect too much from us except for market access.
4. We are not open to defense alliances. Except, where we are the bigger the power. In fact, we have only 1 mutual defence pact.
5. We are interested in protection of our national interest and really do not care what is happening in some other part of the world which does not concern us.
6. We do not trust anybody.

Now, everything Indian foreign policy does will fall in the above.

With respect to Russia. Russia having an influence over Pakistan is a good thing. Will provide us with good information on what's happening through our own network and sources in Russia. We haven't been hatching eggs for the past 40 yrs with the Russians. One thing Pak fails to understand is that Russia is harder to deal with than US. US has an aid policy. Russia does not. Russia is a proper business country. There are no freebies with the Russians.
See below..
You shot something and woke up some bear ( or is it leopard .. whatever).. that bear was in some nation called Hibernation... it is now moving.

...oh wait before that you showed some cards while playing poker ( im not sure whether its poker or blackjack ) under some Private message (Pm) of some novice MMS ( multimedia something) ...who has no idea or airtel geopoliticos..

you deserve it ...............u boxed isolated Indiannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...:angry:

No I didnt..

The only bears I have seen are in the Zoo or national geographic .. cross my heart .. hope to die. In any case I always let sleeping bears sleep. I am armed only with a pea shooter , how much harm can it do to a bear . You have got it wrong.

The only cards I show is my credit card at the petrol pump. PM's are stopped here. I for one am not among ' all the kings men' so thats also ruled out.

No no somethings wrong.

Please unbox me.
The country around afghanistan are just getting ready for Us & Nato withdraw from AF and wants to play their card to win leverage over AF ,We all know Pakistan is key player and regional power wants pakistan on their side .
Pakistan is showing US that it has a option in russia and russia is happily exploiting it ,china is playing a very important role in these .
India is always wary of west so it is not going to leave russia anytime soon.US knows that india is not going to follow its command and act like it's proxy in south china seas .
I think it will be very good for all country in the neighborwood and we will see good relation between India,Pakistan and china .
China is investing very heavily in afghanistan and russia is getting ready to invest in pakistan - iran gas pipe line ,steel mill and Dam's,nuclear power plant.
India on other hand is not able to making up its mind west or east even west is going to concentrate on east .unfortunately india don't have a strong leadership with good vision of future ,corrupt leadership even oppositon don't have good leader.i dont know when we are going to get rid of this family Raj corrupt politician
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