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Pakistan scores a diplomatic brownie point: Kayani gets Russia to 'ignore'

It’s good to have a very good relationship with every country in this world. But there is no point in celebrating something that is completely a non-value add stuff..... In my way of lean management - there is VALUE, WASTE or Non Value Add...

I see relationship between Pak and Rus falls under category 3...

And Pakistani members, I guess missing on another side of this coin…i.e. china. If you get so close to Russ and all their military hardware is available to you, I believe china won’t be happy as they see themselves as godfather of Pakistan when it comes to defence…also, their ambition to become a net defence exporter would be in jeopardise...so guys, as someone said, there is no permanent friend or enemy in politics..
It’s good to have a very good relationship with every country in this world. But there is no point in celebrating something that is completely a non-value add stuff..... In my way of lean management - there is VALUE, WASTE or Non Value Add...

I see relationship between Pak and Rus falls under category 3...

And Pakistani members, I guess missing on another side of this coin…i.e. china. If you get so close to Russ and all their military hardware is available to you, I believe china won’t be happy as they see themselves as godfather of Pakistan when it comes to defence…also, their ambition to become a net defence exporter would be in jeopardise...so guys, as someone said, there is no permanent friend or enemy in politics..

Wrong. China is encouraging such a relationship with Russia. The advantages far outweigh what you think.
With respect to Russia. Russia having an influence over Pakistan is a good thing. Will provide us with good information on what's happening through our own network and sources in Russia. US has an aid policy. Russia does not. Russia is a proper business country. There are no freebies with the Russians.

In the meantime please tell me is this " influence theory " some consolation or another wet dream of yours ? ... We saw it back then , when Russia proceeded to supply Pakistan with RD-93 despite massive Indian protests saying " Its just good business " :lol:

Sorry to say , but Pakistanis do not require or want aid ... We just want economic prosperity and business here , which Kremlin is more than eager to provide ... No freebies to go into Swiss accounts !
And Pakistani members, I guess missing on another side of this coin…i.e. china. If you get so close to Russ and all their military hardware is available to you, I believe china won’t be happy as they see themselves as godfather of Pakistan when it comes to defence…

Again you seem sadly misinformed on the matter - both China and Russia are encouraging us to join SCO and Beijing's being asking both countries to come close to each other from a long time ... So it is just not a problem !
WELL till Pakistan replaces india in PAK FA partnership .. russia is still our ally. :drag:
WELL till Pakistan replaces india in PAK FA partnership .. russia is still our ally. :drag:

Why so insecure ? :azn: I see Indians bringing their defense purchases on every Russia-Pak thread ... Are you consoling yourself or dealing with the fact that you are dependent on Russia , not the other way around ? And this thing is not going to change anytime soon ...
It is all assumptions well within PDF only .But overjoying for the same has no logic. Afterall it is everybody's interests thats it.

A statement issued by the foreign office of Pakistan is not an assumption :azn: ... Overjoying for economic prosperity and revival of old Silk route has no logic ? :lol: Are you ok ?
In the meantime please tell me is this " influence theory " some consolation or another wet dream of yours ? ... We saw it back then , when Russia proceeded to supply Pakistan with RD-93 despite massive Indian protests saying " Its just good business " :lol:

Sorry to say , but Pakistanis do not require or want aid ... We just want economic prosperity and business here , which Kremlin is more than eager to provide ... No freebies to go into Swiss accounts !

Pakistan will need aid for the next 10 years to get out of the mess. That is an economic reality. Trade alone will not support it. And there will be money going in to Swiss bank accounts. That also is a reality.

Influence, need not mean just on Pakistan. If Russia, is in Afghanistan, they are most trusted by India than the US in Afghanistan. It means there is a partner who is sitting in Afghanistan. Russia is purely playing its game and cards. If you believe that Russia is doing this to please and placate Pakistan, you are going to have get out of the way of the bear hug, cause these are the cold russians not the free doling Americans.
For people who are seeing the developing 'relations' of pakistan-russia in black and white are essentially missing the nuance of international politics.
The space USA has vacated will eventually be filled by Russia. Its inevitable to an extent, what we can and are doing is to limit it in extent and scope. No need to read much into this and certainly not a reason to go overboard with concern. With Russia its not a zero sum game.
For those who believe Pakistan offers a strategic advantage to Russia, they are partially correct but there is a limit to what our neighbour to the west can provide, much less making someone the queen of Asia. At best Pakistan remains a facilitator not a direct ally. where as India will remain as a strategic partner for the foreseeable future for reasons mentioned here before.
Pakistan will need aid for the next 10 years to get out of the mess. That is an economic reality. Trade alone will not support it. And there will be money going in to Swiss bank accounts. That also is a reality.

Influence, need not mean just on Pakistan. If Russia, is in Afghanistan, they are most trusted by India than the US in Afghanistan. It means there is a partner who is sitting in Afghanistan. Russia is purely playing its game and cards. If you believe that Russia is doing this to please and placate Pakistan, you are going to have get out of the way of the bear hug, cause these are the cold russians not the free doling Americans.

Again we do not need " aid " for even a year ... The said " aid " which is technically the reimbursement money for the damage suffered by our country in the WoT or services acquired by US doesn't run our economy , not now , not ever ! You are most welcome to prove otherwise ... The army refused this money a long ago and its not spent on public , its only for Swiss accounts of some ...

Actually , I understood what sort of influence you dreamt of getting ... But sorry to say , this is something not possible because Pakistan would never allow it and I need not to remind anyone what a major influence we have in that country , enough to make all the interested parties come and deal with us first ... You think my army doesn't calculate its risks well ? Ok , even today have a partner sitting in Afghanistan , what exactly changes after Russia takes the role , if ever it does ? Kremlin wants trade , peace and stability in the region and they aren't exactly going to work for your interests ... We never liked the freebie Americans , if Russia can provide trade and economic opportunities , we are more than happy for it !
Again we do not need " aid " for even a year ... The said " aid " which is technically the reimbursement money for the damage suffered by our country in the WoT or services acquired by US doesn't run our economy , not now , not ever ! You are most welcome to prove otherwise ... The army refused this money a long ago and its not spent on public , its only for Swiss accounts of some ...

Actually , I understood what sort of influence you dreamt of getting ... But sorry to say , this is something not possible because Pakistan would never allow it and I need not to remind anyone what a major influence we have in that country , enough to make all the interested parties come and deal with us first ... You think my army doesn't calculate its risks well ? Ok , even today have a partner sitting in Afghanistan , what exactly changes after Russia takes the role , if ever it does ? Kremlin wants trade , peace and stability in the region and they aren't exactly going to work for your interests ... We never liked the freebie Americans , if Russia can provide trade and economic opportunities , we are more than happy for it !

I am not talking about your WoT expenses.

How are you going to build dams? Power projects? Railway infrastructure? All this requires loans from international organisations. Aid need not be just freebies.

Again, we have more interest than in just Pakistani focused partner requirement in Afghanistan. We are interested in protecting our investmant and capital there.That is what we mean by saying, helps to have a known partner there too, who we trust more than the Americans. Our foreign policy is not anti-Pakistan focused. It is India focused.

Having said that, the last thing we want is another rising of the Taliban brigade there which will put all the gains of the past few years to nought. And knowing Pak intelligence, this is exactly what they will try. Also, the question of Pakistan allowing and not allowing will be revealed when things actually happen. That is Afghanistan and Afghans have a mind of their own. The faster the Pak Establishment gets out of its 'strategic depth' insight, the better it will be for the region. The real play starts only after NATO withdraws and then who knows what cards the international community plays after Pakistan's role is over?

So the easier solution is better relations on your eastern front, which can be controlled and increase trade, while you go on fighting the western front. And increase the trade corridor from Iran, Afghanistan and Central Asia through Pakistan into India.
Yeah....and they don't slaughter their cow like US do to theirs....:D

Iraq was their cow, so was Libya, so is Syria

6 months back I heard India will never open retail sector to foreigners, few days back I heard otherwise. lets see who gets slaughtered this time around. they got you boys and this time from your weak balls...lol

next step, US says dance, India asks with or without clothing
Why so insecure ? :azn: I see Indians bringing their defense purchases on every Russia-Pak thread ... Are you consoling yourself or dealing with the fact that you are dependent on Russia , not the other way around ? And this thing is not going to change anytime soon ...

Why do Pakistanis bring India into every thread? Why do trolls here display their wet dreams of replacing India in Russia's eyes? :rofl:
EzioAltaïr;3496558 said:
Why do Pakistanis bring India into every thread? Why do trolls here display their wet dreams of replacing India in Russia's eyes? :rofl:

I dont know who is a troll, the one who puts a news about Russia Pakistan relationship improving or the 100s who starts crying, no yeh nehe ho sakta
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