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Pakistan-Russia in talks over S-400 Missile Defence System: Foreign media

yes, but i personally think right now PA is covering major installations and areas with HQ-16 coverage .. but we do need a medium range SAM, either Aster III or HQ-9's in good numbers .
We already have medium range spada crotale fm 90 and ly 80 we need long range Sam systems

S 350 has very little customers Pak can get it Russia made S 350 for export yet no deals if we show interest as first customer Russia definitely sell it to cover up air defence deals loss from India which India bought from israel
It's better to evaluate S-350E then going for S-300, most modern air forces can counter S-300 system now.

With Chinese, South African and Ukrainian help we can make 150km range SAM which even could have limited BMD and Anti Super/hyper sonic CM capabilities.

Yes that is the only way; given now Denel has severed ties with Denel Asia - those Indian parasites called Guptas may be we will get somewhere. These vermins found their way as middleman to Modi's close person and they wanted to take a huge cut; They need to be locked up and keys thrown away. Fortunately sanity has prevailed as intellectual property was not yet touched.
We all will feel sigh of relief when they are completely thrown out; heaven help them if they are ever out in public they will get lynched by public anger. They are feeding and have bought entire ministrys = our politicians who have no morales and sold themselves to these indians scum.


For reading pleasure and entire email troves.
One thing the JF-17 should have taught us Pakistanis is that the value of a weapon system is not only in its performance specs. That is a factor, but one among many, and that the localized supply of these systems, especially spare parts and support, is just as decisive.

The S-400 is really nice, but one battery apparently costs $600+ m. It's a deterrent at heart, but when it comes to fielding a dense air defence network, you absolutely need affordability and accessibility. Pakistan has yet to pursue this, and it is paying big-time - e.g. $475 m for Spada 2000-Plus, $600 m for HQ-16, and $150+ m for various short-range SAMs in HQ-7 and RBS-70.
It's better to evaluate S-350E then going for S-300, most modern air forces can counter S-300 system now.

With Chinese, South African and Ukrainian help we can make 150km range SAM which even could have limited BMD and Anti Super/hyper sonic CM capabilities.
The S-350E is a lesser version (range up to ~120 km) of the S-300.. the latter comes in different recent versions with new electronics and ECM systems that can not be penetrated, like the PMU-2 versions or the V4 version.. the only difference between them and the S-400 is the capability to tackle Ballistic missiles from a longer range, and a few other advanced features..
The S-350E is a lesser version (range up to ~120 km) of the S-300.. the latter comes in different recent versions with new electronics and ECM systems that can not be penetrated, like the PMU-2 versions or the V4 version.. the only difference between them and the S-400 is the capability to tackle Ballistic missiles from a longer range, and a few other advanced features..

S-350E is built to replace S-300.
S-350E is built to replace S-300.
The S-350 and S-400 together are replacing older S-300 variants. The S-350 is basically the Russian counterpart to the Aster 15 and Aster 30 - i.e. a medium-to-long range (40/60/120 km) - to cover lower level coverage gaps and fit ships (via Redut) at a lower cost than the S-400 (and later S-500). But some of S-300 variants, like the S-300VM, pack 200 km SAMs.


Wish List:
  • (4 Units) Battle Star Ship (Image listed above)
  • (4-5 Systems) S-400
  • Sukhoi-35 , at least 40 planes

Reality List:

None of the above, for the foreseeable future.
S-350E is built to replace S-300.
The mid-range S-350E Vityaz air defence missile system was manufactured by the Northwest Regional Centre of Almaz-Antey

The S-300 is a long range air defence system.. they complete each other.. but one can not replace the other.. it can best be compared to the Buk air defence system, although the latest Buk-M3 is a formidable system based on new technology and doctrine..
One thing the JF-17 should have taught us Pakistanis is that the value of a weapon system is not only in its performance specs. That is a factor, but one among many, and that the localized supply of these systems, especially spare parts and support, is just as decisive.

The S-400 is really nice, but one battery apparently costs $600+ m. It's a deterrent at heart, but when it comes to fielding a dense air defence network, you absolutely need affordability and accessibility. Pakistan has yet to pursue this, and it is paying big-time - e.g. $475 m for Spada 2000-Plus, $600 m for HQ-16, and $150+ m for various short-range SAMs in HQ-7 and RBS-70.
Indeed that is exactly where there needs to be a long term strategy independent of any armed forces etc to build educational base from which to work from; those will yield strategic dividends. I will tell you one thing, we had sanctions to the nth degree but we saw it as a massive positive to look inwards and results are in front of everyone. For example fuel - we knew fuel supply would be crippled and hence sasol was formed to get self reliance on fuel - i dont know if you are aware - south africa's fuel is a blend now; 70% of the fuel is coal to gas to liquid.
Right now there is no govt direction as the rabid indians are drinking our money with their lackies. Fortunately we have a huge private sector which works independent of the Govt (thank fully).
Ufortunately for Pak i see a lot of dark clouds over the horizon - unless the house internally cannot be cleaned up, they will get nowhere.
The S-350 and S-400 together are replacing older S-300 variants. The S-350 is basically the Russian counterpart to the Aster 15 and Aster 30 - i.e. a medium-to-long range (40/60/120 km) - to cover lower level coverage gaps and fit ships (via Redut) at a lower cost than the S-400 (and later S-500). But some of S-300 variants, like the S-300VM, pack 200 km SAMs.

Should we look into S-350E & S-300VM to cover near future threats?
Considering the S-400 is not reverse engineerable Russia should be banking in and cashing on sale of S-400 sell it to 10-15 countries and make some profit to revive it's Space Industry or future technology

Certainly alot of good buyers available in market

a) Pakistan
b) China
c) Malaysia
d) Indonesia
e) Iraq (small chance but may buy)
f) Most of Middle east
g) May be Turkey I am saying just may be
h) Syria
i) Iran
j) May be Bangladesh just saying may be

So many customers out there who can likely pay well for this product

South America
a) Cuba
b) Venezuela etc
c) May be Brazil just saying may be

a) Algeria
b) Tunisia
c) Egypt

Too expensive which cost nearly half a billion for one unit.

S-400 being one of the most powerful Air-defense system, like THAAD for US (not similar), the bulk sale is not a strategic option.
The mid-range S-350E Vityaz air defence missile system was manufactured by the Northwest Regional Centre of Almaz-Antey

The S-300 is a long range air defence system.. they complete each other.. but one can not replace the other.. it can best be compared to the Buk air defence system, although the latest Buk-M3 is a formidable system based on new technology and doctrine..


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S-400 was supposed to be S-300PMU3.
When S-300PMU2 was launched for export??

It is just another technical naming.. the PMU2 was lunched just a few years before the S-400, while the latter was under development, the same as what the S-400 now is to the S-500..

The S-300PMU2/SA-10E Favorit system, later redesignated SA-20B Gargoyle, is the last of the Almaz S-300P variants to carry the S-300P designation. Developed between 1995 and 1997, it was intended to compete directly against the Antey S-300V and Patriot PAC-2/3 systems as an Anti-Ballistic Missile system, while retaining the long range SAM capabilities of its predecessor S-300P variants.

While the Favorit superficially appears like the SA-10B, it has a wide range of technological improvements internally, and a range of optimisations to improve performance in the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) role. Almaz, the system integrators, and Fakel, the missile designers, claim to have repeatedly caused Scud target vehicle warheads to detonate during test intercepts at the Kapustin Yar range in 1995.

The S-300PMU2 is the most advanced variant of the S-300P series to be exported in larger quantities, with the PLA being the principal client at this time.


The S-350E Vityaz (knight) is a short-to-mid range air defense missile system. It was developed by Almaz-Antey company as a replacement for the ageing S-300PS, which was developed back in the early 1980s. Development commenced in 2007. The S-350E was first demonstrated in 2013. It was planned that production of this air defense system will commence in 2015.

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It is just another technical naming.. the PMU2 was lunched just a few years before the S-400, while the latter was under development, the same as what the S-400 now to the S-500..

The S-300PMU2/SA-10E Favorit system, later redesignated SA-20B Gargoyle, is the last of the Almaz S-300P variants to carry the S-300P designation. Developed between 1995 and 1997, it was intended to compete directly against the Antey S-300V and Patriot PAC-2/3 systems as an Anti-Ballistic Missile system, while retaining the long range SAM capabilities of its predecessor S-300P variants.

While the Favorit superficially appears like the SA-10B, it has a wide range of technological improvements internally, and a range of optimisations to improve performance in the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) role. Almaz, the system integrators, and Fakel, the missile designers, claim to have repeatedly caused Scud target vehicle warheads to detonate during test intercepts at the Kapustin Yar range in 1995.

The S-300PMU2 is the most advanced variant of the S-300P series to be exported in larger quantities, with the PLA being the principal client at this time.


S-300PMU2 is not most advance SAM now, it was introduced in 1997, 20 years ago how you expect it to tackle current and future Threats?? All modern air forces can counter S-300PMU2 as tech have evolved, there is a reason Russians have built S-400 & S-350E.
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