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Pakistan Rejects Indian Request to Open Air Space

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This is how India has changed 27th Feb realities and this is how they have turned Abhinonedone a hero......
India has opened its airspace. So, it is relaxation for Pakistan, not India, if Pakistan opens its airspace. Flights pay Pakistan money to allow its usage of airspace.

OK than better for PAK is to keep the affairs as they are now.
Unless Pakistan wins cricket world cup.
I really wish Pakistan doesn't open the airspace for India. Some dependencies needs to be removed forever.

BTW some Pakistani member mentioned Indian aviation industry will end if Pakistan doesn't open its airspace.... this deserves "Standing ovation".

Good read from your own media.


"Fifth, Pakistan's airspace ban has cut off Afghanistan from India".

As a I said, Indians are gullible lot, on most occasion fail to see the bigger picture.
Good read from your own media.


"Fifth, Pakistan's airspace ban has cut off Afghanistan from India".

As a I said, Indians are gullible lot, on most occasion fail to see the bigger picture.
We can go to Afghanistan via Iranian airspace or Chinese airspace. These airspace are still functioning according to international conventions. The distance will be longer but Afghanistan flights generally are military flights and hence small cost difference don't matter.
We can go to Afghanistan via Iranian airspace or Chinese airspace. These airspace are still functioning according to international conventions. The distance will be longer but Afghanistan flights generally are military flights and hence small cost difference don't matter.

Argue with those who wrote this article in your top newspaper.
At what cost??

The Pakistan airspace that was closed following the tensions between India and its neighbour after the Pulwama suicide bombing led to heavy losses. The closure of the airspace affected nearly 400 flights a day and resulted in nearly a loss of $100 million (Rs 688 crore) for Islamabad. An extensive study of operations by Pakistani and foreign carriers between February and late June showed that approximately 400 flights a day were impacted by the closure. It also led to an increase in flight times as planes had to bypass Pakistani airspace. The closure, hence, resulted in increased fuel expenses, operational costs and maintenance costs as well as higher duty hours for the aircrew.

Out of the losses incurred, one was direct impact in revenues for the Civil Aviation Authority from route navigation and airport charges that are levied on aircraft flying over or landing in Pakistan, as mentioned in a report in Hindustan Times. These charges depend on multiple factors such as the category of aircraft and the distance covered within the Pakistani airspace. A source told the daily that it can be assumed that Pakistan incurred losses due to overflight charges alone for the CAA would be about $232,000. The losses touch $300,000 if charges for terminal navigation, landing and parking of aircraft are included.

Additionally, state-run Pakistan International Airlines is also suffering losses to the tune of $460,000 a day due to suspension of flights to international destinations such as Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok and Delhi. That they had to fly for longer durations due to the closure also did not help matters. The combined daily losses of CAA and PIA of about $760,000 have resulted in the total loss of almost $100 million since the restrictions were imposed. Several foreign airlines have suspended or curtailed flights in the region due to the airspace closure due to longer duration of flights

Well guess what, we can suffer $100 million a day as long as its costing you fellas billions of dollars and several hours of extra flight time on every single flight that has to travel towards the west of your country.
Every india who wants to travel in an airplane should feel the heat below his ***, and understand what happens when you come mess with us.
It costs us 1 million on daily basis but it hurts India too much.the cost of fuel is a big problem for India.looks like India still want air battle.
Three of their top airlines are near default and if we continue it for a few months then they all file for bankruptcy inshaAllah. Though the RAW media cell trolls will come here and try to twist the story and attempt to convince us that it is not the case through lies and distortion.
To me, the best way to deal with an enemy in peacetime is to gain monetarily from them.

To Us, this ban is the best way. India is an enemy looking to fight so we will do what's best for us, not what a 2bit Indian thinks to be best.

Who are you trying to teach a lesson to? Indian govt or Indian public?

Both! It's the Indian public that elected this government.

It's a 2 edged sword. Our security and punishing the Indian public.
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Summer holidays coming up

Lets make july and August difficult for indians

I noticed a couple of southern routes over Pakistan had been opened and initially I was annoyed
But then I realised its the best of both worlds we get to stick it to the indians and add a few hours to their flight time and still get paid for airspace use
Lots of Indians in UK who bark against Pakistan so now they will feel the financial pain.


Its a 8 hour flight from uk to Islamabad international and frankly I hate long travel and am always a little cranky by landing then add an hour+ getting through the airport and getting luggage
Then depending on where you live maybe a couple of more hours
All in all its about 10 to 13 hours of your life

In india add 2-4 hours of travel due to longer distance
THEN if Pakistan takes the piss add 2-5 hours more (depending on where in india they are landing) and indians will be well and truley stewing in their own juices

And thats from the U.K

Flights from Chicago to india for example must now include a stopover to take on fuel in Stockholm I think adding many hours to flight time:rofl::rofl::rofl:
No one in India including the opposition is holding BJP accountable for the huge losses due to Modi's misadventures.
Wait till a few more airlines go bankrupt, maybe they'll wake up then. :close_tema:

What I didn’t like is the fact he started talking with 6 months ban, and finished with only 3 months ban !

No no please BIG NO !

I want at least 120 months ban !

And I’d we could also add more NOTAM for extra long range missiles testing ! They would have to take more longer routes !

What I’m sadistic ? No way ! Hmmm mmm maybe I am :D
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