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Pakistan reaffirms commitment to N-test moratorium

It is a good gesture by Pakistan and shows its committment to peace and stability in the region. However it cannot sign CTBT as of yet until it has tested the new designs especially the thermonukes after the testings have been carried out extensively Pakistan can start thinking about possibly joining the treaty. I totally understand Pakistan's position and I support it.
That is as good as NO.
Coz india has got both its both hands full with deals and hence there is no need to upset this rhythm of nuclear theme for india.
Pakistan fell in its own trap, with that rhetoric of "will not be the first" without even getting any prize deal.

I think you are having comprehension issues here. Pakistan has ALWAYS, right from the beginning have maintained that we were not the first one to introduce the nukes in south Asia, we were not the first one to test nukes and we wont be the first one to resume testing. Thats why I used the word "historical" and "factual", Pakistan is not saying anything new here.

If India decide , in its own stupidity to resume nuke testing to attain thremo nuclear status, which we believe India will in its bravado and track record, we will just follow suite. We just have to play cool. We already lock stock and barrel as far as nukes and Missiles are concerned.

Hence how Pakistan got outplayed.

India was losing output from their nuclear reactors from a decline in uranium. India needed the waiver, and the US wanted to prop it for their coming 'pivot to asia'. Zardari was too stupid and selfish to think about anything more than his bank account. Pakistan could have said, "Hey this is bs" and carried out a massive pr campaign with their diplomats but come on... Pakistani diplomats doing work?

Like I said before, NSG adds a sense of inclusion and respect visa via the other members as a responsible nuclear state. India can do everything the NSG set out to prevent non NPT nations from getting nuclear materials or technology. The waiver abolishes that solely for India.

Outplayed? Stop living in fools paradise. It only took Pakistan mere two weeks to pull the rug under Indian and American combined bravado with this latest episode of NSG. Pakistan could have done the same had it not been the Zardari government back in 2008.

Bottom line is, Pakistan dont give monkies to NSG as practically speaking, it is getting whatever it wants to enhance its own strategic interests. The latest episode is more about putting its adversaries in their place.

"Any man who must say 'I am the King' is no true king.” - George RR Martin

Are you not hearing the "Chinese Whispers" ?
right from the beginning have maintained that we were not the first one to introduce the nukes in south Asia, we were not the first one to test nukes and we wont be the first one to resume testing.

So how does it matter to anyone? what does this statement try to achieve? Blame India for nukes? are you kidding me, China tested it first so does India start to cry who brought Nukes first in Asia? Pretty useless statement I feel, tomorrow if Nepal claim we never tested nukes how is it relevant? Nukes were there right at India and Pakistan border and still you people can play that game of we didnt do this but India!!! Sorry but world is not that dumb mate.
So how does it matter to anyone? what does this statement try to achieve? Blame India for nukes? are you kidding me, China tested it first so does India start to cry who brought Nukes first in Asia? Pretty useless statement I feel, tomorrow if Nepal claim we never tested nukes how is it relevant? Nukes were there right at India and Pakistan border and still you people can play that game of we didnt do this but India!!! Sorry but world is not that dumb mate.

China is not south Asia. and FYI, ex Soviet Union now Russia is also part of Asian continent. We are specifically talking about south Asia security paradigm. Not outside it. This region has been recognized as the only place where there is actual danger of nuke exchange. So yes, Pakistani stance makes perfect sense to those who are wise enough and still sane.
Is India planning on buying them or internal R&D to enhance their ~600MW know-how.

Most talk that I've come across since 2008 is reactors from France, Russia, possibly US are PWR/ PHWR.

In-house R&D is being boosted.

As you have rightly been on the track to teaching people who need to be taught, NSG is more of posturing and legalisation of existing agreements. We have immediate requirement of boosting our electricity production in conformation with the Paris accord; the priority is the pathetic standard of infrastructure which is now improving with the present Minister for Power addressing the shortfall of coal, but the focus is on solar and nuclear power as India wants to be seen as upholding the Paris Climate Accord.

So if NSG members take a difficult line without membership (renege on bilateral agreements; slim though) then the only option for India is its own in-house effort, which has been meandering due to lack of infusion of funds till date.

However, the same is being corrected as we do have the largest thorium reserves in the world; the government is aiming at diversification. Lets see how things play out further along.
China is not south Asia.

Thats exactly my point was, how does it matter South Asia or Asia when all 3 countries share border do you think anyone give shit about you just add an South in it?

I can claim its Pakistan who introduced Nukes first in Afghan Iran region, but does that statement actually mean anything or just useless waste of time?
Thats exactly my point was, how does it matter South Asia or Asia when all 3 countries share border do you think anyone give shit about you just add an South in it?

I can claim its Pakistan who introduced Nukes first in Afghan Iran region, but does that statement actually mean anything or just useless waste of time?

Try to read what I said, rather coming up with your dribbles. Its only south Asia to which both Pakistan and India are part off, it is here ONLY, where the risk of actual nuke exchange are highly likely, NO where else. China is not part of this "high risk" area, neither Iran or Afghanistan or Tambakto for that matter.
Try to read what I said, rather coming up with your dribbles. Its only south Asia to which both Pakistan and India are part off, it is here ONLY, where the risk of actual nuke exchange are highly likely, NO where else. China is not part of this "high risk" area, neither Iran or Afghanistan or Tambakto for that matter.

Lol, you can add South, North, West, East, you can also call for denuclearizing of Indian Ocean even when you got nothing to do with Indian Ocean. You can say anything.
I think you are having comprehension issues here. Pakistan has ALWAYS, right from the beginning have maintained that we were not the first one to introduce the nukes in south Asia, we were not the first one to test nukes and we wont be the first one to resume testing. Thats why I used the word "historical" and "factual", Pakistan is not saying anything new here.

If India decide , in its own stupidity to resume nuke testing to attain thremo nuclear status, which we believe India will in its bravado and track record, we will just follow suite. We just have to play cool. We already lock stock and barrel as far as nukes and Missiles are concerned.

Outplayed? Stop living in fools paradise. It only took Pakistan mere two weeks to pull the rug under Indian and American combined bravado with this latest episode of NSG. Pakistan could have done the same had it not been the Zardari government back in 2008.

Bottom line is, Pakistan dont give monkies to NSG as practically speaking, it is getting whatever it wants to enhance its own strategic interests. The latest episode is more about putting its adversaries in their place.

Are you not hearing the "Chinese Whispers" ?

We know and the world knows what is the character of your country and China when it comes to nuclear nonproliferation. So when you say world power China, we know what a world power it is when it will be singled out in the table in coming meet.

And on top of that China has not blocked Indian entry to NSG by its whims if it's a so called power. They have offered a conditional support provided certain reservations are addressed.

The 48 nation group has accepted India's application and it's up for serious consideration while yours is not.

You can't even get support from Turkey who is your all weather ally. If Turkey is not acting on your behest while having some reservations.

China doesn't give a damn about Pakistan's entry to NSG or wherever Pakistan wishes to travel. It just needs some guarantee from US about other matters like Bush did for nuclear deal with India. We need to wait and see if Obama does the heavy lifting or not. Anyway US will do it and we will enter NSG.

YOU will not enter NSG. The fact is after India enters that club it will be a win win for both India and China.

Pakistan will get zilch and will still sulk.

And any Pakistani or Indian who say they don't need NSG are idiots. NSG is not about nuclear plants only. It's something else.
The fact is after India enters that club it will be a win win for both India and China.

Though I dont agree with many things you said but this statement seems true, If Pakistan get entry into NSG they will ask for Nuclear technology from any country however if they are not there they got only Chinese and Chinese will make money.
Lol, you can add South, North, West, East, you can also call for denuclearizing of Indian Ocean even when you got nothing to do with Indian Ocean. You can say anything.

Keep on blabbering, doesnt matter to us. I just stated our long held stance. You disturb the balance in south Asia security paradigm, we will respond. Like it or not.
We know and the world knows what is the character of your country and China when it comes to nuclear nonproliferation. So when you say world power China, we know what a world power it is when it will be singled out in the table in coming meet.

And on top of that China has not blocked Indian entry to NSG by its whims if it's a so called power. They have offered a conditional support provided certain reservations are addressed.

The 48 nation group has accepted India's application and it's up for serious consideration while yours is not.

You can't even get support from Turkey who is your all weather ally. If Turkey is not acting on your behest while having some reservations.

China doesn't give a damn about Pakistan's entry to NSG or wherever Pakistan wishes to travel. It just needs some guarantee from US about other matters like Bush did for nuclear deal with India. We need to wait and see if Obama does the heavy lifting or not. Anyway US will do it and we will enter NSG.

YOU will not enter NSG. The fact is after India enters that club it will be a win win for both India and China.

Pakistan will get zilch and will still sulk.

And any Pakistani or Indian who say they don't need NSG are idiots. NSG is not about nuclear plants only. It's something else.

Keep the word "world" out of it as it getting quite outdated specially coming from Indian mouths.

And spare me about proliferation issues where the vary organization , the NSG, you are so desperately trying to join was created in response to you hoodwinking the international community when you conducted the "smiling budha" nuke test back in 1974.

Those Chinese "reservations" are in a diplomatic way telling India to F off, thats is how global diplomacy works. Sign NPT first and then come talk, that is what China is telling India. And if India has to be accepted that wont be without Pakistan getting into the club. Period.

Pakistan dont give monkies to NSG, we were hardly bothered. Hell, we just send our application last week or so!! you lot have been trying very hard since years!! We just want to put you in your place, that is all to it.

Son, educate yourself. Chinese, even in 2008 asked Pakistan till the last moment to block Indian wavier proposed by America but the GOP at that time was not interested so Chinese let that move go through. Now with this new "establishment" in Pakistan, the message is crystal clear.

China has it own axe to grind against America. It wants to be seen as a global player, sending messages to other states that if being in good books of America will make you think that you can get all the goodies, think again.

Dont put too much pressure on your tiny Indian head, geopolitics is much more complex then you think.
Son, educate yourself. Chinese, even in 2008 asked Pakistan till the last moment to block Indian wavier proposed by America but the GOP at that time was not interested so Chinese let that move go through. Now with this new "establishment" in Pakistan, the message is crystal clear.

I just love the way you people sugarcoat your every failure, BTW what will be excuse next time if India gets into NSG? I had never seen any Chinese leader saying India cant get into NSG only the cheerleaders on PDF. What would China earn by blocking India? They are looking for some concession behind this deal, may be a bullet train or a Nuclear reactor at most. Last time they lost to Japan in bullet train they felt very bad.

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