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A Normal Nuclear Pakistan

Whats with all the 'Attack on Saudi Arabia is Attack on Pakistan'. 'Attack on Iran is Attack on Pakistan' etc. etc. etc. etc.

BS is all. Most Pakistanis wouldn't give a f*** is any 'Muslim' country actually got attacked (it's happening all around us); we'd just provide them some moral support at best. In fact it's the only we can do, anyway.
If anyone needs a nuclear umbrella, they can go develop them on their own :what:

This 'attack on x is an attack on us' BS is spewed by everyone, but in reality they're mindless statements. Take the NATO, Ukraine and Russia case for example.
Look at the changes India experienced after each and every attack. Markets went up, Defense deals signed, economic deals signed, seats at international organizations.
So whats the outcome. Do India has the might to attack Pak. when ever it want. Certanily not. Indian People have always complaint about the impotent response from Indian Govt. After Parliament attacks, Mumbai attacks.

Do your research before you shout something stupid.
And you better get common sense from super market , if it easily available to you.

Whats with all the 'Attack on Saudi Arabia is Attack on Pakistan'. 'Attack on Iran is Attack on Pakistan' etc. etc. etc. etc.
Which government has said these non sense statements.
Show me another country that has working a 300 MWe Thorium reactor design Genius..
No country is the world has the time to waste its energy and resources for R&D work on Thorium reactor. Keeping in view the 96% of world thorium reserves in India, only some idiot would think of making thorium reactors and then importing thorium from India to run such reactors.

How many countries of world has working FBRs?
How many countries of world are members of ITER project ?
How many countries of world are working on a Fusion reactor on its own ?/
Keep on doing the R&D

'Show me another country that has working a 300 MWe Thorium reactor design Genius.'
Refer the answer above.
No country is the world has the time to waste its energy and resources for R&D work on Thorium reactor. Keeping in view the 96% of world thorium reserves in India, only some idiot would think of making thorium reactors and then importing thorium from India to run such reactors.

Keep on doing the R&D

Refer the answer above.
India only possesses 25% of World reserve of thorium, similar to countries like Australia, Brazil and the US.
No country is the world has the time to waste its energy and resources for R&D work on Thorium reactor.

China,US,Germany and many more countries are working on it.

Keeping in view the 96% of world thorium reserves in India, only some idiot would think of making thorium reactors and then importing thorium from India to run such reactors.

Already answered by @IndoUS.

Keep on doing the R&D

Yes,and we would enjoy the fruits of the research-Just like our PHWRs & SSBN..
India only possesses 25% of World reserve of thorium, similar to countries like Australia, Brazil and the US.

Huge reserves in Turkey too, I think they have some of the largest reserves. So does China.
Good to know you can't handle arguments on your own and had to run to sandy pandy to give me a negative rating. Like I care! Give me millions of -ve ratings won't change the fact that you guys suffer from inferiority complexes which lead to your delusions!

Just the fact that this forum has such a huge quantity of indians says what you guys really are!!

Show me another country that has working a 300 MWe Thorium reactor design Genius.

How many countries of world has working FBRs?

How many countries of world are members of ITER project ?

How many countries of world are working on a Fusion reactor on its own ?

Please keep your mouth shut,if you doesnt know a thing.
First learn english then come here to bark!

Good to know you can't handle arguments on your own and had to run to sandy pandy to give me a negative rating. Like I care! Give me millions of -ve ratings won't change the fact that you guys suffer from inferiority complexes which lead to your delusions!

Just the fact that this forum has such a huge quantity of indians says what you guys really are!!

First learn english then come here to bark!
@Aeronaut Come on man, isn't it about time you mods put indians in their place?
I was thinking what kind of people do they employ at your nuclear facilities, who like drinking radioactive water?
Oh well, if you throw peanuts you get monkeys.
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