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Pakistan reaffirms commitment to N-test moratorium

Italics: Join with the above statement. Aim is a foreign policy aim - to project India as a responsible nuclear and economic state. Additionally, to strengthen Indian diplomatic currency and case for permanent seat at security council.

Those who matter already look at us as responsible nuclear state those who dont wont agree even after NSG unless we sign everything from NPT to CTBT.

NSG will have little to no effect on our UNSC seat, as I said its not an exclusive group 48 countries are already there also we are not ready for UNSC, its useless chest thumping done by most of us. We got major issues to deal with, to make India an economic Juggernaut.

Beside pride there is very little we can get as UNSC member, if we need veto we already got 3-4 countries ready to do it.

Also nobody is going to let be a UNSC member, even US and Russia expressed their views in negative on veto for new members when there was a deliberation at UN meeting about reforms in UNSC.

We must first be a player that nobody can ignore, that UN or any other Organization look incomplete without us, if today Russia leave UNSC nobody will feel it incomplete however if China or US leave it that organization wont look credible. Similarly when we reach that status they will accept us and today they wont.

Nothing forbids us from selling our nuclear reactors, except our own apathy and poor investment in R&D and the sector in order to boost thorium based reactors. With change in finance for the same now being undertaken, lets hope for the best.
Instead of this you can simply say we are not in condition to build them, if we were we wont be buying them, no sugarcoating is needed.
China is not south Asia. and FYI, ex Soviet Union now Russia is also part of Asian continent. We are specifically talking about south Asia security paradigm. Not outside it. This region has been recognized as the only place where there is actual danger of nuke exchange. So yes, Pakistani stance makes perfect sense to those who are wise enough and still sane.

And our borders and concerns doesnt revolve or restrict around the so called South Asian Paradigm .China is our rival not Pakistan .
Ours turf is far larger than the so called South Asia.

Keep on blabbering, doesnt matter to us. I just stated our long held stance. You disturb the balance in south Asia security paradigm, we will respond. Like it or not.

Do whatever you want
Outplayed? Stop living in fools paradise. It only took Pakistan mere two weeks to pull the rug under Indian and American combined bravado with this latest episode of NSG. Pakistan could have done the same had it not been the Zardari government back in 2008.

Bottom line is, Pakistan dont give monkies to NSG as practically speaking, it is getting whatever it wants to enhance its own strategic interests. The latest episode is more about putting its adversaries in their place.

Ok kid, take a seat, and grab a pen to write with.

The population of India in 1950 was 317 million. At that time it ranked as the second most. PM Nehru knew the power of a large population, but at that time India didn't have the industrial/ political/ or economic prowess to set on it's own. So Nehru set a policy of non-alignment. The US and Soviets dangled plenty of goodies for India to come concretely to their ideological spheres. But it held firm, raking in $billions and setting up industry, R&D, educational institutes, and soft power in Bollywood.

All the while Pakistan, with 40 million ranking in 13th place in 1950. Decided to plant itself as a champion of the US. Failing to understand it's own relationship and treaties it signed itself into with the US. With a fallacy of being an "equal" to the US. And placed under embargoes through out. To this day it jerks itself off to US F-16s, AZ-1s or Oliver Perry frigates.

Thats all for now, I have a presentation to prepare for tomorrow.
NSG will have little to no effect on our UNSC seat, as I said its not an exclusive group 48 countries are already there also we are not ready for UNSC, its useless chest thumping done by most of us.

Beside pride there is very little we can get as UNSC member, if we need veto we already got 3-4 countries ready to do it.

Also nobody is going to let be a UNSC member, even US and Russia expressed their views in negative on veto for new members when there was a deliberation at UN meeting about reforms in UNSC.

Instead of this you can simply say we are not in condition to build them, if we were we wont be buying them, no sugarcoating is needed.

Reply to the quoted non bold text. Simple answer is political and diplomatic grandstanding and accumulation of diplomatic currency. That is the aim.

Ever wonder why India is naive to insist on any military intervention under aegis of UN or solving of SCS on basis of UN Conventions?

To be accepted as a responsible and law abiding nation which works to strengthen international laws and organizations meant to strengthen inter nation relations and provide mechanism for resolution of disputes and enhance steps for mutual benefit.

In the words of Sun Tzu 'the supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting'.

More to do with grand strategy rather than any tangible benefit. In international diplomacy it is the intangible asset of diplomatic currency which holds the clout.

As for bold: I don't sugarcoat things. The investment in nuclear research was low. That's changing.

We have been culprit in allowing technology that allowed Iraq to weapon ire its chemical industries ... So you think that the technical base does not exist?

It is like the tickle I get when I read about Pakistan having more nukes .......

Bro, I'm in that taptalk so don't know how to thank you for that valuable intervention. But I felt some basics would do for a start in layman terms.
I had a nut job talking salted nukes to me.... So I had to tell him off .., happens ... That s why the caput mentulae

@SrNair Sir ever wonder why our neighbors have champions sitting outside their nation tom toming an aggressive collision course which won't serve their national interests? Reminds me of how all their honchos have their kids out of the nation too .....

Seems to be a case of inflaming the passions of millions whose life is at risk from stupid policies as it does not affect them personally .....

It's easyOTE="hellfire, post: 8383475, member: 14601"]Reply to the quoted non bold text. Simple answer is political and diplomatic grandstanding and accumulation of diplomatic currency. That is the aim.

Ever wonder why India is naive to insist on any military intervention under aegis of UN or solving of SCS on basis of UN Conventions?

To be accepted as a responsible and law abiding nation which works to strengthen international laws and organizations meant to strengthen inter nation relations and provide mechanism for resolution of disputes and enhance steps for mutual benefit.

In the words of Sun Tzu 'the supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting'.

More to do with grand strategy rather than any tangible benefit. In international diplomacy it is the intangible asset of diplomatic currency which holds the clout.

As for bold: I don't sugarcoat things. The investment in nuclear research was low. That's changing.

We have been culprit in allowing technology that allowed Iraq to weapon ire its chemical industries ... So you think that the technical base does not exist?

It is like the tickle I get when I read about Pakistan having more nukes .......

I had a nut job talking salted nukes to me.... So I had to tell him off .., happens ... That s why the caput mentulae[/QUOTE]
Its easy when u visit less..BTW we have a lemonade nuke but only after some prayer. U ready?

@Dash your post has got badly distorted.... Couldn't understand what you are trying to say quoting me!!!!

I have a catapult one too ... LoL. That nuke thingy. Cheers
Reply to the quoted non bold text. Simple answer is political and diplomatic grandstanding and accumulation of diplomatic currency. That is the aim.

Ever wonder why India is naive to insist on any military intervention under aegis of UN or solving of SCS on basis of UN Conventions?

To be accepted as a responsible and law abiding nation which works to strengthen international laws and organizations meant to strengthen inter nation relations and provide mechanism for resolution of disputes and enhance steps for mutual benefit.

In the words of Sun Tzu 'the supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting'.

More to do with grand strategy rather than any tangible benefit. In international diplomacy it is the intangible asset of diplomatic currency which holds the clout.

As for bold: I don't sugarcoat things. The investment in nuclear research was low. That's changing.

We have been culprit in allowing technology that allowed Iraq to weapon ire its chemical industries ... So you think that the technical base does not exist?

It is like the tickle I get when I read about Pakistan having more nukes .......

I had a nut job talking salted nukes to me.... So I had to tell him off .., happens ... That s why the caput mentulae

@SrNair Sir ever wonder why our neighbors have champions sitting outside their nation tom toming an aggressive collision course which won't serve their national interests? Reminds me of how all their honchos have their kids out of the nation too .....

Seems to be a case of inflaming the passions of millions whose life is at risk from stupid policies as it does not affect them personally .....


We have seen one from UK in this thread also .
Our neighbours need parity.Whatever it takes they need parity with India in any international stage .For that sole purpose they are destroying their own society .Our non residential neighbours also found education from that society .Few days ago their NSA ,Sartaj Aziz openly declared that their foreign policy is solely based on India .
First of its kind in the world .
These people represents that some society where these old bureaucrat came from .
There is nothing in their to surprise.
Ever wonder why India is naive to insist on any military intervention under aegis of UN or solving of SCS on basis of UN Conventions?

To be accepted as a responsible and law abiding nation which works to strengthen international laws and organizations meant to strengthen inter nation relations and provide mechanism for resolution of disputes and enhance steps for mutual benefit.

How much we are dying to get accepted by others as if they dont accept us dont respect us! It become ironic when we see one country, a UNSC member is showing middle finger to UNCLOS and is accepted everywhere and we, just another member in UN already accepted and respected elsewhere wants the same seat for being "more acceptable".

Nope, UNSC seat dont make you more acceptable neither you are less acceptable today and if you keep growing people will respect more and will get into UNSC in much easier manner.

In the words of Sun Tzu 'the supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting'.

More to do with grand strategy rather than any tangible benefit. In international diplomacy it is the intangible asset of diplomatic currency which holds the clout.

Romantic words, but will that diplomatic grandstanding today help in easing problems of day to day life?

I am all for UNSC seat or whatever exclusive club you want to be if that really change anything with 1.25 Billion people day to day life. Mate these grandstanding looks decent only when there is prosperity and looks awful when large section of our country need attention and living in pretty bad condition.

As for bold: I don't sugarcoat things. The investment in nuclear research was low. That's changing.

We have been culprit in allowing technology that allowed Iraq to weapon ire its chemical industries ... So you think that the technical base does not exist?

It is like the tickle I get when I read about Pakistan having more nukes .......

Is it not the universal line that whenever, wherever we lag we can always blame it on resources? its a universal line and can be applied on everything.

It is like the tickle I get when I read about Pakistan having more nukes .......
I wonder why you even believe such news, a lot of propaganda is there, I pray they have 1000 nukes or more, so that they invest all budget on securing and maintaining them. None of us need more than few nukes to destroy each other completely so the larger stockpile they keep the beneficial its for us.
How much we are dying to get accepted by others as if they dont accept us dont respect us! It become ironic when we see one country, a UNSC member is showing middle finger to UNCLOS and is accepted everywhere and we, just another member in UN already accepted and respected elsewhere wants the same seat for being "more acceptable".

Nope, UNSC seat dont make you more acceptable neither you are less acceptable today and if you keep growing people will respect more and will get into UNSC in much easier manner.

Romantic words, but will that diplomatic grandstanding today help in easing problems of day to day life?

I am all for UNSC seat or whatever exclusive club you want to be if that really change anything with 1.25 Billion people day to day life. Mate these grandstanding looks decent only when there is prosperity and looks awful when large section of our country need attention and living in pretty bad condition.

Is it not the universal line that whenever, wherever we lag we can always blame it on resources? its a universal line and can be applied on everything.

I wonder why you even believe such news, a lot of propaganda is there, I pray they have 1000 nukes or more, so that they invest all budget on securing and maintaining them. None of us need more than few nukes to destroy each other completely so the larger stockpile they keep the beneficial its for us.

Let me guess, you are in your twenties??

If so, your post will make sense. Aim of any conflict should be to achieve your objectives without fighting, and win any war with minimal casualties. That is what the art of war calls for.

When you replicate it to the diplomatic arena, these come into play. The intangible costs fora nation are too high if it goes on a confrontationist attitude.

Even China, who you have averred to, did nothing to antagonize US till it reached optimal levels to have an economic clout, political heft it got courtesy Nehru when Formosa was removed from UNSC as permanent member and Nehru declined the seat causing China to be granted the same, and an improving economic scenario allowed for PLAto undertake modernization over a period of time thereby allowing China to adopt policies of today.

Now please extrapolate it for the Indian scenario.
Pakistan dont give monkies to NSG, we were hardly bothered. Hell, we just send our application last week or so!! you lot have been trying very hard since years!! We just want to put you in your place, that is all to it.

You were shown your place by India and the world powers in 2008, when india got clean waiver from NSG, and pakistan did not, even after asking for it multiple times. Yet you are chest thumping like this with such cheap movie dialogues.

Once is not enough for you ? Wait for 10 more day you will get it again.
Aim of any conflict should be to achieve your objectives without fighting, and win any war with minimal casualties. That is what the art of war calls for.

When you replicate it to the diplomatic arena, these come into play. The intangible costs fora nation are too high if it goes on a confrontationist attitude.

You almost repeated what I said in different words, today in this "war" of NSG you are going to take heavy casualties in form of concession to any tom dick harry state (like that South Africa or New Zealand and where the fck is that tiny Austria and its bravado) and still be at risk of losing war. Tomorrow when you are bigger you probably dont even need to fight the war, you will be welcomed not fought bitterly.
You almost repeated what I said in different words, today in this "war" of NSG you are going to take heavy casualties in form of concession to any tom dick harry state (like that South Africa or New Zealand and where the fck is that tiny Austria and its bravado) and still be at risk of losing war. Tomorrow when you are bigger you probably dont even need to fight the war, you will be welcomed not fought bitterly.

You were expected to be banned (as indeed you have been), the way you were going.

Maturity and acceptance of alternate view points is required. This forum has no place for rhetorics actually
The way I acy depends on how you act without reasonable inference and sustainable debate. The way I act is the way you hold a pen in your hand and say it's most powerful without facing a gun.

The way I act is perfectly apt, for people who showcase bravado and bravery with stupidity that represents a nation in an international forum.

And even though your shoe size is of my age must tell a thousand word about how you apply your thinking in legal matters any way that s a privilege PDF deserve for giving entry to people like you.

Hey one thing is clear the way you are thumping your chest it's good but sometimes it becomes hai..hai..main margayi. At least anyone reading is getting that feeling :lol:

Manage how your perception my friend. And teach some to your diplomats.

You expect me to reply to your typical Indian dribbles? I am struggling to find anything worth replying in your last comment to me expect some empty bravado and usual Indian BS really.

I am still all ears as to how your diplomacy is going about with Nepal and Maldives?

Lastly, those "smiles" are for rookies.

Americans was also in there as your ally until some bitter experience .But why you nation couldnt manage a seat in NSG?
Americans support is very important and force multiplier .But in cases like ,like NSG, candidate should also have some credibility,economy ,diplomacy to influence .

Couldnt manage a seat in NSG? Hell, we just applied like two weeks ago! Keep yourself up to date.

And our borders and concerns doesnt revolve or restrict around the so called South Asian Paradigm .China is our rival not Pakistan .
Ours turf is far larger than the so called South Asia.

Do whatever you want

That what you like to tell yourself, or your American masters are giving you pep talk as well, but say this to Chinese on their face that they are your enemies and see the reaction. Your Modi not long ago was rolling the red carpet for Xi while his men in thousands were trampling your sovereignty and camping inside your controlled territory having a tea party. Bravado and reality are two different things.
You expect me to reply to your typical Indian dribbles? I am struggling to find anything worth replying in your last comment to me expect some empty bravado and usual Indian BS really.

I am still all ears as to how your diplomacy is going about with Nepal and Maldives?

Lastly, those "smiles" are for rookies.

Couldnt manage a seat in NSG? Hell, we just applied like two weeks ago! Keep yourself up to date.

That what you like to tell yourself, or your American masters are giving you pep talk as well, but say this to Chinese on their face that they are your enemies and see the reaction. Your Modi not long ago was rolling the red carpet for Xi while his men in thousands were trampling your sovereignty and camping inside your controlled territory having a tea party. Bravado and reality are two different things.

If your assertion of their Chinese lenience bothers us then u r completely wrong. We have our assets just in place. And if it hasn't been noticed by you then their lineage is economic and it's not our concern as long it's not ideology.

Any country is free to do business with anyone, unlike some who can't. India doesn't wish to be a brother to these nations we are fine with just partners in business.

And we are doing just fine.

Besides all that you have been debating since yesterday is been debunked and refuted. In case you didn't notice China acknowledged that India has moved close to become NSG member and they have to even deleted the Pak entry clause.

My points stand right. You still are blabbering and will keep blabbering.

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