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Pakistan Reaches Out to Iran on Energy, Security


Dec 31, 2012
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Pakistan Reaches Out to Iran on Energy, Security

ISLAMABAD — Pakistan is reaching out to its neighbor, Iran, for cooperation on energy and security, despite ongoing international attempts to isolate Tehran for its nuclear program. The latest talks between the two countries on a proposed gas pipeline that could aggravate Pakistani ties with the United States.

In recent days, officials in Islamabad have had talks with their Tehran counterparts on the construction of a $1.5 billion gas pipeline from Iran that would help ease acute energy shortages in Pakistan. This week, Pakistan Interior Minister Rehman Malik has also signed a security deal between the two countries to tighten security along their borders.

The agreements point to closer relations at a time when the United States and the international community have imposed stringent economic sanctions on Iran because of its nuclear program

Iran says its nuclear ambitions are peaceful. But, the West fears Iran is building nuclear weapon capability.

The international sanctions affect companies doing business with Tehran, U.S. Embassy spokeswoman Rian Harris said. "We have made it clear to all of our interlocutors around the world that it is in their interests to avoid activities that may be prohibited by U.N. sanctions or sanctionable under U.S. law," he said.

Harris said the United States believes there are alternative long-term energy solutions for Pakistan, such as a planned pipeline through Turkmenistan and Afghanistan. She pointed out that Washington is funding large-scale hydropower and thermal energy projects in Pakistan to help meet the chronic shortages.

The Iran-Pakistan pipeline has been under discussion for a decade, but the past weeks have seen delegations from Tehran arriving in Islamabad to finalize the deal. Local media reports say the negotiations are still stalled about gas prices and the financing of Pakistan's section of the line.

Rasul Bakhsh Rais, a political science professor at Lahore University, says that Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari's efforts to complete the deal with Iran have more to do with election year politics than energy solutions.

The government, which is facing elections in the coming months, has come under heavy criticism for its inability to end crippling energy shortages around the country. There are questions about whether Iran can guarantee supplies and fixed prices, said Rais, but also concerns about the political cost of such a deal.

"How the Pakistani economy, which depends on International Monetary Fund and United States assistance, and also from European countries, how then is Pakistan going to cope with that? Therefore, this decision is very much controversial," he added.

Rais said Pakistan's political and business power brokers have no desire to estrange the international community in favor of Iran.

Pakistan Reaches Out to Iran on Energy, Security
Iran is next door and most viable route for energy imports. Economic integration of Pak and Iran will also help checkmate salafi / wahabi influences in Pakistan.
They'd probably kick you out of Iran for being a Fake Iranian & me out of Kashmir for being a Fake Kashmiri ! :lol:

mayb but right nw i think we both r gunna get a fine kick frm here together for trolling:P

i may get som favors for havin little connection to Iran but can say this abt u:P
Iran is next door and most viable route for energy imports. Economic integration of Pak and Iran will
also help checkmate salafi / wahabi influences in Pakistan.

Why does Iran disintegrate with Pakistan on the first place?
At the same time, shall Iran not disengage first from, Pakistan's eternal enemy 'India' to check mate hindu terror in Pakistan.
Why does Iran disintegrate with Pakistan on the first place?
At the same time, shall Iran not disengage first from, Pakistan's eternal enemy 'India' to check mate hindu terror in Pakistan.

Umm you are telling me that LeJ, SSP, TTP are terror outfits.
India is far too concerned about boosting its economy and developing its infrastructure while we are still drunk on cold war mentality of proxy war.

Time to cut nonsense, Iran will do what is beneficent for its interests and we should do what benefits us.
The gas deal is pure business, they have a commodity and we have a need to lets get some green back and trade.
Pakistan needs to distance itself from the wahabis. Iran is like a pill for destroying wahabis. Pakistan thinks Iran is trying destabilize it but that is false. Iran is trying to rid the wahabi saudi influence in Pakistan.

also, this user @somebozo seems to have identity issues. one momment he is anti-Iran and next he is being neutral.
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Iran is next door and most viable route for energy imports. Economic integration of Pak and Iran will also help checkmate salafi / wahabi influences in Pakistan.

You have been sucking up to Arabs and mudslinging Iran, and now you are doing the opposite? :disagree:
Man, you don't have to suck up to anyone on the expense of your country, neither Arabs nor Iranian.
You have been sucking up to Arabs and mudslinging Iran, and now you are doing the opposite? :disagree:
Man, you don't have to suck up to anyone on the expense of your country, neither Arabs nor Iranian.

You got him right..he dont like Ayatollas too..very confused person
"She pointed out that Washington is funding large-scale hydropower and thermal energy projects in Pakistan to help meet the chronic shortages."

What if US stop the funding ?
Pakistan needs to distance itself from the wahabis. Iran is like a pill for destroying wahabis. Pakistan thinks Iran is trying destabilize it but that is false. Iran is trying to rid the wahabi saudi influence in Pakistan.

also, this user @somebozo seems to have identity issues. one momment he is anti-Iran and next he is being neutral.

I am not anti iran but i have my suspicions on the ayatollah regime. I do not take blind sides!
Iran is not a pill to destroy Wahabis it is just another face of the same coin.

Also what does my identity have to do with Iran or Arabia? I am free to criticize both as I please but only an idiot would take one against the other - typical problem of Pakistan. We do not learn the importance of keep good relations and neutrality.

You have been sucking up to Arabs and mudslinging Iran, and now you are doing the opposite? :disagree:
Man, you don't have to suck up to anyone on the expense of your country, neither Arabs nor Iranian.

I don't suck up to anyone...you are an idiot to assume that.
Ayatollahs cannot be trusted - they are shia version of salafees / wahabes / mutaweens!

This is what fit the fundos very well be it sunni or shia

By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise.
Adolf Hitler
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You got him right..he dont like Ayatollas too..very confused person

Ayatollahs and Mutawas both are incarnation of evil and have no place in Pakistan. They should all be executed by firing squad. I do not have to like one over other - this is stupid mentality which has been infused in Pakistan and is killing our independence and sovereignty.
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Pakistan needs to distance itself from the wahabis. Iran is like a pill for destroying wahabis. Pakistan thinks Iran is trying destabilize it but that is false. Iran is trying to rid the wahabi saudi influence in Pakistan.

also, this user @somebozo seems to have identity issues. one momment he is anti-Iran and next he is being neutral.

Why do you criticize him just because he unhooked bussiness with religion? Why do you guys are so obsessed with giving everything a religion angle...Iran is making business with you because you are his neighour and you are a potential customer...In place of Pakistan even if Thailand or India will be its neighour still then Iran would have done business with them...Iran making a bussiness with you should not be perceived or interpreted with any thing against with Gulf or any countries....World is moving on to integrate itself with doing trade with each other on economic beneifits....It is the country like Pakistan,India and BD who are fools to mix bussiness with some extent to religious grivences...This is unfortunate....I would like to see one day...Iran Pakistan pipe line materializes and that pipeline can be extended inside India, BD and further down SE Asia too.....Energy security is the key to the development and progress of any nation..
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