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Pakistan Rangers injured by firing of Iran Revolution Guards

There should be unity among muslim ummah... US, ISRAEL, INDIA is gaining benefits despite killing millions of muslims around the globe...
After all curse is given to jews in quran..

Step1. We muslims should unite first.
Step2. Form muslim force like NATO.
Step3. Increase economic co-operation between all muslim countries, forms banks, help poor muslims countries like somalia, african muslim country.
Step3. Solve dispute like Kashmir, Palestine
Step4. Resolve dispute among muslim ummah.
Oye. Why leave lucifer himself out of it? They indeed are a curse to the planet, and more specifically Muslim world.

1. Iranian mullahs bad for health.
2. House of Pokemon (Saud) and EVERYONE in it a curse to humanity.


Don't know why would you bring house of saud here...
I have myself tagged webby and you little thing think you can scare me of banning? :lol:

Rather you should be ashamed of supporting someone who blatantly accepting that pakistanis played GTA on Mumbai roads in 26/11 where hundreds were killed.

You should equally be ashamed of supporting someone who is calling pakistani army as physical manifestation of hatred toward India.

@Atanz was cent percent right in this regards... Every sensible Pakistani will say the same he was saying earlier.
Perhaps it was mistaken identity for smugglers? The Iranians maybe just trying to be proactive on this.
what about LeT, Jud et al?

Pakistanis always blame the victim. unless actual evidence to the contrary surfaces, track record indicates it is probably the Pakistani side that started some trouble and the when they can't take the reciprocal fire-back, they'll start blaming the other guy. They've been doing that against India for years and now with Iran.

Yeah what about RSS, VHP, Modi, TTP, BLA and countless other Indian terrorists and terrorist proxies?

Do not derail the thread by bringing indian bullshyte here.
There should be unity among muslim ummah... US, ISRAEL, INDIA is gaining benefits despite killing millions of muslims around the globe...
After all curse is given to jews in quran..

Step1. We muslims should unite first.
Step2. Form muslim force like NATO.
Step3. Increase economic co-operation between all muslim countries, forms banks, help poor muslims countries like somalia, african muslim country.
Step3. Solve dispute like Kashmir, Palestine
Step4. Resolve dispute among muslim ummah.

Unfortunately for that all Muslims should follow Prophet's way of Islam not their own interpretation of Quran and Islam and personally I don't see this happening in the near future.....

Yeah what about RSS, VHP, Modi, TTP, BLA and countless other Indian terrorists and terrorist proxies?

Do not derail the thread by bringing indian bullshyte here.

You are missing something here...RSS and VHP are right winged Hindu groups who have political ambition....By the way the terror linked Hindu groups are different...
I see that Indians cheer more for there would be no more Pakistani Iranian brotherhood after these types of incidents. Potentially both countries have a lot to offer and complement each other just like Pakistani Chinese friendship. However steps should be taken as both countries should take responsibility and if one stays resisting to change no steps would be taken towards the goal.

In this specific case Iran can take initiative and take more proactive steps to increase cooperation with Pakistan and be open to begin reforming its decades old border policies(at least the Pakistani border) against smuggling and terrorism to be more cooperative with Pakistan to not to repeat these types of incidents and in return Pakistan can share necessary info about border security in that regard as well.
Oye. Why leave lucifer himself out of it? They indeed are a curse to the planet, and more specifically Muslim world.

1. Iranian mullahs bad for health.
2. House of Pokemon (Saud) and EVERYONE in it a curse to humanity.


Good or bad i don't care but what i asked that guy how were Arabs or aliens related there and to be fair,here as well..or it is mandatory for a fragment of our society that before they condemn the wrongdoings ayatullah's,they have to curse Arabs as well just not to piss their masters off...
so you proved my point you are a Racist Iranian Afghan.8-)
I take it your the some Gangawala who would want Pakistan and Iran to rip each other apart so India can be spared that attention of Pakistan Army? Let me make this clear I will reflect and have faith in Pakistan Army. As of now and the last 68 years 99% of it armoured strike forces is posted on your stinking border. That says to me who our enemy is.Our Army knows. India. India. India.

The day I find out the Pakistan Army has moved significant assets to Iran/Pak border including strike elements is the day I will say goodbye to Iran. Other than that nothing will change my thinking about Iran. I would anytime choose the Iranians over any Gangawala Indian. This fact. I frankly despise India.

well i am not a Gangawala.i am a Desert Wala :D

And if you think Pakistan is going to anytime soon change it's defence posture from India-centric you have another thing coming. So keep up with your cheap propaganda. This just proves how insecure you Indian's are. You are little men. Thats what you are little men. All 1,270 miillion of you. I mean how else does a country with some many men not beat the crap out of tiny Pakistan? 68 year later we have kicked you lot in the udders, recently do "Grand Theft Auto" in Mumbai and you lot don't have gonads to do anything about it.
you mean Grand Theft Auto in Pesawar ?:azn::rofl:

India is like a supersized puffter that keeps on getting it's dangles kicked by Pakistan but all it does is shout and scream. Can you imagine if we did this to another country your size like China? Pakistan would have recieved one punch and have been erased from the map for ever. By now Pakistan would only exist history books.

I love the Pakistan Army. For the simple fact that it is the physical manifestation of the hatred for India. Pakistan Army would be out of job without India. Long live hatred for India. Long Live Pakistan Army.
well you are right but only thing stopped us is USA in 1971 and Nukes in 21th century.

And I won't hide the fact that I hate India beyond the politics of South Asia. I have generic disgust of this billion pile of disgusting humanity most of it only generation or two distant from living like savages and half naked existance suffering recurrent famines. All of sudden few calories and few dollars and you think your equal to us by adopting our clothes, our ancient history and using Bollywood to paint a false picture to mask the ugly reality.

You can report me. I am reducing my presence here anyway primarily because I consider it below my dignity to talk to Gangawalas or any of those Dravidhorror's from the south.

Good evening to everybody even my fellow Pakistani's who made disparaging remarks about me but excluding Indian's other than Punjabi Sikhs.

Ps. This report is circumspect. No other media has reported this story.
atlast we dont reproduce with our sister like your kind.....:rofl: how's bacchabazi going ? i know you have 2 beautiful daughters i will pray for them.

last thing you are an Afghan not a Punjabi. it was Punjabis,Sindhis and Gujaratis who gave Birth to IVC not Afghans. .:lol:

stop stealing us Indo Aryans history you Iranian Afghan !
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Good or bad i don't care but what i asked that guy how were Arabs or aliens related there and to be fair,here as well..or it is mandatory for a fragment of our society that before they condemn the wrongdoings ayatullah's,they have to curse Arabs as well just not to piss their masters off...

You are talking about one specific incident.

And we are writing about the general problem being faced by Middle Eastern and other Muslim countries in the region.

Emotional Irani Mullahs and House of Saud are the major problem. Due to their sick d!ck measuring contest, whole of the region is on flames. So both need to go!

I have had the opportunity to work with Iranians in Europe, they are fine people and despise those fanatic Ayatullahs as much as any saner person would do.
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