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Pakistan Rangers have the Terrorists surrounded and fighting is going on.

This bastard was the facilitator of Lahore suicide bomber. Not sure if the scumbag has been arrested yet.

View attachment 377802

Big question..why do people engage in such acts not fearing that they will be caught?
If someone knows they will be caught for a crime they will exercise self restraint..it is clear that the is a higher power behind them instigating them into terror acts and that higher power needs to be caught and persecuted..
Arrested along with his seven brothers and also another handler.
Good news..They should be shot dead after investigation ..Courts will release them as usual or AAntis like Aasma will defend them otherwise that Military courts can't do this and that
Latest: Aides of Lahore Blast and all this other seven brother have been arrested. Other handlers of Lahore blast has been arrested from Sukkhar.

Large families breed mental disease and that is one of the reason behind rampant corruption and terrorism in Pakistan..human lives have become devalued..the excess of anything is a bad thing..Pakistan needs to exercise enforced birth control..sterilize women on their first child birth..and refuse to award identity documents who have child birth outside registered hospitals..

Good news..They should be shot dead after investigation ..Courts will release them as usual or AAntis like Aasma will defend them otherwise that Military courts can't do this and that

Cannot expect justice from Pakistani civilian courts where terrorist sympathizers and hafiz quran have become judges..need iron fist military courts..!
Just wait and watch there will be no terrorists and no families left to give them birth again.
Large families breed mental disease and that is one of the reason behind rampant corruption and terrorism in Pakistan..human lives have become devalued..the excess of anything is a bad thing..Pakistan needs to exercise enforced birth control..sterilize women on their first child birth..and refuse to award identity documents who have child birth outside registered hospitals..
Just wait and watch there will be no terrorists and no families left to give them birth again.

Emotional talk serves no purpose..

On 8 Nov 1940, Munich.
Hitler said..

A satanic power had taken hold of our whole nation who had gripped in their hand all the key positions of the spiritual and intellectual life, but also of the political and economic life, and who monitored from these key positions the whole nation, a power that at the same time possessed the influence to persecute with the law those, if necessary, who undertook to join the fight against this power, and who were willing to oppose resistance to the advance of that power. The almighty Judaism has declared the war on us in those days. And you know, I have always defended the view that there is no more stupid a people than the Jewish people, certainly, there is no more unprincipled and more unscrupulous either. But I have always defended the view that the hour will come when we will remove this people from our ranks.

We arent any different today, just replace Jews with Mullahs and Talibans...
Army is killing and sending to hell every terrorist they can get their hands on ( Even when internal security is not their job). But it is heart breaking to see what civilians are doing to them.

But no worries the warriors don't need anyone permission to fight the war. They do it because it is their job, duty and passion to serve the nation. And Army don't need someone approval or certificate to keep on serving the nation
Latest: Target killing operation has started against terrorists. Seek and kill.
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