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Pakistan needs RSS type Organization

In fact whenever foreigners come to Pakistan they are treated like royalty.
Precisely. The operative word you used was "royalty" which I think nicely sums it. Royalty can be counted on your fingertips. That is the amount of foreigners that visit Pakistan annually. If we had foreigners visit Pakistan like UK or France the country would get 250 million a year. That is almost all of USA, five UK's. Then you would get to really test the suggestion you hold.

  • China - 63 million visitors.
  • Italy - 62 million visitors. ...
  • Turkey - 46 million visitors. ...
  • Mexico - 41 million visitors. ...
  • Germany - 39 million visitors. ...
  • Thailand - 38 million visitors. ...
  • United Kingdom - 36 million visitors. ...
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You're either trolling or you dont understand what RSS is. You keep talking about an rss-type organisation, meaning an organisation that terrorises, attacks, maligns, anyone that doesnt parrot their ideology.

Having any organisation that attacks people for differing beliefs, even as retarded as sindudesh and such, is a recipe for disaster that is only going to end in chaos. Any type of fascist organisation subsidised by the state is completely against the beliefs and ideology of the founders of Pakistan.
I have been reading RSS literature for a long time. Even though RSS is not less than Nazi party but they have a great role in unification of india. RSS have worked a lot to remove caste system. Dehumanizing Muslims is actually required by hindus to unite. Hindus have no commonality from language to color to food to gods. RSS invented an enemy (Muslims) to unite hindus.
Our establishment have been keeping us united under umbrella of Islam. But there are many forces ethnic, national and insurgent which want to destroy Pakistan. Army can't defeat them ideologically. There is a requirement of a non political ideological entity to answer all propaganda of these disruptive forces.
Good news is there are a lot of bloggers, social media activists who are responding to PTM, BLA, Sindhu desh etc. But a united front is required just like RSS.
Kakar sahab good idea. Actually we already have very strong organization called Tablighi Jamat. Very very peaceful and very down to earth guys. These guys can play a role, all govt has to do is to provide funds.
But the problem is what ideology? RSS uses Hinduism.Hinduism is overwhelingly in India [minor exceptions being Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bali] thus it nicely conflates with Indian nationalism. Islam on the other hand is diffused across 50 other countries and majority of Muslims are not Pakistani but citizens of other countries many of who we have hostile relations.

I would go for the fatherland - Abasin. River Indus. But that is just me.
1) RSS isn't using hindusism. There is No single hindusism exists in India. People worship moon, stars, fire, Raam, Ravan, Shiva, cow, goats and even penis (yes really). RSS is using islamophobia to unite all those who are called hindus by others.
2) i agree with your assertion that making Islam as basis of ideology of Pakistan weakens our Nationality due to Afghanistan and Bangladesh. Still, two nation theory is still relevant and Modi is really a Messiah for two nation theory.
Precisely. The operative word you used was "royalty" which I think nicely sums it. Royalty can be counted on your fingertips. That is the amount of foreigners that visit Pakistan annually. If we had foreigners visit Pakistan like UK or France the country would get 250 million a year. That is almost all of USA, five UK's. Then you would get to really test the suggestion you hold.

Yeah if my mum had wheels she'd be a bicycle.

You cant just make up what YOU think Pakistanis would react to large amounts of tourists, you can only go by what reality tells us. Even non-tourists are treated very well in Pakistan, there are people that give up their nationalities and move to Pakistan permanently, not many granted, but thats proof of what im saying.
Kakar sahab good idea. Actually we already have very strong organization called Tablighi Jamat. Very very peaceful and very down to earth guys. These guys can play a role, all govt has to do is to provide funds.
I agree with you. Tableegi jamat is in fact great binding force of Pakistan. Tariq Jameel sahib is even respected in India and Afghanistan. Tableegi jamat is our pride. Don't forget Dawat Islami also. Though they don't have much influence in KPK but they are binding sindh and punjab.
Let me tell you one interesting thing. Our Army is supporting tableegi jamat in Baloch insurgency areas. Islam is only counter to BLA leftist ideology. Even Baloch workers of JUIF have won elections in insurgency ridden areas in last election.
1) RSS isn't using hindusism. There is No single hindusism exists in India.
I agree but they are using it as a banner even when Hinduism is so amorphous. And yes they are using minorities to unify a segment of India.

i agree with your assertion that making Islam as basis of ideology of Pakistan weakens our Nationality due to Afghanistan and Bangladesh.
I don't think per se it weakens our nationality. However using only it as basis of nationality certainly not only weakens it but destroys it. Because if Muslim=Pakistan where does that leave 1.6 billion Muslims on earth? What is needed is a more 'meaty' nationalism that relies on a amalgam rather then just one open template.
1)Indians are more corrupt than us. There is concept if halal and haram in Islam. For Indians cheating is Chanakya Neeti.
We have string moral Fibre. In fact, the Morality that exist in India is due to Islam. Before Islam, they were burning widows alive. Islam brought Pardah, Hayah, truth, equality, casteless society etc to India. Before that even there gods were nude.
2) leaders come and go. Nations survive on ideology. All of our elite lives and keep property in UK. We need to get rid of them
So you are calling our people as strong morals? Nope, we may call our selves as ‘islamic’ or ‘strong morals’ but often we confuse these terms with our ancestral jaahil culture which is full of sh*t and acts that make no common sense. Eg are many among sindhi and punjabi rural cultures. So in short term, nope, we aren’t morally good, we are just attached to our historical values and traditions which are mostly stupid and backward in a sense that they lack logic and aren’t what islam truely is that Allah sent.
True islamic followers are seldom seen buddy unfortunately.
Tableeghi jamat has become the birth place of sectarian hatred, and extremism and it undermines the state. It will always and has chosen religious groups sponsored by external powers over Pakistan's institutions.

Their ideology is opposite of Pakistan as the tablighis do not believe confining islam in a state.

During lal masjid their loyalties were well known. They will never see Afghanistan or even Arab states hurting Pakistan's interests.

What Pakistan needs a new muslim league with no political designation. Just a pressure group. A group which is nationalists who would counter stupid filthy liberals and also terrorist and anti army jamat e islami and JUI-F.
I am not asking to follow whats wrong in RSS. We need a strong nationalist non political party who can defend Pakistan and her ideology.
For example : tomorrow few traitors in Dawn newspaper intentionally make headlines that London attacker was Pakistani. In fact he was a citizen of UK. If we have any pro Pakistan party, Dawn would have apologized till now due to fear of protest.

Your statement is erroneous, because darkness and villainy are staples of Shaytaan. Islam always aspires mankind to inculcate positive characteristics into their lives. We are a faith which has come to unite mankind into one whole, not to further divide mankind on racial, ethnic, and sectarian basis.

An Islamic state must aspire to bring justice, truth, and honesty, and not go for the cheap tactic of fabricating scapegoats as RSS India has done.

Our minorities deserve to be accorded respect and justice as we have done, we can never be like Modi-desh.

Prophet Muhammad saws said, "If anyone does injustice to any Ahlul Kitab (Christian or Jew,) then I will be against him on the Day of Judgement (Yawm al Qiyamat.)

You could always join Sunni puritan sectarian groups like Lashkare Jhangvi and don't worry about being prosecuted, some sections of Pakistani establishment supports such groups to purify Pakistan into 100% Sunni Islamic Caliphate. Seriously though the only hope for Pakistani society to survive in this day of science and logic is to separate religion and state and adopt a Secular constitution. I'll stop here before The Eagle mod comes and bans me again for voicing my opposition to religious extremism.

Don't misrepresent the majority of Pakistanis who happen to be Sunnis. LeJ is a pawn of political parties, and functions as such.

Tableeghi jamat has become the birth place of sectarian hatred, and extremism and it undermines the state. It will always and has chosen religious groups sponsored by external powers over Pakistan's institutions.

Their ideology is opposite of Pakistan as the tablighis do not believe confining islam in a state.

During lal masjid their loyalties were well known. They will never see Afghanistan or even Arab states hurting Pakistan's interests.

What Pakistan needs a new muslim league with no political designation. Just a pressure group. A group which is nationalists who would counter stupid filthy liberals and also terrorist and anti army jamat e islami and JUI-F.

You are totally wrong about Tabligh. They are one of the only groups in Pakistan which cut across political and sectarian divides.

1)Indians are more corrupt than us. There is concept if halal and haram in Islam. For Indians cheating is Chanakya Neeti.
We have string moral Fibre. In fact, the Morality that exist in India is due to Islam. Before Islam, they were burning widows alive. Islam brought Pardah, Hayah, truth, equality, casteless society etc to India. Before that even there gods were nude.
2) leaders come and go. Nations survive on ideology. All of our elite lives and keep property in UK. We need to get rid of them

You should have begun this thread with this post.

Your initial statement was provocative and frankly insulting to the Pakistani nation.

Quaid e Azam RA founded our nation on honesty and truth, he refused to even use political blackmail against Nehru, when his affair with Mrs. Mountbatten was discovered.
I have been reading RSS literature for a long time. Even though RSS is not less than Nazi party but they have a great role in unification of india. RSS have worked a lot to remove caste system. Dehumanizing Muslims is actually required by hindus to unite. Hindus have no commonality from language to color to food to gods. RSS invented an enemy (Muslims) to unite hindus.
Our establishment have been keeping us united under umbrella of Islam. But there are many forces ethnic, national and insurgent which want to destroy Pakistan. Army can't defeat them ideologically. There is a requirement of a non political ideological entity to answer all propaganda of these disruptive forces.
Good news is there are a lot of bloggers, social media activists who are responding to PTM, BLA, Sindhu desh etc. But a united front is required just like RSS.

Believe it or not we are one of the pioneer's of that ideology. It works ok for some time but then it back fires..

Fighting as one under a religious banner, extreme beliefs etc.. that reminds me of so many terrorist organizations That Pakistan fought against in the past 20 years. Who do you think we were fighting against??

Rss is the worst thing that happened to India. Rss wants to make India a truly Hindu nation where Hindu's will be given priority over others. When that happens...

1)A genocide will likely happen against Muslims at best

2) Muslims will want a separate country

3) Pakistan/China(Economically) will jump at that opportunity to save the Ummah . Breath down India's neck..

3) other minoritys will get scared and will want same or suffer in the process

4) Economy will go down Investors Don't like instability. Arabs will think twice before Investing

5) Modi can't go to arab leaders and brag about the 2nd biggest population of Muslim's.

6) India Can't Claim it's worlds biggest democracy.

7) West will give India a bad eye..

Worst case scenarios Muslims want a separate country.. and succeed
Chain reaction starts with Tamil, Punjabi's, Kashmirs etc all wanting a separate country..

Do we want something like that for Pak heck no. We been trying to get rid of that crap.
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You mean wear brown Chaddi's and saffron Dupatta and look ugly as Possible ? No Thank you ..

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