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As a Pakistani I suggest we should again for heaven's sake form good relationship with US and request them to share some tech of F-22 RAPTOR and after that the enemy will not see that one coming....
Are you for real? You think Pakistan has any real shot of the F-22 when literally Japan and the UK, which are some of the US' closest allies do not have access to it? Come on man ... this is 10 times more unrealistic than the PAF getting the Block 70/72, which by itself is already basically impossible in the current geopolitical climate. This is one giant slippery slope.
J-15s will not be exported due to its closeness to the Su-33 (even though it was based on a Ukranian T-10K prototype). Russia would understandably be quite upset if China exported this ... Pakistan's best shot is the new J-35 fighter that is going to be unveiled next year. It would be much more advanced than the J-15 is anyway.

Via @_老年_ from Weibo
View attachment 666586
See....even with our 3rd gen planes....Pak is used to be a close ally of US....
We fought side by side in cold war....They gave us F-16....We only need to have them a forward operating base in Peshawar for sometime....And also accesses in Arabian ....for stealth tech its nothing.... But it should literally effect our ties with China....Should I tell What a Ford class carrier do????
Dude this is literally impossible. Plain and simple. The US has not even given their closest allies (e.g. Israel, UK, Japan) access to the F-22 and you are saying they will give Pakistan the F-22, especially in light of trying to use India to contain China? Come on man be real. The US already has huge reservations especially after the stealthy UH-60 crash in Pakistan and the subsequent visits by Chinese engineers.
Actually we want that specific J-15 one with
1 shorter landing and takeoff
2 high range.
3 Used as tactical bomber
As a Pakistani I suggest we should again for heaven's sake form good relationship with US and request them to share some tech of F-22 RAPTOR and after that the enemy will not see that one coming....
J-20 J-31 are not par with F-22 and F-35.All the world best aviation engineer made them these US planes.
Just like 1980 F-16s still able to fight with
Su-30 mki....
Tell me you are kidding.

No one in its sane mind can think of that ...
Dude this is literally impossible. Plain and simple. The US has not even given their closest allies (e.g. Israel, UK, Japan) access to the F-22 and you are saying they will give Pakistan the F-22, especially in light of trying to use India to contain China? Come on man be real. The US already has huge reservations especially after the stealthy UH-60 crash in Pakistan and the subsequent visits by Chinese engineers.
yup but US gave them F-35 which somewhat more advance than F-22....In light of India to contain if Pak does not intervene it favours their situation....We were the former op of their Starfighter which is the F-22 of its era....And sharing some notes does not effect....Our relationship with them is long....
Anything for a formation of this type.
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yup but US gave them F-35 which somewhat more advance than F-22....In light of India to contain if Pak does not intervene it favours their situation....We were the former op of their Starfighter which is the F-22 of its era....And sharing some notes does not effect....Our relationship with them is long....
Anything for a formation of this type.View attachment 666885
You are wrong.

The lead american fighter of that era was F4 phantom and not F104 furthermore, you are talking about cold war era where both USA and soviet union were looking for allies. Furthermore, at that time USA aircraft were at max were at par with soviet union if not inferior.

F22 is a different league with some of the tech not even available in f35 specially with respect to detection.
You are wrong.

The lead american fighter of that era was F4 phantom and not F104 furthermore, you are talking about cold war era where both USA and soviet union were looking for allies. Furthermore, at that time USA aircraft were at max were at par with soviet union if not inferior.

F22 is a different league with some of the tech not even available in f35 specially with respect to detection.
Sir,The F-4 F-5 F-14 F-15 and F-16 are of same era i.e somewhere between 15 to 20 year that lies in late 60s ls to early 80s.... it is not the right thread but if there was no F-16 then we would not have JF-17 thanks to USA.
Sir,The F-4 F-5 F-14 F-15 and F-16 are of same era i.e somewhere between 15 to 20 year that lies in late 60s ls to early 80s.... it is not the right thread but if there was no F-16 then we would not have JF-17 thanks to USA.
No borther F4, F5 and F104 are of same time period i.e. late 50s and early 60s. F14 to f16 are later period aircraft started flying in 70s.

Yes F16 was given to us to fight soviet and at that time f15 were the top aircraft and we asked for f15s which were denied to us.

TOday is a different time when there is no soviet. We are not fighting China. Even if we sold ourselves and become US pawn against China then at max we will get f35.
There is no amount of money that Pakistan can reasonable offer for China to sell something that will obviously endanger military relations with Russia. We have to be reasonable here. Plus, since the J-35 will come out next year, why would Pakistan want a fourth generation carrier based fighter?

You don't know the ABC of China - Pakistan strategic ties, and hence you are making such simplistic statements.

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