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impressive Romanian design ... Its good to see Pakistan armed force policy of diversification of technology. In Navy, Pakistan adopt, German,American,Turkish,Chinese and now Romanian technology ..

He mean to say, why not named something from Pakistan. PNS Karachi , PNS Punjab, PNS Sher Khan , PNS Shabbir Shareef etc etc ...
Dutch Design. Damen is a Dutch company. They bought a shipyard in Romania. Dutch are one of the best small/medium size vessel designers.

Naming naval ships follow a methodology depending on the class of ships. The type of names you suggest have been used for example PNS Larkana etc.
Pak forces across all services continue with their linear conventional thinking. Frigates, more light frigates, even lighter frigates, more patrol boats floating around as corvettes, under-powered and under-equipped "fast" attack craft...

Asymmetrical warfare and procurement is the only way forward. Distributed lethality plopped on patrol vessels and merchant ships. Yes more subs of different roles and varying capabilities and designs. Flexible weapons modules ala Stanflex. As mentioned UAVs and UUVs of varying degree. All would be a lot cheaper and effective than trying to compete vertically or in the conventional sense. Would deliver deterrence instead of fanboy dreams of a far-sea large blue water navy.

Brilliantly summarized. Thank you.
I know but I was expecting it to first get Radar and weapon integration done in Pakistan before induction into active service with PN ....

Commissioning a ship is a ceremonial event to bring it on PNs account.
The W&S will be installed now.
Till then it will not take part in any active deployments.

Sir, should we expect the second pair after PNS Yarmook and PNS Tabuk?

No, I guess not.

We have 8 ships in line other than that.
54s & Milgems.

New Warships are a moral booster for everyone serving Pakistan.
We should go for Type 052Ds now

Should had gone for Smart MK-S 3D Search Radar
Roles of these 2 ships are different from 4 Type 054A/Ps , 4 Milgems and even 4 F22Ps . These will be for RMSP , Coastal security and defense , foreign visits , Policing , intelligence gathering roles , Only wartime deployments against India close to Pakistan e.t.c e.t.c .
Roles of these 2 ships are different from 4 Type 054A/Ps , 4 Milgems and even 4 F22Ps . These will be for RMSP , Coastal security and defense , foreign visits , Policing , intelligence gathering roles , Only wartime deployments against India close to Pakistan e.t.c e.t.c .
Please do hint what type of weapons these OPVs shall have, it was repeated by PN officials that these OPVs are for Navy and shall support ASW, AD and ASHM roles. Shall be armed domestically but now we are getting another picture with many ifs. Our sole OHP is without credible AD and F22P have limited air defense capability, we should immediately arm them properly with some capable SAMs though short range with other gadgets.
So total of 12 ships getting Alper radar... could it be:
4 Milgem / Jinnah class
4 F-22P
4 Yarmook (assuming 2 more are bought)
2 Yarmouk and 2 new upgraded Azmat Class.
So total of 12 ships getting Alper radar... could it be:
4 Milgem / Jinnah class
4 F-22P
4 Yarmook (assuming 2 more are bought)
2 Yarmouk and 2 new upgraded Azmat Class.

could be 4 Milgem, 4 F-22, 2 Yarmook and 1 for Refuelling tanker (has a limited combat role) and 1 for OHP?

Unlikley we would order 4 for Yarmook class if we have not even ordered 3rd and 4th vessal
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