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Pakistan Navy and Amphibious transport dock ships

Time to give our 12000 Marines some serious Hardware




12000 hmm
I find that without Amphibious Attack skills we cannot come to aid our allies at war time , as we can't move Tanks/ Helicopters and troops easily with out appropriate ships
Would be very unwise, for a navy that does not even have a destroyer. PN simply cannot dedicate enough firepower to support large amphibious ops far from home. Neither air power, nor ship based. Who will give air cover to the amphibious transpot ships?

Without credible aircover or sufficient firepower to accompany them, they would be sitting (ok, moving) ducks for the enemy. The expensive ship and hundreds of marines would meet a watery grave before setting sight on enemy shores.

Even the IN, which is five times bigger than PN, has only modest amphibious capabilities. At present, they are training to defend India's numerous, strategically vital island chains. It will be a few years before IN has the capability to land a brigade on enemy shores. But they are working on developing that capability, at the new (very large) amphibious training facility in the new joint command at Andaman and Nicobar islands.

Hypothetically though, if the PN has the ability to land amphibious forces in India, it would be a big headache for India, because we cannot then afford to leave the huge southern landmass so sparsely defended. We would not be able to concentrate all our forces in north and central India, if there was a possibility of an amphibious invasion landing at Cochin or Mumbai or Chennai. Happily though, that possibility does not even exist in the hypothetical realm. No country bar the USA can accomplish such a feat.

landing in Chennai is easy. supporting them with supplies would stretch your supply lines
We should not be India centric we may play our role in Arab world in near future if situation worsens there. Further SSG-N don't have limited role to protect coast line. They shall be used in offensive role in any future war scenario i.e for demolition and sabotage missions of enemy naval assets withing it's ports.

I believe that after Pak getting new Subs role of marines will be increased. We should also arm them with plat forms like MRTP, Hover crafts and especially with Midget Submarines which can be prepared locally.Further for Areal support and transportation they should be provided with Mi35 type platforms in future.
Every modern navy have Amphibious transport dock ships

have we any plan for such type of ships in near future

Hmm so you guys want to bypass the rest of India and invade Goa. I know what you guys are planning ;)
I think if PN can try to negotiate with US for LPDs about 3 of them then something can happen for sure. Also, PN should try to negotiate with US for OHPs OR may be UK for 13 used Frigates and along with 3 from Chile of the same class.
I think if PN can try to negotiate with US for LPDs about 3 of them then something can happen for sure. Also, PN should try to negotiate with US for OHPs OR may be UK for 13 used Frigates and along with 3 from Chile of the same class.

And why do we need these LST. LPD etc.?
And why do we need these LST. LPD etc.?
Its a logic thing: "we have marines, therefor we need amphibious assault ships". Ignoring that marines are put to work in a whole number of ways, short of amphibious assault (which is kind of a very limited part of their job)
PN needs destroyers capable of launching land attack cruise missiles, air defence frigates, at least 2 fighter squadrons and a nuclear submarine
amphibious transport dock is the least of the priorities
Pakistan is not invading any country via sea
indian pakistan border near the sea is covered with salt marshes the only to move through them is via rubber boats and hovercrafts
Its a logic thing: "we have marines, therefor we need amphibious assault ships". Ignoring that marines are put to work in a whole number of ways, short of amphibious assault (which is kind of a very limited part of their job)

IMHO equipping Marines with LST's is certainly not a priority for PN when they lack effective surface combatants in quantity and undersea capability.

Furthermore, this capability will mean a purely offensive role for the PN Marine force for which, if envisaged as such, would require a lot more goodies to be added to PN inventory before PN(M)can become an effective offensive force.
Its a logic thing: "we have marines, therefor we need amphibious assault ships". Ignoring that marines are put to work in a whole number of ways, short of amphibious assault (which is kind of a very limited part of their job)

Though PN has not much money in Hand but at least used equipment from US can be bought:
2-3 LPDs
2-3 LHDs
new/used Chinooks
new/used Sea Stallions
new/used Sea Hawks
new/used Super Cobras
new/used Bell-412

This will allow the PN to adopt similar helicopters too.

Its a logic thing: "we have marines, therefor we need amphibious assault ships". Ignoring that marines are put to work in a whole number of ways, short of amphibious assault (which is kind of a very limited part of their job)
Also, LPDs and LHDs are like carriers and some OHPs along with Agosta-90Bs can escort them for missions in Indian ocean too.

IMHO equipping Marines with LST's is certainly not a priority for PN when they lack effective surface combatants in quantity and undersea capability.

Furthermore, this capability will mean a purely offensive role for the PN Marine force for which, if envisaged as such, would require a lot more goodies to be added to PN inventory before PN(M)can become an effective offensive force.
Marines will soon be becoming a separate force. I have heard this here. So, for this you can't suggest and compare it with PN any more. Marines will buy their own things like:
Turboprop Aircraft
Fighter Aircrafts
Mini Submarines - Germany/Italy/France/Sweden/S.Korea

PN will have:
Destroyers - I believe they will sell the F-22P to Algeria in favor of Chinese ones
Frigates - May be from UK (13) + Chile (3)
MPAs - P-3Cs+ATR-72s
Submarines - Chinese+Germans+French - May be 8 of each
Fighter Aircrafts
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