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Pakistan Naval Aviation - Updated

we need to replace old junky helos with
better chinese z-9 and z15
Each time i look at the neighbour and their navy, not to mention the ambitions, i see the opposite happening in the PN. With ancient and nearly falling apart assets in active service, if one likes to call them assets at all, will only lead PN to rude awakening. A long list of idiotic acquisitions is there. Should i start counting?

- 5 Type 21s that even a junkyard wont take
- The way past their prime recently inducted Seakings
- Did i forget mighty Lynx that were disposed off ALONG with spares?


Lynx saga is a clear case of bad planning, if there was any planning at all. Worse, when push will come to shove, as far as PN is concerned, there is no plan. Simple as that. Not to mention, you guys cannot even answer two queries properly at defense exhibitions. What to say about your ability to defend the coastline.

The current state of affairs are abysmal to say the least.

Truly sorry state of affairs!!

I pay my taxes and reserve the right to question the reasoning behind such idiotic inductions. Do you?

You nailed it Sir!
we need to replace old junky helos with
better chinese z-9 and z15

First I want to see a Z-9 or Z-15 survive fourty years of service.
The Z-9 are based on the Dauphin, not designed for maritime operations. If you do not take them apart often for inspection, corrosion will be a big problem. Also, try to fly a Z-9 into high winds on a rescue mission or use the hoist in anything but fair weather. Good luck...
Criticism is easy, do you have a solution? Do you not know the economic condition of Pakistan? Do the armed forces not want new toys? You make it sound like government gives them funds to buy new ones but they choose to buy old ones. Before you start ranting on such topics its better to have a clear understanding of the issue, besides who says the helo went down due to technical fault? @Rashid Mahmood clearly stated it was a manoeuvering accident that can happen with any machine despite its age.

Each time i look at the neighbour and their navy, not to mention the ambitions, i see the opposite happening in the PN. With ancient and nearly falling apart assets in active service, if one likes to call them assets at all, will only lead PN to rude awakening. A long list of idiotic acquisitions is there. Should i start counting?

- 5 Type 21s that even a junkyard wont take
- The way past their prime recently inducted Seakings
- Did i forget mighty Lynx that were disposed off ALONG with spares?

Lynx saga is a clear case of bad planning, if there was any planning at all. Worse, when push will come to shove, as far as PN is concerned, there is no plan. Simple as that. Not to mention, you guys cannot even answer two queries properly at defense exhibitions. What to say about your ability to defend the coastline.

The current state of affairs are abysmal to say the least.

Truly sorry state of affairs!!

I pay my taxes and reserve the right to question the reasoning behind such idiotic inductions. Do you?

piling up scraps and leftovers from all over the world will lead to more accidents. A strange frame of mind that is beyond me and many in this country.
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Each time there is an accident, one comes across ‘knee-jerk’ posts describing the Pak Navy brass as nincompoops and describing PN hardware as junk. I can understand the anger & frustration of my compatriots because undoubtedly most of Pakistan Navy hardware is second hand and obsolete compared to the Indian Navy. Nevertheless, my compatriots must recognize two very important ground realities.

1. Sea King is an extremely reliable and potent ASW platform. Original version Sikorsky SH-3 entered service in 1961 with US Navy; SH-3 is still used by the Italian, Brazilian & Argentine navies.

Sea King version entered Service in 1969 with the Royal Navy and after nearly 50 years it is still in active service with the German, Indian & Pakistan Navies. Sea King has been in PN Service since 1972 and to the best of my info, this is only the 2nd loss.

Additionally, 'Accidents' will happen, even with the newest equipment and not necessarily related to the age/ maintenance or the manufacturing fault. The only thing to do is to investigate the causes of the accident and try to minimise the needless loss of the valuable trained manpower.

2. Most importantly, Pakistan is on the verge of ‘Bankruptcy’, we have to borrow money merely to pay off existing debt instalment, but here I see posts calling PN brass as idiots and that why they don’t they buy this or that.

Why can’t intelligent members of this forum understand that regardless of our ‘Wishlist’ Pakistan simply does not have the resources and like it or not; PN must make do with what we have or do without.
Each time there is an accident, one comes across ‘knee-jerk’ posts describing the Pak Navy brass as nincompoops and describing PN hardware as junk. I can understand the anger & frustration of my compatriots because undoubtedly most of Pakistan Navy hardware is second hand and obsolete compared to the Indian Navy. Nevertheless, my compatriots must recognize two very important ground realities.

1. Sea King is an extremely reliable and potent ASW platform. Original version Sikorsky SH-3 entered service in 1961 with US Navy; SH-3 is still used by the Italian, Brazilian & Argentine navies.

Sea King version entered Service in 1969 with the Royal Navy and after nearly 50 years it is still in active service with the German, Indian & Pakistan Navies. Sea King has been in PN Service since 1972 and to the best of my info, this is only the 2nd loss.

Additionally, 'Accidents' will happen, even with the newest equipment and not necessarily related to the age/ maintenance or the manufacturing fault. The only thing to do is to investigate the causes of the accident and try to minimise the needless loss of the valuable trained manpower.

2. Most importantly, Pakistan is on the verge of ‘Bankruptcy’, we have to borrow money merely to pay off existing debt instalment, but here I see posts calling PN brass as idiots and that why they don’t they buy this or that.

Why can’t intelligent members of this forum understand that regardless of our ‘Wishlist’ Pakistan simply does not have the resources and like it or not; PN must make do with what we have or do without.

Niaz bhai,

Thanks for enlightening us with your knowledge. Appreciate your input on the matter.

As for some members, even those with a handful of posts under their belt jumped the gun in defending PN's decisions but nobody cared to consider the concern behind that post. As a concerned citizen, i know the navy gets the least share among all arms but even then their acquisitions are often questionable. There is no knee jerk reaction here, rather a concerned, near worried citizen spoke his heart out.

The crash involved lives of MY soldiers! I have every right to feel concerned and question the acquisition of assets.
Niaz bhai,

Thanks for enlightening us with your knowledge. Appreciate your input on the matter.

As for some members, even those with a handful of posts under their belt jumped the gun in defending PN's decisions but nobody cared to consider the concern behind that post. As a concerned citizen, i know the navy gets the least share among all arms but even then their acquisitions are often questionable. There is no knee jerk reaction here, rather a concerned, near worried citizen spoke his heart out.

The crash involved lives of MY soldiers! I have every right to feel concerned and question the acquisition of assets.
I fully agree and sympathize with your post. However wd need to objectively analyze the PN acquisitions in light of what was available in the a.ount they had to spend. I will emphasize availability being buying power and willingness of sellers.

Does the Pak Navy Admiral ride a BMW limo back and forth to work---and are there multiple BMW's / Mercedez Benz in navy Admiral's transport fleet---if there are---then everyone talking in support of navy is an equal criminal in the crime of stealing from the nation---.
Some years back, PN wanted to acquire 6x Seahawk helicopters to replace the Sea King fleet. This didn't materialize and consequently the Sea Kings were put through an upgrade process which included installation of Leonardo Seaspray 5300 AESA radar, etc.
Some years back, PN wanted to acquire 6x Seahawk helicopters to replace the Sea King fleet. This didn't materialize and consequently the Sea Kings were put through an upgrade process which included installation of Leonardo Seaspray 5300 AESA radar, etc.

I think seakawk were for six US ships expected part of eda which never materialised so no seahawk as well
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