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Pakistan Naval Aviation - Updated

Sea King.

The sad part is that it was one of those that navy recently acquired from UK. That fleet (6) should be grounded and left to be used as spares. For now the navy must do with their original inventory.
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The sad part is that it was one of those that navy recently acquired from UK. That fleet (6) should be grounded and left to be used as spares. For now the navy must to with their original inventory.

It was a maneuvering accident, which could happen with any aircraft.

All aircraft's are flown keeping in view the flight safety standards.
Which to ground and which to fly, is the decision of the user.
It was a maneuvering accident, which could happen with any aircraft.

All aircraft's are flown keeping in view the flight safety standards.
Which to ground and which to fly, is the decision of the user.

piling up scraps and leftovers from all over the world will lead to more accidents. A strange frame of mind that is beyond me and many in this country.
piling up scraps and leftovers from all over the world will lead to more accidents. A strange frame of mind that is beyond me and many in this country.

The user is not an idiot to fly scrap.
Life of an aircrew is more important to them.

Every a/c has its airframe life and parts life. These are NOT compromised in any case.
Not sure what world do some folks live o
country can not pay it short term debt corruption now 99% in all dealing in billions no one wants to pay taxes and expecting buy new stuff and not old :D
The user is not an idiot to fly scrap.
Life of an aircrew is more important to them.

Every a/c has its airframe life and parts life. These are NOT compromised in any case.

Each time i look at the neighbour and their navy, not to mention the ambitions, i see the opposite happening in the PN. With ancient and nearly falling apart assets in active service, if one likes to call them assets at all, will only lead PN to rude awakening. A long list of idiotic acquisitions is there. Should i start counting?

- 5 Type 21s that even a junkyard wont take
- The way past their prime recently inducted Seakings
- Did i forget mighty Lynx that were disposed off ALONG with spares?


Lynx saga is a clear case of bad planning, if there was any planning at all. Worse, when push will come to shove, as far as PN is concerned, there is no plan. Simple as that. Not to mention, you guys cannot even answer two queries properly at defense exhibitions. What to say about your ability to defend the coastline.

The current state of affairs are abysmal to say the least.

Turkey is sending a 25 men rescue team to Pakistan along with equipment and a plane to look for the wreckage.

Truly sorry state of affairs!!

Not sure what world do some folks live o
country can not pay it short term debt corruption now 99% in all dealing in billions no one wants to pay taxes and expecting buy new stuff and not old :D

I pay my taxes and reserve the right to question the reasoning behind such idiotic inductions. Do you?
New aircraft are not somehow prone to accidents. No need to jump the gun when the cause of the crash is unknown
While I am addressing your panic striken posts. You have a problem with it, do something about it
Lucky for me, this is a public forum and someone's living room, hence everyone is allowed to express their views regardless of whether others agree with them or not. You thought my tone had a problem, but I think its just your perception issue.

BTW as of last year, Indian Navy was looking to purchase 4 Sea Kings from Canada to supplement their fleet. Not sure if that went anywhere but it is potentially a good venue for PN to increase its force numbers until a replacement is on the cards down the line. We might even be one of the six countries that expressed interest in them.

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