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Pakistan Naval Aviation - Updated

Z-18 would be an ideal replacement for the venerable the SH-3 Sea King. The latter has served long past its shelf life, and in the coming years would be in need to be completely replaced.

There is no such thing as "Shelf Life" for an aircraft. It is not a consumable item.
PN never operated the SH-3.
Yes thank you for the correction, Pakistan Navy hasn't operated SH-3s. The other variants of Sea King by OEM Sikorsky (American) and licensed built Westland (British). The "Shelf Life" was just an expression, what I meant was that this is an old rotorcraft and shall be in need of replacement. The Z-18s look ideal, in terms of size and capabilities.
There is no such thing as "Shelf Life" for an aircraft. It is not a consumable item.
PN never operated the SH-3.


Anything that has to do with sensors---does not mean that when it gets old it becomes obsolete---.

My experience says that it all depends on your operator and your team leader---how they tag team the information.
wow beautiful snap!! I saw this as i have the same view from my office window! Thanks for sharing windie
The recent addition one has army green and yellow paint scheme vs older one having black/blueish tone
Actually 6, but 3 are being dismantled for spares.

I think 7 even:
3 inducted 17 HAR3A (yellow), 18 HC4+ (crashed), 19 HC4+ (green)
2 for spares in Pakistan ZA295 (HC4+) and ZH545 (HAR3A)
2 for spares remain in stock in UK ZA296 and ZA299 (both HC4+)
Or am I misinformed?
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